sass 封装媒体查询工具

news/2024/12/29 2:22:58/



.header {display: flex;width: 100%;
}@media (width >= 320px) and (width <= 480px) {.header {height: 50px;}
}@media (width > 480px) and (width <= 768px) {.header {height: 60px;}
}@media (width > 768px) and (width <= 1024px) {.header {height: 70px;}
}@media (width > 1024px) and (width <= 1200) {.header {height: 80px;}
}@media (width > 1200) {.header {height: 100px;}

以上写法可以看到写起来非常不方便,可读性也很差。因此希望用 sass 优化一下写法。



.header {display: flex;width: 100%;手机: {height: 50px;}平板: {height: 60px;}...

sass 混合功能

sass/scss 快速入门

/* 定义混合函数 */
@mixin flexCenter($jus_c: center, $ali_i: center) {display: flex;justify-content: $jus_c;align-items: $ali_i;
}/* 使用混合函数 */
.header {width: 100%;@include flexCenter(space-between, flex-end);

sass if判断和插槽

混合函数中使用 @if判断区分不同设备,@content类似于 vue 插槽接收使用者在方法体中插入的内容。

@mixin respond-to($breakpoint) {@if $breakpoint == mobile {@media screen and (width <= 767px) {@content;}} @else if $breakpoint == tablet {@media screen and (width >= 768px) and (width <= 1023px) {@content;}} @else if $breakpoint == desktop {@media screen and (width >= 1024px) {@content;}} @else if $breakpoint == wide {@media screen and (width >= 1200px) {@content;}}


.header {width: 100%;height: 100vh;@include respond-to(mobile) {height: 100px;}@include respond-to(tablet) {height: 200px;}...background-color: rgb(139 133 133);

上面代码已经基本达到书写媒体查询的目标。但是 if else 太多了,不好看。还可以用策略模式优化一下。

进阶:sass 定义对象优化代码结构

用 hash 映射优化 if,也就是定义一个对象。sass 中可以定义对象。
注意:sass 中()括号就代表 js 的花括号{}和方括号[]

以下就是一个对象,这 5 个属性设置 5 个断点,除最后一个大屏外,其他断点属性值为数组。
之前的代码设置了 4 个断点,区别不大。

/* 定义断点对象 */
$breakpoints: (phone: (320px,480px),pad: (481px,768px),notebook: (769px,1024px),desktop: (1025px,1280px),tv: 1281px

sass 读取对象中的值:

  • map-get(obj, prop):获取对象的属性值

sass 判断数据类型:

  • type-of($var)
    • 数组类型:list
    • 数值类型:number
@mixin respond-to($breakname) {/* 1. 读取断点对象属性值 */$bp: map-get($breakpoints, $breakname);/* 2. 类型判断是否为数组 */@if type-of($bp) == "list" {/* 3. 取出数组中的数据 */$min: nth($bp, 1);$max: nth($bp, 2);@media screen and (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {@content;}/* 4. tv 大屏 */} @else if type-of($bp) == "number" {@media screen and (min-width: $bp) {@content;}} @else {@warn "`$breakname` is not a valid breakpoint name.";}

vite 配置全局使用

直接在组件中 @include 使用混合函数,可能会报错:

  • [vite] Internal server error: [sass] Undefined mixin.


这是因为 minix 需要预编译,在 vite 中配置:

export default defineConfig({css: {preprocessorOptions: {scss: {javascriptEnabled: true,additionalData: `@use "@/styles/minix.scss" as *;`}}}


.header {width: 100%;height: 100vh;@include respond-to(phone) {height: 100px;}@include respond-to(tv) {height: 200px;}background-color: rgb(139 133 133);


$breakpoints: (phone: (320px,480px),pad: (481px,768px),notebook: (769px,1024px),desktop: (1025px,1280px),tv: 1281px
);@mixin respond-to($breakname) {/* 1. 读取断点对象属性值 */$bp: map-get($breakpoints, $breakname);/* 2. 类型判断是否为数组 */@if type-of($bp) == "list" {/* 3. 取出数组中的数据 */$min: nth($bp, 1);$max: nth($bp, 2);@media screen and (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {@content;}/* 4. tv 大屏 */} @else if type-of($bp) == "number" {@media screen and (min-width: $bp) {@content;}} @else {@warn "`$breakname` is not a valid breakpoint name.";}


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