
news/2024/11/17 20:21:31/




import pandas as pd
import json# 假设给定的JSON数据已经存储在data变量中
data = [{"title": "Data Source Adapter for Excel Sheets","project_code_url": "","date_created": "2022-05-17T23:30:01.526934Z","tech_tags": ["java","typescript"],"topic_tags": ["database"],"status": "passed","program_slug": "2022","contributor_display_name": "Kelly Xie","mentor_names": ["Marc Hennemann","Isabel"],"abstract_short": "This project will allow Polypheny to interact with Excel sheets by adding a data source adapter. The Excel adapter enables Polypheny to query the...","abstract_html": "This project will allow Polypheny to interact with Excel sheets by adding a data source adapter. \nThe Excel adapter enables Polypheny to query the mapped data using available query languages of Polypheny-DB and the imported tables can be joined with other tables.","date_archived": "2022-05-17T23:30:01.526934Z","id": "axdeCi5w","organization_name": "Polypheny","organization_slug": "polypheny"},{"title": "Admin Web Portal: New Features Support and Spam Mitigation","project_code_url": "","date_created": "2022-05-17T23:30:01.954880Z","tech_tags": ["node.js","typescript"],"topic_tags": ["New Features Support","Spam Mitigation"],"status": "passed","program_slug": "2022","contributor_display_name": "Asmit Kumar Sirohi","mentor_names": ["Yasharth Dubey","Jason Gayle"],"abstract_short": "My idea for this GSoC period is basically about improving the UI/UX of the admin portal and making it according to the design standards that are...","abstract_html": "My idea for this GSoC period is basically about improving the UI/UX of the admin portal and making it according to the design standards that are defined in talawa docs, also I will make it mobile responsive. Another focus I have this summer is to make all the screens (components) of talawa-admin functional i.e. No more hard-coded values in the admin portal, all the data will be live from talawa-API. I will also implement a way so that users can select or use talawa-admin in their preferred language and I will be implementing a feature for detecting whether a user is spamming a chat or not. Below are the features for talawa-admin that I am going to add this summer that will boost its usability, user experience, and its use cases.\n\nTalawa-admin Features: \n\nInteractive UI/UX.\nMultiple screens (Mobile or Tablet) are responsive.\nFunctional screens (components).\nImplementing the support for different languages.\nFeature to detect whether the user is spamming the chat or not.\nMigration from redux-routing to react-routing. *","date_archived": "2022-05-17T23:30:01.954880Z","id": "hMUkWQlA","organization_name": "The Palisadoes Foundation","organization_slug": "the-palisadoes-foundation"}
]# 提取所需字段
df_data = []
for d in data:df_data.append({'title': d['title'],'project_code_url': d['project_code_url'],'tech_tags': d['tech_tags'],'topic_tags': d['topic_tags'],'status': d['status'],'contributor_display_name': d['contributor_display_name'],'mentor_names': d['mentor_names'],'id': d['id'],'organization_name': d['organization_name']})# 转换为DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(df_data)# 查看结果







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