lEC 61068-2-14_2023环境试验.第2-14部分:试验.试验N:温度变化, 最新版发布

news/2024/11/9 5:12:05/


lEC 61068-2-14_2023环境试验.第2-14部分:试验.试验N:温度变化

A change of temperature test is intended to determine the effect on the specimen of a changeof temperature or a succession of changes of temperature. 温度试验的目的是确定温度变化或温度连续变化对试样的影响。
lt is not intended to show effects that are caused by low or high temperature exposure.Forthese effects,the cold test or the dry heat test,as specified in lEC 60068-2-1 andIEC 60068-2-2,should be used. 这并不是为了显示低温或高温暴露所造成的影响。为此,应使用lec60068-2-1和iec 60068-2-2中规定的冷试验或干热试验。
The effect of change of temperature tests is determined by 温度试验变化的影响
- values of high and low conditioning temperature between which the change is to be affected,- the conditioning times for which the test specimen is kept at these temperatures, -受影响的高低调理温度值,以及测试样本在这些温度下的调理时间;
- the rate of change between these temperatures, -这些温度之间的变化速度,
- the number of cycles of conditioning, -调理周期的次数,
- the amount of heat transfer into or from the specimen, -进入或从标本中的传热量,
the thermal conductivity and the materials of the specimen, 样品的导热系数和材料,
the rate of change of the specimen's temperature on its surface (respectively in relevantpositions) or in its core. 试样在其表面(在相关位置上)或在其核心上的温度变化率。
Guidance on the choice of suitable test parameters for inclusion in the detail specification isgiven throughout this document. 详细规范中包含的合适测试参数的选择指南贯穿于本文档中。




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