
news/2024/11/28 3:33:56/


但在实际应用中还有另外一种情况,就是做为一种数据缓冲区时,对数据的位置不敏感,数据被定时刷新时,就可以不留置空区。直接front == rear++%N,这样做的好处是,处理会更简单方便。每次给数据只要从下一个序号开始到本序号截止,即为缓冲区内的全部数据。


5、环形队列为什么有Mask码,目的其实就是为了方便快捷的处理溢出的情况下自动取模。官网的例子中:(uint16) (6000-59000)%65536 = 12536(其实就是溢出时让65535减去计算值的反向正值,上面就是65536-(59000-6000)=12536);就是这个意思。



/* structure to hold a pair of head/tail values and other metadata */
struct rte_ring_headtail {volatile uint32_t head;  /**< Prod/consumer head. */volatile uint32_t tail;  /**< Prod/consumer tail. */uint32_t single;         /**< True if single prod/cons */
};/*** An RTE ring structure.** The producer and the consumer have a head and a tail index. The particularity* of these index is that they are not between 0 and size(ring). These indexes* are between 0 and 2^32, and we mask their value when we access the ring[]* field. Thanks to this assumption, we can do subtractions between 2 index* values in a modulo-32bit base: that's why the overflow of the indexes is not* a problem.*/
struct rte_ring {/** Note: this field kept the RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE size due to ABI* compatibility requirements, it could be changed to RTE_RING_NAMESIZE* next time the ABI changes*/char name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE] __rte_cache_aligned; /**< Name of the ring. */int flags;               /**< Flags supplied at creation. */const struct rte_memzone *memzone;/**< Memzone, if any, containing the rte_ring */uint32_t size;           /**< Size of ring. */uint32_t mask;           /**< Mask (size-1) of ring. */uint32_t capacity;       /**< Usable size of ring */char pad0 __rte_cache_aligned; /**< empty cache line *//** Ring producer status. */struct rte_ring_headtail prod __rte_cache_aligned;char pad1 __rte_cache_aligned; /**< empty cache line *//** Ring consumer status. */struct rte_ring_headtail cons __rte_cache_aligned;char pad2 __rte_cache_aligned; /**< empty cache line */


rte_ring_init(struct rte_ring *r, const char *name, unsigned count,unsigned flags)
{int ret;/* compilation-time checks */RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON((sizeof(struct rte_ring) &RTE_CACHE_LINE_MASK) != 0);RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON((offsetof(struct rte_ring, cons) &RTE_CACHE_LINE_MASK) != 0);RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON((offsetof(struct rte_ring, prod) &RTE_CACHE_LINE_MASK) != 0);/* init the ring structure */memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));ret = strlcpy(r->name, name, sizeof(r->name));if (ret < 0 || ret >= (int)sizeof(r->name))return -ENAMETOOLONG;r->flags = flags;r->prod.single = (flags & RING_F_SP_ENQ) ? __IS_SP : __IS_MP;r->cons.single = (flags & RING_F_SC_DEQ) ? __IS_SC : __IS_MC;if (flags & RING_F_EXACT_SZ) {r->size = rte_align32pow2(count + 1);r->mask = r->size - 1;r->capacity = count;} else {if ((!POWEROF2(count)) || (count > RTE_RING_SZ_MASK)) {RTE_LOG(ERR, RING,"Requested size is invalid, must be power of 2, and not exceed the size limit %u\n",RTE_RING_SZ_MASK);return -EINVAL;}r->size = count;r->mask = count - 1;r->capacity = r->mask;}r->prod.head = r->cons.head = 0;r->prod.tail = r->cons.tail = 0;return 0;
}/* create the ring */
struct rte_ring *
rte_ring_create(const char *name, unsigned count, int socket_id,unsigned flags)
{char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];struct rte_ring *r;struct rte_tailq_entry *te;const struct rte_memzone *mz;ssize_t ring_size;int mz_flags = 0;struct rte_ring_list* ring_list = NULL;const unsigned int requested_count = count;int ret;ring_list = RTE_TAILQ_CAST(rte_ring_tailq.head, rte_ring_list);/* for an exact size ring, round up from count to a power of two */if (flags & RING_F_EXACT_SZ)count = rte_align32pow2(count + 1);ring_size = rte_ring_get_memsize(count);if (ring_size < 0) {rte_errno = -ring_size;return NULL;}ret = snprintf(mz_name, sizeof(mz_name), "%s%s",RTE_RING_MZ_PREFIX, name);if (ret < 0 || ret >= (int)sizeof(mz_name)) {rte_errno = ENAMETOOLONG;return NULL;}te = rte_zmalloc("RING_TAILQ_ENTRY", sizeof(*te), 0);if (te == NULL) {RTE_LOG(ERR, RING, "Cannot reserve memory for tailq\n");rte_errno = ENOMEM;return NULL;}rte_mcfg_tailq_write_lock();/* reserve a memory zone for this ring. If we can't get rte_config or* we are secondary process, the memzone_reserve function will set* rte_errno for us appropriately - hence no check in this this function */mz = rte_memzone_reserve_aligned(mz_name, ring_size, socket_id,mz_flags, __alignof__(*r));if (mz != NULL) {r = mz->addr;/* no need to check return value here, we already checked the* arguments above */rte_ring_init(r, name, requested_count, flags);te->data = (void *) r;r->memzone = mz;TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(ring_list, te, next);} else {r = NULL;RTE_LOG(ERR, RING, "Cannot reserve memory\n");rte_free(te);}rte_mcfg_tailq_write_unlock();return r;


/*** Enqueue one object on a ring (NOT multi-producers safe).** @param r*   A pointer to the ring structure.* @param obj*   A pointer to the object to be added.* @return*   - 0: Success; objects enqueued.*   - -ENOBUFS: Not enough room in the ring to enqueue; no object is enqueued.*/
static __rte_always_inline int
rte_ring_sp_enqueue(struct rte_ring *r, void *obj)
{return rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(r, &obj, 1, NULL) ? 0 : -ENOBUFS;
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(struct rte_ring *r, void * const *obj_table,unsigned int n, unsigned int *free_space)
{return __rte_ring_do_enqueue(r, obj_table, n, RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED,__IS_SP, free_space);
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
__rte_ring_do_enqueue(struct rte_ring *r, void * const *obj_table,unsigned int n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior,unsigned int is_sp, unsigned int *free_space)
{uint32_t prod_head, prod_next;uint32_t free_entries;n = __rte_ring_move_prod_head(r, is_sp, n, behavior,&prod_head, &prod_next, &free_entries);if (n == 0)goto end;ENQUEUE_PTRS(r, &r[1], prod_head, obj_table, n, void *);update_tail(&r->prod, prod_head, prod_next, is_sp, 1);
end:if (free_space != NULL)*free_space = free_entries - n;return n;
#define ENQUEUE_PTRS(r, ring_start, prod_head, obj_table, n, obj_type) do { \unsigned int i; \const uint32_t size = (r)->size; \uint32_t idx = prod_head & (r)->mask; \obj_type *ring = (obj_type *)ring_start; \if (likely(idx + n < size)) { \for (i = 0; i < (n & ((~(unsigned)0x3))); i+=4, idx+=4) { \ring[idx] = obj_table[i]; \ring[idx+1] = obj_table[i+1]; \ring[idx+2] = obj_table[i+2]; \ring[idx+3] = obj_table[i+3]; \} \switch (n & 0x3) { \case 3: \ring[idx++] = obj_table[i++]; /* fallthrough */ \case 2: \ring[idx++] = obj_table[i++]; /* fallthrough */ \case 1: \ring[idx++] = obj_table[i++]; \} \} else { \for (i = 0; idx < size; i++, idx++)\ring[idx] = obj_table[i]; \for (idx = 0; i < n; i++, idx++) \ring[idx] = obj_table[i]; \} \
} while (0)



/*** Dequeue one object from a ring (NOT multi-consumers safe).** @param r*   A pointer to the ring structure.* @param obj_p*   A pointer to a void * pointer (object) that will be filled.* @return*   - 0: Success; objects dequeued.*   - -ENOENT: Not enough entries in the ring to dequeue, no object is*     dequeued.*/
static __rte_always_inline int
rte_ring_sc_dequeue(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_p)
{return rte_ring_sc_dequeue_bulk(r, obj_p, 1, NULL) ? 0 : -ENOENT;
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_ring_sc_dequeue_bulk(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_table,unsigned int n, unsigned int *available)
{return __rte_ring_do_dequeue(r, obj_table, n, RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED,__IS_SC, available);
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
__rte_ring_do_dequeue(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_table,unsigned int n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior,unsigned int is_sc, unsigned int *available)
{uint32_t cons_head, cons_next;uint32_t entries;n = __rte_ring_move_cons_head(r, (int)is_sc, n, behavior,&cons_head, &cons_next, &entries);if (n == 0)goto end;DEQUEUE_PTRS(r, &r[1], cons_head, obj_table, n, void *);update_tail(&r->cons, cons_head, cons_next, is_sc, 0);end:if (available != NULL)*available = entries - n;return n;
#define DEQUEUE_PTRS(r, ring_start, cons_head, obj_table, n, obj_type) do { \unsigned int i; \uint32_t idx = cons_head & (r)->mask; \const uint32_t size = (r)->size; \obj_type *ring = (obj_type *)ring_start; \if (likely(idx + n < size)) { \for (i = 0; i < (n & (~(unsigned)0x3)); i+=4, idx+=4) {\obj_table[i] = ring[idx]; \obj_table[i+1] = ring[idx+1]; \obj_table[i+2] = ring[idx+2]; \obj_table[i+3] = ring[idx+3]; \} \switch (n & 0x3) { \case 3: \obj_table[i++] = ring[idx++]; /* fallthrough */ \case 2: \obj_table[i++] = ring[idx++]; /* fallthrough */ \case 1: \obj_table[i++] = ring[idx++]; \} \} else { \for (i = 0; idx < size; i++, idx++) \obj_table[i] = ring[idx]; \for (idx = 0; i < n; i++, idx++) \obj_table[i] = ring[idx]; \} \
} while (0)


/*** Enqueue one object on a ring (multi-producers safe).** This function uses a "compare and set" instruction to move the* producer index atomically.** @param r*   A pointer to the ring structure.* @param obj*   A pointer to the object to be added.* @return*   - 0: Success; objects enqueued.*   - -ENOBUFS: Not enough room in the ring to enqueue; no object is enqueued.*/
static __rte_always_inline int
rte_ring_mp_enqueue(struct rte_ring *r, void *obj)
{return rte_ring_mp_enqueue_bulk(r, &obj, 1, NULL) ? 0 : -ENOBUFS;
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_ring_mp_enqueue_bulk(struct rte_ring *r, void * const *obj_table,unsigned int n, unsigned int *free_space)
{return __rte_ring_do_enqueue(r, obj_table, n, RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED,__IS_MP, free_space);



static __rte_always_inline int
rte_ring_mc_dequeue(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_p)
{return rte_ring_mc_dequeue_bulk(r, obj_p, 1, NULL)  ? 0 : -ENOENT;
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_ring_mc_dequeue_bulk(struct rte_ring *r, void **obj_table,unsigned int n, unsigned int *available)
{return __rte_ring_do_dequeue(r, obj_table, n, RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED,__IS_MC, available);


static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
__rte_ring_move_prod_head(struct rte_ring *r, unsigned int is_sp,unsigned int n, enum rte_ring_queue_behavior behavior,uint32_t *old_head, uint32_t *new_head,uint32_t *free_entries)
{const uint32_t capacity = r->capacity;unsigned int max = n;int success;do {/* Reset n to the initial burst count */n = max;*old_head = r->prod.head;/* add rmb barrier to avoid load/load reorder in weak* memory model. It is noop on x86*/rte_smp_rmb();/**  The subtraction is done between two unsigned 32bits value* (the result is always modulo 32 bits even if we have* *old_head > cons_tail). So 'free_entries' is always between 0* and capacity (which is < size).*/*free_entries = (capacity + r->cons.tail - *old_head);/* check that we have enough room in ring */if (unlikely(n > *free_entries))n = (behavior == RTE_RING_QUEUE_FIXED) ?0 : *free_entries;if (n == 0)return 0;*new_head = *old_head + n;if (is_sp)r->prod.head = *new_head, success = 1;elsesuccess = rte_atomic32_cmpset(&r->prod.head,*old_head, *new_head);} while (unlikely(success == 0));return n;
static __rte_always_inline void
update_tail(struct rte_ring_headtail *ht, uint32_t old_val, uint32_t new_val,uint32_t single, uint32_t enqueue)
{RTE_SET_USED(enqueue);/** If there are other enqueues/dequeues in progress that preceded us,* we need to wait for them to complete*/if (!single)while (unlikely(ht->tail != old_val))rte_pause();__atomic_store_n(&ht->tail, new_val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);








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