# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""
Created on Mon Nov 27 21:36:12 2023@author: cnliu
pip install pypdf2 #安装pypdf2 --3.o版
"""from PyPDF2 import PdfWriter, PdfReader
import os#pathToPDF = input('something like /home/pedro/Latin/ ... ')
pathToPDF ="d:/书/"
path2Extracts ='d:/'# get the names of the files available to extract from
files = os.listdir(pathToPDF)# show the files in a loop so you can choose 1# I haven't done that here# choose a PDF from a list of PDFs from as bookname#bookTitle = bookname.replace('.pdf', '')
bookname ="AHaSuanFa.pdf"# read the pdf
pdf = PdfReader(pathToPDF + bookname)#pages = pdf.getNumPages() (deprecated)
pages =len(pdf.pages)print('This pdf has '+str(pages)+' pages')print('What pages do you want to get?')
startnum =input('what is the starting page number? ')print('If your last page is page 76, enter 76 for the end number')
endnum =input('what is the last page number? ')
start =int(startnum)-1
end =int(endnum)# only need to open pdfWriter 1 time
pdf_writer = PdfWriter()for page inrange(start, end):pdf_writer.add_page(pdf.pages[page])print('Enter the savename for this pdf, like CE3U8')
savename =input('Enter the name to save this pdf under, like CE3U8 No need to add .pdf ... ')
output_filename = savename +'.pdf'withopen(path2Extracts + output_filename,'wb')as out:pdf_writer.write(out)print(f'Created: {output_filename} and saved in', path2Extracts)print('All done!')
一、 为什么出现
Docker是基于Go语言实现的云开源项目。 Docker的主要目标是“Build,Ship and Run Any App,Anywhere”,也就是通过对应用组件的封装、分发、部署、运行等生命周期的管理,使用户的APP(可以是一个WEB应用或数据库应…