wemos d1 r1点亮st7735s屏幕(Z180SN019)

news/2025/1/16 3:44:16/

使用wemos d1 r1点亮st7735s屏幕

wemos d1 r1是一个价格美丽但是资料很乱的板子,买来后闲置了很久,因为从淘宝入手了一块屏幕所以想用它点亮一下。
wemos d1 r1




打开arduino IDE,转到 文件/首选项/附加开发板管理网址,改为http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json

然后从 项目/加载库/管理库,搜索并安装 Adafruit GFX Library 和 Adafruit ST7735 Library




打开 文件/示例/Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 Library/graphictest,修改引脚定义为
#define TFT_CS D1
#define TFT_RST D0
#define TFT_DC D2



/**************************************************************************This is a library for several Adafruit displays based on ST77* drivers.Works with the Adafruit 1.8" TFT Breakout w/SD card----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/358The 1.8" TFT shield----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/802The 1.44" TFT breakout----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/2088The 1.14" TFT breakout----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/4383The 1.3" TFT breakout----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/4313The 1.54" TFT breakout----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/3787The 2.0" TFT breakout----> https://www.adafruit.com/product/4311as well as Adafruit raw 1.8" TFT display----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/618Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams.These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required tointerface (RST is optional).Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasingproducts from Adafruit!Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution**************************************************************************/#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7735
#include <Adafruit_ST7789.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7789
#include <SPI.h>#if defined(ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32) // Feather Huzzah32#define TFT_CS         14#define TFT_RST        15#define TFT_DC         32#elif defined(ESP8266)#define TFT_CS         D1#define TFT_RST        D0                                            #define TFT_DC         D2#else// For the breakout board, you can use any 2 or 3 pins.// These pins will also work for the 1.8" TFT shield.#define TFT_CS        D1#define TFT_RST        D0 // Or set to -1 and connect to Arduino RESET pin#define TFT_DC         D2
#endif// OPTION 1 (recommended) is to use the HARDWARE SPI pins, which are unique
// to each board and not reassignable. For Arduino Uno: MOSI = pin 11 and
// SCLK = pin 13. This is the fastest mode of operation and is required if
// using the breakout board's microSD card.// For 1.44" and 1.8" TFT with ST7735 use:
Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);// For 1.14", 1.3", 1.54", and 2.0" TFT with ST7789:
//Adafruit_ST7789 tft = Adafruit_ST7789(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);// OPTION 2 lets you interface the display using ANY TWO or THREE PINS,
// tradeoff being that performance is not as fast as hardware SPI above.
//#define TFT_MOSI 11  // Data out
//#define TFT_SCLK 13  // Clock out// For ST7735-based displays, we will use this call
//Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_SCLK, TFT_RST);// OR for the ST7789-based displays, we will use this call
//Adafruit_ST7789 tft = Adafruit_ST7789(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_SCLK, TFT_RST);float p = 3.1415926;void setup(void) {Serial.begin(9600);Serial.print(F("Hello! ST77xx TFT Test"));// Use this initializer if using a 1.8" TFT screen:tft.initR(INITR_BLACKTAB);      // Init ST7735S chip, black tab// OR use this initializer if using a 1.8" TFT screen with offset such as WaveShare:// tft.initR(INITR_GREENTAB);      // Init ST7735S chip, green tab// OR use this initializer (uncomment) if using a 1.44" TFT://tft.initR(INITR_144GREENTAB); // Init ST7735R chip, green tab// OR use this initializer (uncomment) if using a 0.96" 160x80 TFT://tft.initR(INITR_MINI160x80);  // Init ST7735S mini display// OR use this initializer (uncomment) if using a 1.3" or 1.54" 240x240 TFT://tft.init(240, 240);           // Init ST7789 240x240// OR use this initializer (uncomment) if using a 2.0" 320x240 TFT://tft.init(240, 320);           // Init ST7789 320x240// OR use this initializer (uncomment) if using a 1.14" 240x135 TFT://tft.init(135, 240);           // Init ST7789 240x135// SPI speed defaults to SPI_DEFAULT_FREQ defined in the library, you can override it here// Note that speed allowable depends on chip and quality of wiring, if you go too fast, you// may end up with a black screen some times, or all the time.//tft.setSPISpeed(40000000);//tft.initR(INITR_REDTAB);Serial.println(F("Initialized"));uint16_t time = millis();tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);time = millis() - time;Serial.println(time, DEC);delay(500);// large block of texttft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);testdrawtext("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur adipiscing ante sed nibh tincidunt feugiat. Maecenas enim massa, fringilla sed malesuada et, malesuada sit amet turpis. Sed porttitor neque ut ante pretium vitae malesuada nunc bibendum. Nullam aliquet ultrices massa eu hendrerit. Ut sed nisi lorem. In vestibulum purus a tortor imperdiet posuere. ", ST77XX_WHITE);delay(1000);// tft print function!tftPrintTest();delay(4000);// a single pixeltft.drawPixel(tft.width()/2, tft.height()/2, ST77XX_GREEN);delay(500);// line draw testtestlines(ST77XX_YELLOW);delay(500);// optimized linestestfastlines(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLUE);delay(500);testdrawrects(ST77XX_GREEN);delay(500);testfillrects(ST77XX_YELLOW, ST77XX_MAGENTA);delay(500);tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);testfillcircles(10, ST77XX_BLUE);testdrawcircles(10, ST77XX_WHITE);delay(500);testroundrects();delay(500);testtriangles();delay(500);mediabuttons();delay(500);Serial.println("done");delay(1000);
}void loop() {tft.invertDisplay(true);delay(500);tft.invertDisplay(false);delay(500);
}void testlines(uint16_t color) {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, 0, x, tft.height()-1, color);delay(0);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, 0, tft.width()-1, y, color);delay(0);}tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, 0, x, tft.height()-1, color);delay(0);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, 0, 0, y, color);delay(0);}tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, tft.height()-1, x, 0, color);delay(0);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, tft.height()-1, tft.width()-1, y, color);delay(0);}tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, tft.height()-1, x, 0, color);delay(0);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, tft.height()-1, 0, y, color);delay(0);}
}void testdrawtext(char *text, uint16_t color) {tft.setCursor(0, 0);tft.setTextColor(color);tft.setTextWrap(true);tft.print(text);
}void testfastlines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=5) {tft.drawFastHLine(0, y, tft.width(), color1);}for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=5) {tft.drawFastVLine(x, 0, tft.height(), color2);}
}void testdrawrects(uint16_t color) {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color);}
}void testfillrects(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);for (int16_t x=tft.width()-1; x > 6; x-=6) {tft.fillRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color1);tft.drawRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color2);}
}void testfillcircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {for (int16_t x=radius; x < tft.width(); x+=radius*2) {for (int16_t y=radius; y < tft.height(); y+=radius*2) {tft.fillCircle(x, y, radius, color);}}
}void testdrawcircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width()+radius; x+=radius*2) {for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height()+radius; y+=radius*2) {tft.drawCircle(x, y, radius, color);}}
}void testtriangles() {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);uint16_t color = 0xF800;int t;int w = tft.width()/2;int x = tft.height()-1;int y = 0;int z = tft.width();for(t = 0 ; t <= 15; t++) {tft.drawTriangle(w, y, y, x, z, x, color);x-=4;y+=4;z-=4;color+=100;}
}void testroundrects() {tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);uint16_t color = 100;int i;int t;for(t = 0 ; t <= 4; t+=1) {int x = 0;int y = 0;int w = tft.width()-2;int h = tft.height()-2;for(i = 0 ; i <= 16; i+=1) {tft.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 5, color);x+=2;y+=3;w-=4;h-=6;color+=1100;}color+=100;}
}void tftPrintTest() {tft.setTextWrap(false);tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);tft.setCursor(0, 30);tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED);tft.setTextSize(1);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_YELLOW);tft.setTextSize(2);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN);tft.setTextSize(3);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_BLUE);tft.setTextSize(4);tft.print(1234.567);delay(1500);tft.setCursor(0, 0);tft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE);tft.setTextSize(0);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextSize(1);tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN);tft.print(p, 6);tft.println(" Want pi?");tft.println(" ");tft.print(8675309, HEX); // print 8,675,309 out in HEX!tft.println(" Print HEX!");tft.println(" ");tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE);tft.println("Sketch has been");tft.println("running for: ");tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_MAGENTA);tft.print(millis() / 1000);tft.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE);tft.print(" seconds.");
}void mediabuttons() {// playtft.fillScreen(ST77XX_BLACK);tft.fillRoundRect(25, 10, 78, 60, 8, ST77XX_WHITE);tft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, ST77XX_RED);delay(500);// pausetft.fillRoundRect(25, 90, 78, 60, 8, ST77XX_WHITE);tft.fillRoundRect(39, 98, 20, 45, 5, ST77XX_GREEN);tft.fillRoundRect(69, 98, 20, 45, 5, ST77XX_GREEN);delay(500);// play colortft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, ST77XX_BLUE);delay(50);// pause colortft.fillRoundRect(39, 98, 20, 45, 5, ST77XX_RED);tft.fillRoundRect(69, 98, 20, 45, 5, ST77XX_RED);// play colortft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, ST77XX_GREEN);


WEMOS D1 and ST7735(接线及设置来源)




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