Kubernetes(K8s)上使用分布式存储(Distributed Storage)

news/2025/3/15 18:46:14/


在Kubernetes(K8s)上使用分布式存储(Distributed Storage)是一种常见的方案,它可以为集群中的应用程序提供持久性和可扩展性。以下是在Kubernetes上使用分布式存储的说明:

  • 存储类(Storage Class):首先,你需要创建一个Kubernetes的存储类,用于定义分布式存储的属性和行为。存储类可指定各种存储提供商(例如Ceph、GlusterFS、NFS等)以及其他选项,如存储容量、性能要求等。
  • 配置提供商:接下来,你需要根据所选择的分布式存储提供商的要求,进行相应的配置。不同的提供商可能有不同的部署和配置过程,可以参考相应的文档进行操作。
  • 创建持久卷声明(Persistent Volume Claim):在Kubernetes中,应用程序使用持久卷声明来请求持久化存储资源。你需要创建一个持久卷声明,并将其与存储类关联。
  • 创建持久卷(Persistent Volume):一旦有了持久卷声明,你可以创建一个持久卷对象,它会根据存储类的配置自动分配存储资源。
  • 部署应用程序:在创建了持久卷之后,你可以使用它来部署应用程序。在应用程序的配置中,你可以指定所需的持久卷声明,并将其挂载到容器中。


Simply put

In the context of Kubernetes, distributed storage solutions are integrated to provide persistent storage for stateful applications. Stateful applications require data to be preserved even if the underlying pods or containers are restarted or rescheduled. By utilizing distributed storage, data can be stored independently from the application instances, ensuring data durability and availability.

Kubernetes provides various mechanisms to integrate distributed storage solutions, such as Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC). PVs are resources that represent physical storage, while PVCs are requests for storage by applications. By defining PVCs, applications can dynamically provision storage resources from the available PVs.

There are several popular distributed storage solutions compatible with Kubernetes, including:

  1. Network File System (NFS): NFS allows multiple nodes to access a shared file system, providing a simple and widely supported distributed storage solution.
  2. GlusterFS: GlusterFS is a scalable and distributed file system that can be easily integrated with Kubernetes. It allows for the aggregation of multiple storage nodes into a single namespace, providing scalability and redundancy.
  3. Ceph: Ceph is a distributed object and block storage system that offers high scalability and fault tolerance. It can be deployed as a cluster and integrated with Kubernetes to provide persistent storage for applications.
  4. Storage Area Network (SAN): SAN is a dedicated network that connects storage devices to servers, enabling block-level access to storage resources. Kubernetes can be configured to use SAN-based distributed storage solutions.

These distributed storage solutions can be deployed as external storage systems or as part of the Kubernetes cluster itself, depending on the specific requirements and architecture of the application. By leveraging distributed storage on Kubernetes, applications can benefit from reliable, scalable, and persistent storage capabilities.




  • 存储卷抽象(Volume Abstraction):Kubernetes引入了存储卷(Volume)的概念,它是一个抽象层,用于表示存储资源。存储卷可以与容器或Pod进行关联,并在容器之间共享数据。存储卷可以由多种类型的存储提供者实现,例如云存储,网络存储,分布式存储等。
  • 存储类抽象(Storage Class Abstraction):Kubernetes还引入了存储类(Storage Class)的概念,用于定义不同类型的存储资源。存储类是一种抽象,它将存储提供者的细节隐藏在后面,使用户能够通过声明性配置来请求所需的存储类型。存储类可以定义不同的数据复制策略、性能特性等。
  • PV和PVC抽象(Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim):Kubernetes使用永久存储卷(PV)和永久存储卷声明(PVC)来管理存储资源。PV是一种抽象,它表示集群中的存储资源,例如网络存储、本地存储等,并由管理员手动创建和配置。PVC是用户对存储资源的请求,可以根据所需的存储类和其他属性动态创建和配置。
  • 存储转换层抽象(Storage Abstraction Layer):Kubernetes还提供了一种存储转换层的抽象,用于将不同的底层存储提供者标准化。这使得应用程序可以使用Kubernetes的存储API与各种存储后端进行交互,无需关心具体的实现细节。存储转换层可以在不同的存储提供者之间进行转换和映射。
  • 动态存储供应商接口(Dynamic Provisioning Interface):Kubernetes还提供了动态存储供应商接口,使存储供应商能够动态创建和配置存储资源。这样,当用户请求一个新的PVC时,存储供应商可以根据需求自动创建和配置所需的存储资源。这种动态存储扩展了存储的可扩展性和灵活性。


GlusterFS 说明


GlusterFS的设计理念是基于模块化架构,其中包含多个组件,如存储服务器(Brick)和卷服务器(Volume Server)。每个Brick都是一个独立的文件系统,并且可以通过卷服务器聚合成一个逻辑的卷。卷服务器统一管理卷的元数据,并负责将数据分布到存储服务器上。这种架构使得GlusterFS能够方便地水平扩展存储容量,并在故障发生时提供高可用性。





  • 考虑网络拓扑:GlusterFS的性能直接受网络的影响,因此需要合理设计网络拓扑并保证高速、低延迟的网络连接。
  • 数据一致性:GlusterFS在数据写入时采用了异步复制的方式,因此需要注意数据一致性的问题。可以使用同步写入选项来保证数据的一致性。
  • 故障恢复:GlusterFS提供了故障恢复机制,可以在存储服务器出现故障时自动将数据迁移到其他存储服务器上。但是,在故障发生后需要手动触发故障恢复操作。


GlusterFS On K8s


  1. 安装和配置GlusterFS集群:在Kubernetes集群的各个节点上安装GlusterFS,并创建一个GlusterFS集群。确保每个节点上都能够访问GlusterFS集群。
  2. 创建GlusterFS卷:使用GlusterFS命令行工具或Web管理界面创建一个GlusterFS卷。卷是分布式存储的基本单位,可以在多个节点上复制和分布存储数据。
  3. 创建Kubernetes存储类:在Kubernetes中,存储类(StorageClass)定义了存储的属性和参数。创建一个新的存储类或使用现有的存储类,并设置GlusterFS作为存储提供者。可以使用以下存储类示例:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
metadata:name: glusterfs-storage
provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfs
parameters:resturl: "http://glusterfs-rest-endpoint"


  1. 创建PersistentVolumeClaim(PVC):PVC是一个Kubernetes资源对象,用于声明应用程序对存储的需求。创建一个PVC,并将存储类指定为GlusterFS存储类。可以使用以下PVC示例:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
metadata:name: glusterfs-pvc
spec:accessModes:- ReadWriteManystorageClassName: glusterfs-storageresources:requests:storage: 1Gi


  1. 创建Pod:最后,创建一个Pod,并将PVC绑定到Pod的某个挂载点。可以使用以下Pod示例:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
metadata:name: glusterfs-pod
spec:containers:- name: app-containerimage: my-app-imagevolumeMounts:- name: glusterfs-volumemountPath: /datavolumes:- name: glusterfs-volumepersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: glusterfs-pvc






gluster volume create my-volume replica 2 transport tcp server1:/data/server1/gv0 server2:/data/server2/gv0
gluster volume start my-volume



apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
metadata:name: my-pv
spec:capacity:storage: 10GiaccessModes:- ReadWriteManyglusterfs:endpoints: server1:/my-volumepath: gv0readOnly: false



apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
metadata:name: my-pvc
spec:accessModes:- ReadWriteManyresources:requests:storage: 5Gi



apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
metadata:name: my-pod
spec:containers:- name: my-containerimage: my-app-imagevolumeMounts:- name: my-volumemountPath: /datavolumes:- name: my-volumepersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: my-pvc

在这里,将PVC my-pvc 绑定到Pod的一个挂载点,并将其与Volume my-volume 关联起来。



GlusterFS 示例


  1. gluster:这是主要的GlusterFS命令行工具,用于执行各种管理操作,如创建和配置卷、添加和删除存储服务器等。以下是一些常用的gluster命令:
  2. gluster volume create <volume-name> replica <replica-count> transport tcp <server1:/path/to/brick1> <server2:/path/to/brick2>...:创建一个指定名称和副本数的卷,将存储服务器添加为砖块。
  3. gluster volume start <volume-name>:启动一个先前创建的卷。
  4. gluster volume stop <volume-name>:停止一个正在运行的卷。
  5. gluster volume delete <volume-name>:删除一个卷。
  6. gluster volume info:显示当前存在的卷的信息。
  7. gluster peer probe <server-ip>:将另一个GlusterFS存储服务器添加为对等服务器。
  8. gluster peer status:显示当前集群中的对等服务器信息。
  9. glusterfs:这是一个FUSE模块,用于将GlusterFS卷挂载到本地文件系统。以下是一些常用的glusterfs命令:
  10. glusterfs -f <volume-name> <mount-point>:将指定名称的GlusterFS卷挂载到指定的本地挂载点。
  11. fusermount -u <mount-point>:卸载已挂载的GlusterFS卷。
  12. glusterd:这是GlusterFS卷守护进程,用于管理和协调GlusterFS集群。一般情况下,不需要手动执行该命令。
  13. glusterfind:这是用于在GlusterFS卷上执行文件搜索的命令行工具。以下是一些常用的glusterfind命令:
  14. glusterfind -name <filename>:按文件名搜索文件。
  15. glusterfind -user <username>:按用户名搜索文件。


On the other hand

It was the year 2222, and humanity had achieved remarkable advancements in technology. One of the most groundbreaking developments was the widespread use of Kubernetes (K8s) for managing and orchestrating software applications. But it didn’t stop there – K8s had seamlessly integrated with distributed storage, revolutionizing the way data was stored and accessed.

In this futuristic world, a new form of distributed storage had emerged. It was a network of interconnected data centers spread across the galaxy, each housing massive storage arrays capable of storing unimaginable amounts of data. These data centers were seamlessly integrated into the fabric of Kubernetes clusters, providing a unified and optimized storage experience for applications.

The distributed storage system, aptly named “Cosmic Storage,” was powered by advanced artificial intelligence algorithms. It offered unparalleled reliability, scalability, and performance. The data centers were constantly monitored by intelligent drones, ensuring that every bit of data was secure and available at all times.

One of the most remarkable features of Cosmic Storage was its ability to seamlessly distribute data across multiple data centers. This ensured that even in the event of a catastrophic failure of one data center, the data would be automatically replicated and made available from other centers. It was as if data had become immortal, always there when needed.

Enter Sarah, a brilliant young scientist who dedicated her life to exploring the mysteries of the universe. She was conducting research on a distant moon, analyzing vast amounts of astronomical data collected from telescopes scattered throughout the galaxy. Sarah relied on Kubernetes with Cosmic Storage to store and process this data.

With the power of Cosmic Storage, Sarah’s data analysis algorithms ran effortlessly, making it possible for her to uncover hidden patterns and make groundbreaking discoveries. She could seamlessly access and process massive amounts of data in real-time, effectively turning her research into a dynamic interactive experience.

As Sarah delved deeper into her research, she encountered a mysterious anomaly in the data. It was a faint signal coming from an uncharted region of the universe. Intrigued, Sarah used the vast capabilities of Cosmic Storage to cross-reference this signal with other astronomical databases in search of answers.

In her pursuit, she uncovered a hidden connection between the anomaly and a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization. It was as if the Cosmic Storage system had connected her directly to the secrets of the universe. Sarah suddenly found herself at the forefront of a cosmic discovery that could rewrite the laws of physics and open up new possibilities for intergalactic travel.

With the power of Kubernetes and Cosmic Storage, Sarah collaborated with scientists across different galaxies, seamlessly sharing data and ideas. Together, they pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and embarked on a new era of interstellar exploration.

As the universe unfolded its secrets, humanity’s reliance on Kubernetes and distributed storage became even more integral to their existence. They embraced the power of interconnected data centers, redefining what it meant to know and understand the cosmos.

And so, the journey continued, driven by the relentless pursuit of knowledge and propelled by the unparalleled capabilities of Kubernetes and Cosmic Storage.




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