Skyworth (创维)

news/2025/1/15 20:38:28/

Skyworth (创维), viz. Hong Kong Skyworth Digital Holdings Co Ltd[1][2] (SEHK: 0751) is a Chinese holding company whose subsidiaries manufacture and sell consumer electronics[3] and upstream components[4] (i.e. LCD panels[5]), etc.

Headquartered in Nanshan High-tech Park, Shenzhen,[2] as of 2010 Skyworth has operations in Hong Kong,[1]Inner Mongolia[6] and sites in Shenzen, Guangzhou and Dongguan in Guangdong Province.[5][7][2][8]

Skyworth is a member of the Chinese consortium that developed the Enhanced Versatile Disc.[9]

It is also an OEM, making televisions that retail under brand names other than its own.[10]

Skyworth was established in 1988[5][10][11][2][12] or 1989[13][14] as Skyworth Industry Co Ltd in Hong Kong[12] by Huang Hongsheng,[14] who was later convicted of embezzlement and fraud[14] for misappropriating tens of millions of yuan from the company he founded.[7] It began manufacturing its first product, television remote controls, in 1990.[10][11] After obtaining the licensing in 1992 the Skyworth Group Co Ltd was established,[11] the company began producing color televisions, which today remain a core product.

From 1996 to 2000 is termed by the company its "fast growth period";[10] during which it was the number four, in term of production volume, television manufacturing company in China.[10] This fast growth period culminated with an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in April 2000.[12]

After 2000, Skyworth experienced problems resulting from such quick expansion. It shuttered a small appliances unit,[10] and sold to creditors an 80% equity stake in its newly-minted mobile phone subsidiary for a nominal sum.[15]

The company's core products, televisions and set-top boxes, are complemented by a variety of other products and services including leasing itself property. Skyworth is among the top three television manufacturers in its largest market, China.[1][2]

Hong Kong Skyworth Digital Holdings Co Ltd is incorporated in Bermuda,[4][16][17]




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