Redbook Chapter 7: Query Optimization翻译批注

news/2024/10/23 14:23:34/


Query optimization is one of the signature components of database technology—the bridge that connects declarative languages to efficient execution. Query optimizers have a reputation as one of the hardest parts of a DBMS to implement well, so it’s no surprise they remain a clear differentiator for mature commercial DBMSs. The best of the open-source relational database optimizers are limited by comparison, and some have relatively naive optimizers that only work for the simplest of queries.

查询优化是数据库标志性的技术——是连接计算机语言与高效执行方式的桥梁。查询优化被誉为 DBMS 中最难实现的部分之一,因此这也是最重要的一点来去区别于成熟的DBMS。比较来看,最好的开源关系型数据库优化器比较有限,只有一些相对简单的优化器,而且只能工作在简单的查询上面。

“optimizer”,就是数据库优化器。首先我们要知道SQL的逻辑处理过程是不考虑性能的,而实际上SQL的实际上的处理,或者说物理的处理是完全不一样的,在物理的层面上我们是可以走很多捷径的, 这也正是数据库优化器存在的意义。具体点来说提交SQL的时候我们只关心我们需要通过什么样的逻辑拿到目标数据,而至于SQL的具体如何执行,应该以什么样的顺序访问表,以什么方式访问哪一个索引,使用什么联结算法等,这些都是优化器应该考虑的事情。优化器的作用,就是为SQL生成最优化的执行计划,这些计划生成的前提是确保可以得到正确的结果,无法保证得回正确结果的执行计划是不会被考虑的,并且下一段提到了优化器“estimation techniques to guess at real plan costs”和“heuristics”启发式算法来保证效率准确度,这也说明我们需要提供足够的信息来保证优化器生成的执行计划是足够优化的。

It’s important to remember that no query optimizer is truly producing “optimal” plans. First, they all use estimation techniques to guess at real plan costs, and it’s well known that errors in these estimation techniques can balloon—in some circumstances being as bad as random guesses [7]. Second, optimizers use heuristics to limit the search space of plans they choose, since the problem is NP-hard [6]. One assumption that’s gotten significant attention recently is the traditional use of 2-table join operators; this has been shown to be theoretically inferior to new multi-way join algorithms in certain cases [12].

首先要明确的是,没有一个优化器正在创造完美的执行计划的。首先,他们都使用预测的技术来猜测真正执行计划的消耗,但众所周知,这些估算技术中的错误在一些情况下可能会激增。其次,因为问题是NP-hard,优化器会使用启发式方法(heuristics)来去限制执行计划的搜索空间。最近传统的2表连接运算使用吸引了很多的关注,这也展示出在某些情况下,理论上是不如新的多路连接算法(multi-way join algorithms)。




“multi-way join algorithms”多路连接,并不清楚这是什么,网络上也没有很明确的解释,可能就是指的我们在MySQL熟悉多个表的JOIN。

Despite these caveats, relational query optimization has proven successful, and has enabled relational database systems to serve a wide range of bread-and-butter use cases fairly well in practice. Database vendors have invested many years into getting their optimizers to perform reliably on a range of use cases. Users have learned to live with limitations on the number of joins. Optimizers still, for the most part, make declarative SQL queries a far better choice than imperative code for most uses.


“make declarative SQL queries a far better choice than imperative code for most uses.”,这句话提到了“declarative SQL”和“imperative code”, 也就是声明式和命令式。首先命令式就是说,你在写代码时,你需要一步一步告诉计算机怎么做,这样计算机是不具备智能的,只是很机械的完成你交代的任务;声明式是说,你告诉计算机你想要什么,计算机负责为你设计方法,最常见的声明式语言就是SQL,用户只告诉了DBMS想要获取什么,但没有指出如何计算。因此,DBMS需要将SQL语句转换成可执行的查询计划(Query Plan)。但是对同样的数据可以有多种查询方案,性能也差距很大,查询优化器(Query Optimizer)的任务就是从给定的查询中选择一个最优的方案。显然声明式很考验计算机的能力,所以这也回应了上一段的内容。

In addition to being hard to build and tune, serious query optimizers also have a tendency to grow increasingly complex over time as they evolve to handle richer workloads and more corner cases. The research literature on database query optimization is practically a field unto itself, full of technical details—many of which have been discussed in the literature by researchers at mature vendors like IBM and Microsoft who work closely with product groups. For this book, we focus on the big picture: the main architectures that have been considered for query optimization and how have they been reevaluated over time.

下文中提到的System R就是IBM最早提出的查询优化器。

We begin with the state of the art. There are two reference architectures for query optimization from the early days of database research that cover most of the serious optimizer implementations today. The first is Selinger et al.’s System R optimizer described in Chapter 3. System R’s optimizer is textbook material, implemented in many commercial systems; every database researcher is expected to understand it in detail. The second is the architecture that Goetz Graefe and his collaborators refined across a series of research projects: Exodus, Volcano, and Cascades. Graefe’s work is not covered as frequently in the research literature or the textbooks as the System R work, but it is widely used in practice, notably in Microsoft SQL Server, but purportedly in a number of other commercial systems as well. Graefe’s papers on the topic have something of an insider’s flavor—targeted for people who know and care about implementing query optimizers. We chose the Volcano paper for this book as the most approachable representative of the work, but aficionados should also read the Cascades paper [5]—not only does it raise and address a number of detailed deficiencies of Volcano, but it’s the latest (and hence standard) reference for the approach. Recently, two open-source Cascades-style optimizers have emerged: Greenplum’s Orca optimizer is now part of the Greenplum open source, and Apache Calcite is an optimizer that can be used with multiple backend query executors and languages, including LINQ.

我们先从目前的工艺水平开始。在数据库研究早期,有两种查询优化的参考体系结构,涵盖了如今大多数重要的优化器实现。第一个是在第三章提到过的Selinger等人的R系统优化器。R系统是教科书的材料,在许多商业系统中实现;每一个数据库研究都应该详细的理解他。第二个是Goetz Graefe和它的同事经过一系列项目所提炼出来的:Exodus,、Volcano和Cascades。Graefe的工作没有被研究论文像R系统一样经常提及,但是它在现实中被广泛使用,特别是在Microsoft SQL Server中,但是据说在其他的商业系统中也有。Graefe在这方面的文章也有一些内行家的味道——对于关注查询优化器的人。我们选择Volcano来作为这本数最平易近人的代表,但爱好者们也应该读读Cascades的论文——它不仅提出并解决了许多Volcano细节缺陷,而且也是最新的参考(因此也是最标准的)。最近,两个Cascades风格的开源优化器已经合并,Greenplum的Orca优化器是Greenplum开源项目的一部分。Apache Calcite是被使用在多后端查询执行器和多后端查询执行器语言的优化器,包括LING。

首先这个Volcano和Cascades分别指两种算法,将他们并列起来是因为二者是一脉相承的关系,很多基本思想是一样的;另外一点是很多有关Volcano 优化器的相关信息其实是由Cascades相关的文章总结和介绍的。Volcano给出了一个具有扩展性和通用性的查询优化器生成框架的设计理念,和一个粗粒度的搜索算法,但在工程实现方面基本没有描述。Cascades则是对Volcano做了很多改进,给出了工程实现相关的一些细节,比如用面向对象方式,提供了相关的数据结构定义,搜索流程等。

Volcano是一种基于成本的优化算法,其目的是基于一些假设和工程算法的实现, 在获得成本较优的执行方案的同时,可以通过剪枝和缓存中间结果(动态规划)的方法降低计算消耗。成本最优假设是Volcano的关键。这一假设认为,在最优的方案当中,取局部的结构来看其方案也是最优的。成本最优假设利用了贪心算法的思想,在计算的过程中,如果一个方案是由几个局部区域组合而成,那么在计算总成本时,我们只考虑每个局部目前已知的最优方案和成本即可。由于引入了成本最优假设,在优化过程中我们就可以对任意子树目前已知的最优方案和最优成本进行缓存。此后在计算的过程中,如果需要利用这一子树,可以直接使用之前缓存的结果。这里应用了动态规划算法的思想。

在实现上述动态规划算法的时候存在两种遍历方法,一种是自底向上的动态规划算法,一种是自顶向下的动态规划算法。自底向上的算法最为直观:当我们试图计算节点A的最优方案时,其子树上每个节点对应的等价集合和最优方案都已经计算完成了,我们只需要在 A 节点上不断寻找可以应用的规则,并利用已经计算好的子树成本计算出母树的成本,就可以得到最优方案。事实上,包括 System R 在内的一些成熟的数据库系统都采用这种方法。

然而这种方案存在一些难以解决的问题:不方便应用剪枝技巧,在查询中可能会遇到在父亲节点的某一种方案成本很高,后续完全无需考虑的情况,尽管如此,需要被利用的子计算都已经完成了,这部分计算因此不可避免。难以实现启发式计算和限制计算层数。由于程序要不断递归到最后才能得到比较好的方案, 因此即使计算量比较大也无法提前得到一个可行的方案并停止运行。


总的来说就是,Volcano与System-R的Search engine有所不同,Volcano的搜索路径是自顶向下的,也就是先从关系算子树的顶层开始,以深度优先的方式来向下遍历,遍历过程中进行剪枝。

Graefe’s optimizer architecture is notable for two main reasons. First, it was expressly designed to be extensible. Volcano deserves credit for being quite forward-looking—long predating MapReduce and the big data stacks—in exploring the idea that dataflow could be useful for a wide range of data-intensive applications. As a result, the Graefe optimizers are not just for compiling SQL into a plan of dataflow iterators. They can be parameterized for other input languages and execution targets; this is a highly relevant topic in recent years with the rise of specialized data models and languages on the one hand (see Chapter 2 and 9), and specialized execution engines on the other (Chapter 5). The second innovation in these optimizers was the use of a top-down or goal-oriented search strategy for finding the cheapest plan in the space of possible plans. This design choice is connected to the extensibility API in Graefe’s designs, but that is not intrinsic: the Starburst system showed how to do extensibility for Selinger’s bottom-up algorithm [9]. This “top-down” vs “bottom-up” debate for query optimization has advocates on both sides, but no clear winner; a similar top-down/bottom-up debate came out to be more or less a tie in the recursive query processing literature as well [13]. Aficionados will be interested to note that these two bodies of literature-recursive query processing and query optimizer search-were connected directly in the Evita Raced optimizer, which implemented both top-down and bottom-up optimizer search by using recursive queries as the language for implementing an optimizer

Graefe的优化器架构有两个值得注意的原因。首先它被明确设计为可扩展的。Volcano值得称赞的是,它非常具有前瞻性——早于MapReduce和大数据栈——它探索了数据流可以用于大量数据密集型应用的程序的想法。因此,Graefe的优化器不仅仅是将SQL编译到数据流迭代计划。它们可以为其他输入语言和执行目标参数化;一方面随着专业数据模型和语言的兴起,另一方面是专业执行引擎,这成了一个高度相关的主题。这些优化者的第二个创新是使用自顶向下(top-down)或目标导向(goal-oriented)的搜索策略,为了在可能的计划空间中寻找最低耗计划。这个设计选择关系到了Graefe设计的可扩展性API,但是那不是内在原因:Starburst系统展示了如何为Selinger的自底向上(bottom-up)算法做可扩展性。在查询优化上自顶向上和自底向下的争论都分别有支持者。但没有明确的赢家;类似的,自顶向下/自底向上的争论在递归查询(recursive query)处理文献中也或多或少地出现了。有兴趣的爱好者会注意到,这两种文献——递归查询处理和查询优化器搜索——直接关联在Evita Raced优化器中,它是通过使用响应式查询作为实现优化器的语言,来实现自顶向下和自顶向上的优化器搜索。


“goal-oriented search strategy”,应该是指搜索时有一些什么东西进行监督,或者说是引导,从而提高执行计划的合理性。



Adaptive Query Processing
By the late 1990’s, a handful of trends suggested that the overall architecture of query optimization deserved a significant rethink. These trends included:

  • Continuous queries over streaming data.
  • Interactive approaches to data exploration like Online Aggregation.
  • Queries over data sources that are outside the DBMS and do not provide reliable statistics or performance.
  • Unpredictable and dynamic execution environments, including elastic and multitenant settings and widely distributed systems like sensor networks.
  • Opaque data and user-defined functions in queries, where statistics can only be estimated by observing behavior.

In addition, there was ongoing practical concern about the theoretical fact that plan cost estimation was often erratic for multi-operator queries [7]. As a result of these trends, interest emerged in adaptive techniques for processing queries, where execution plans could change mid-query. We present two complementary points in the design space for adaptive query processing; there is a long survey with a more comprehensive overview [4].


  • 对流数据的持续查询
  • 交互式数据探索方法,像在线聚合(Online Aggregation)
  • 对数据库管理系统之外的数据源查询,不能提供可靠的统计数据或性能
  • 不可预测和动态执行环境,包括弹性和多租户设置和广泛分布的系统,如传感器网络。
  • 查询中不透明的数据和用户定义的函数,其中统计数据只能通过观察行为来估计。


“adaptive query processing”,自适应查询处理分析实际查询运行时统计信息,并将该信息用于后续优化。随着数据量的迅速增加,错误计算复杂计划的代价可能会导致严重的性能问题。这些问题可能以分钟或小时而不是秒或分钟来衡量。AQP 会分析实际查询运行时统计信息并使用该信息来更正先前的估计。这些更新后的估计可以为后续优化提供更好的信息。

The work on eddies, represented by our second paper, pushed hard on the issue of adaptivity: if query “re-planning” has to occur mid-execution, why not remove the architectural distinction between planning and execution entirely? In the eddies approach, the optimizer is encapsulated as a dataflow operator that is itself interposed along other dataflow edges. It can monitor the rates of dataflow along those edges, so it has dynamic knowledge of their behavior, with whatever history it cares to record. With that ongoing flow of information, it can dynamically control the rest of the aspects of query planning via dataflow routing: the order of commutative operators is determined by the order tuples are routed through operators (the focus of the first eddies paper that we include here) the choice of physical operators (e.g. join algorithms, index selection) is determined by routing tuples among multiple alternative, potentially redundant physical operators in the flow [3, 15] the scheduling of operators is determined by buffering inputs and deciding which output to deliver to next [14]. As an extension, multiple queries can be scheduled by interposing on their flows and sharing common operators [10]. Eddies intercept the ongoing dataflow of query operators while they are in flight, pipelining data from their inputs to their output. For this reason it’s important that eddy routing be implemented efficiently; Deshpande developed implementation enhancements along these lines [2]. The advantage of this pipelined approach is that eddies can adaptively change strategies in the middle of executing a pipelined operator like a join, which is useful if a query operator is either very long-lived (as in a streaming system) or a very poor choice that should be abandoned long before it runs to completion. Interestingly, the original Ingres optimizer also had the ability to make certain query optimization decisions on a per-tuple basis [18].



Progressive Optimization
The third paper in this section from IBM represents a much more evolutionary approach, which extends a System R style optimizer with adaptivity features; this general technique was pioneered by Kabra and DeWitt [8] but receives a more complete treatment here. Where eddies focused on intra-operator reoptimization (while data is “in motion”), this work focuses on inter-operator reoptimization (when data is “at rest”). Some of the traditional relational operators including sorting and most hash-joins are blocking: they consume their entire input before producing any output. This presents an opportunity after input is consumed to compare observed statistics to optimizer predictions, and reoptimize the “remainder” of the query plan using traditional query optimization technique. The downside of this approach is that it does no reoptimization while operators are consuming their inputs, making it inappropriate for continuous queries over streams, for pipelining operators like symmetric hash join [17] or for long-running relational queries that have poorly-chosen operators in the initial parts of the plan - e.g. when data is being accessed from data sources outside the DBMS that do not provide useful statistics [11, 16].

在来自IBM这个部分的第三篇文章,代表了更多的进化方法,扩展了System R优化器伴随着适应性特征;这个通用的科技被用来作为了个先驱,通过Kabra和DeWitt,但在这里获得了更完整的治疗。其中eddies专注于内部运算符内的重新优化(虽然数据是“运动的”)。一些传统的关系运算符,包括排序、哈希连接被锁定:它们消耗它们全部的输入在创造输出之前。这个代表一个在输入后的机会,去消耗观察到的统计数据与优化器预测进行比较,并使用传统的查询优化技术重新优化查询计划的“余数”。这个过程的缺点是当运算符计算它们输入时没有重新优化,这使它不适合在流上持续查询,对于流水线运算符。像对称哈希连接或用于长期运行的关系查询,它是在计划的初始部分中有较差的运算符,等等那些当从不提供有用统计信息的DBMS之外的数据源引入数据时。

It’s worth noting that these two architectures for adaptivity could in principle coexist: an eddy is “just” a dataflow operator, meaning that a traditional optimizer can generate a query plan with an eddy connecting a set of streaming operators, and also do reoptimization at blocking points in the dataflow in the manner of our third paper.



This brings us to a discussion of current trends in dataflow architectures, especially in the open source big data stack. Google MapReduce set back by a decade the conversation about adaptivity of data in motion, by baking blocking operators into the execution model as a fault-tolerance mechanism. It was nearly impossible to have a reasoned conversation about optimizing dataflow pipelines in the mid-to-late 2000’s because it was inconsistent with the Google/Hadoop fault tolerance model. In the last few years the discussion about execution frameworks for big data has suddenly opened up wide, with a quickly-growing variety of dataflow and query systems being deployed that have more similarities than differences (Tenzing, F1, Dremel, DryadLINQ, Naiad, Spark, Impala, Tez, Drill, Flink, etc.) Note that all of the motivating issues for adaptive optimization listed above are very topical in today’s big data discussion, but not well treated.

这带给我们去讨论现金数据流架构的趋势,特别的在开源的大数据栈中。Google MapReduce推迟了十年对于动作中数据的适应性的讨论,通过将阻塞在执行中的运算符来作为容错机制。关于优化2000年前末期的数据流水线有一个合乎逻辑的讨论时很有可能的,因为它与Google/Hadoop的容错模型不一致。在过去的一些年,关于大数据的执行框架的讨论突然变得受关注,随着快速成长的数据流种类和那些有更多相似之处的查询系统 (Tenzing, F1, Dremel, DryadLINQ, Naiad, Spark, Impala, Tez, Drill, Flink, etc.)。注意,上面对于适应性优化的所有激励问题都是非常热门的,在当今的大数据讨论中,但处理得没有很好。

More generally, I would say that the “big data” community in both research and open source has been far too slow to focus on query optimization, to the detriment of both the current systems and the query optimization field. To begin with, the “hand-planned” MapReduce programming model remained a topic of conversation for far longer than it should have. It took a long time for the Hadoop and systems research communities to accept that a declarative language like SQL or LINQ is a good general-purpose interface, even while maintaining low-level MapReduce-style dataflow programming as a special-case “fast path”. More puzzling is the fact that even when the community started building SQL interfaces like Hive, query optimization remained a little-discussed and poorly-implemented topic. Maybe it’s because query optimizers are harder to build well than query executors. Or maybe it was fallout from the historical quality divide between commercial and open source databases. MySQL was the open source de facto reference for “database technology” for the preceding decade, with a naive heuristic optimizer. Perhaps as a result, many (most?) open source big data developers didn’t understand—or trust—query optimizer technology.


In any case, this tide is turning in the big data community. Declarative queries have returned as the primary interface to big data, and there are efforts underway in essentially all the projects to start building at least a 1980’s-era optimizer. Given the list of issues I mention above, I’m confident we’ll also see more innovative query optimization approaches deployed in new systems over the coming years.





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软件测试( 基础篇)

前言 从这篇博文开始,我们将作为一名刚刚加入测试团队的菜鸟,开始一次测试之旅。 在这里我们将讨论以下问题: 软件测试的生命周期 如何描述一个bug 如何定义bug的级别 bug的生命周期 产生争执怎么办 软件测试的生命周期 先回顾一个点&#…