- 树莓派版本:4b
- LCD模块:ST7789V2 240*280 LCD
- 树莓派系统:Linux raspberrypi 5.15.76-v8+ #1597 SMP aarch64 GNU/Linux
- rust版本:rustc 1.73.0
- 某雪的1.69inch LCD模块,包含杜邦线
- 树莓派相关见上篇文章
- 安装rust
- 相关依赖包
[dependencies] rppal = { version = "0.15.0", features = ["hal"] } embedded-graphics = { version = "0.8.1", features = ["defmt"]} display-interface-spi = "0.4.1" mipidsi = "0.7.1"
- 代码
use display_interface_spi::SPIInterfaceNoCS; use embedded_graphics::mono_font::ascii::FONT_10X20; use embedded_graphics::mono_font::MonoTextStyle; use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::Rgb565; use embedded_graphics::prelude::{Point, RgbColor, DrawTarget}; use embedded_graphics::text::Text; use embedded_graphics::Drawable; use mipidsi::Builder; use rppal::gpio::Gpio; use rppal::spi::Spi; use std::process::ExitCode;fn main() -> ExitCode {// GPIOlet gpio = Gpio::new().unwrap();// resetlet rst = gpio.get(27).unwrap().into_output();// backlightlet mut backlight = gpio.get(18).unwrap().into_output();// data/commendlet dc = gpio.get(25).unwrap().into_output();// spilet spi = Spi::new(rppal::spi::Bus::Spi0,rppal::spi::SlaveSelect::Ss0,60_000_000,rppal::spi::Mode::Mode0,).unwrap();let di = SPIInterfaceNoCS::new(spi, dc);let mut delay = rppal::hal::Delay::new();let mut display = Builder::st7789(di).with_display_size(240, 280).with_orientation(mipidsi::Orientation::Landscape(true)).with_invert_colors(mipidsi::ColorInversion::Inverted).init(&mut delay, Some(rst)).unwrap();// Textlet char_w = 10;let text = "Hello World ^_^;";let mut text_x = 120;let text_y = 280 / 2;let text_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_10X20, Rgb565::WHITE);// Alternating colorlet colors = [Rgb565::RED, Rgb565::GREEN, Rgb565::BLUE];// Clear the display initiallydisplay.clear(colors[0]).unwrap();// Turn on backlightbacklight.set_high();let mut last = std::time::Instant::now();let mut counter = 0;loop {let elapsed = last.elapsed().as_secs_f64();if elapsed < 0.00125 {continue;}last = std::time::Instant::now();counter += 1;// Fill the display with alternating colors every 8 framesdisplay.clear(colors[(counter / 8) % colors.len()]).unwrap();// Draw textlet right = Text::new(text, Point::new(text_x, text_y), text_style).draw(&mut display).unwrap();text_x = if right.x <= 0 { 240 } else { text_x - char_w };}// Turn off backlight and clear the displaybacklight.set_low();display.clear(Rgb565::BLACK).unwrap();ExitCode::SUCCESS }
cargo run