1. 引言
https://github.com/0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-prover为Polygon zkEVM生成proof,其主要承担3类RPC功能:
- 1)作为Aggregator RPC client(Prover模块)
- 2)作为Executor RPC server(Executor模块)
- 3)作为StateDB RPC server(StateDB模块)
2. 作为Aggregator RPC client
当zkEVM Prover连接某Aggregator server时,其作为Aggregator RPC client:
- 支持多个zkEVM Prover同时连接同一Aggregator,从而可提供更多的proof generation power。
实现的为Prover client 与 Aggregator server 之间的双向通讯通道,通过Channel
函数可获取aggregator messages,并以同一id,通过Channel
函数来返回prover messages。详细的RPC接口规范见aggregator.proto
/*** Define all methods implementes by the gRPC* Channel: prover receives aggregator messages and returns prover messages with the same id*/
service AggregatorService {rpc Channel(stream ProverMessage) returns (stream AggregatorMessage) {}
}/*type AggregatorService_ChannelServer interface {Send(*AggregatorMessage) error //发送requestRecv() (*ProverMessage, error) //接收responsegrpc.ServerStream
}*/message AggregatorMessage
{string id = 1;oneof request{GetStatusRequest get_status_request = 2;GenBatchProofRequest gen_batch_proof_request = 3;GenAggregatedProofRequest gen_aggregated_proof_request = 4;GenFinalProofRequest gen_final_proof_request = 5;CancelRequest cancel_request = 6;GetProofRequest get_proof_request = 7;}
}message ProverMessage
{string id = 1;oneof response{GetStatusResponse get_status_response = 2;GenBatchProofResponse gen_batch_proof_response = 3;GenAggregatedProofResponse gen_aggregated_proof_response = 4;GenFinalProofResponse gen_final_proof_response = 5;CancelResponse cancel_response = 6;GetProofResponse get_proof_response = 7;}
向Aggregator server调用Channel
参数 与 AggregatorMessage
1)GetStatusRequest VS GetStatusResponse:Aggregator询问Prover client状态:
/*** @dev GetStatusRequest*/ message GetStatusRequest {} /*** @dev Response GetStatus* @param {status} - server status* - BOOTING: being ready to compute proofs* - COMPUTING: busy computing a proof* - IDLE: waiting for a proof to compute* - HALT: stop* @param {last_computed_request_id} - last proof identifier that has been computed* @param {last_computed_end_time} - last proof timestamp when it was finished* @param {current_computing_request_id} - id of the proof that is being computed* @param {current_computing_start_time} - timestamp when the proof that is being computed started* @param {version_proto} - .proto verion* @param {version_server} - server version* @param {pending_request_queue_ids} - list of identifierss of proof requests that are in the pending queue* @param {prover_name} - id of this prover server, normally specified via config.json, or UNSPECIFIED otherwise; it does not change if prover reboots* @param {prover_id} - id of this prover instance or reboot; it changes if prover reboots; it is a UUID, automatically generated during the initialization* @param {number_of_cores} - number of cores in the system where the prover is running* @param {total_memory} - total memory in the system where the prover is running* @param {free_memory} - free memory in the system where the prover is running*/ message GetStatusResponse {enum Status {STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0;STATUS_BOOTING = 1;STATUS_COMPUTING = 2;STATUS_IDLE = 3;STATUS_HALT = 4;}Status status = 1;string last_computed_request_id = 2;uint64 last_computed_end_time = 3;string current_computing_request_id = 4;uint64 current_computing_start_time = 5;string version_proto = 6;string version_server = 7;repeated string pending_request_queue_ids = 8;string prover_name = 9;string prover_id = 10;uint64 number_of_cores = 11;uint64 total_memory = 12;uint64 free_memory = 13;uint64 fork_id = 14; }
2)CancelRequest VS CancelResponse:Aggregator向Prover client请求取消指定的proof request。
/*** @dev CancelRequest* @param {id} - identifier of the proof request to cancel*/ message CancelRequest {string id = 1; } /*** @dev CancelResponse* @param {result} - request result*/ message CancelResponse {Result result = 1; } /*** @dev Result* - OK: succesfully completed* - ERROR: request is not correct, i.e. input data is wrong* - INTERNAL_ERROR: internal server error when delivering the response*/ enum Result {RESULT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;RESULT_OK = 1;RESULT_ERROR = 2;RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 3; }
3)GetProofRequest VS GetProofResponse:Aggregator向Prover client请求获取指定的recursive proof或final proof。
/*** @dev Request GetProof* @param {id} - proof identifier of the proof request* @param {timeout} - time to wait until the service responds*/ message GetProofRequest {string id = 1;uint64 timeout = 2; } /*** @dev GetProofResponse* @param {id} - proof identifier* @param {final_proof} - groth16 proof + public circuit inputs* @param {recursive_proof} - recursive proof json* @param {result} - proof result* - COMPLETED_OK: proof has been computed successfully and it is valid* - ERROR: request error* - COMPLETED_ERROR: proof has been computed successfully and it is not valid* - PENDING: proof is being computed* - INTERNAL_ERROR: server error during proof computation* - CANCEL: proof has been cancelled* @param {result_string} - extends result information*/ message GetProofResponse {enum Result {RESULT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;RESULT_COMPLETED_OK = 1;RESULT_ERROR = 2;RESULT_COMPLETED_ERROR = 3;RESULT_PENDING = 4;RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 5;RESULT_CANCEL = 6;}string id = 1;oneof proof {FinalProof final_proof = 2;string recursive_proof =3;}Result result = 4;string result_string = 5; }
4)GenBatchProofRequest VS GenBatchProofResponse:Aggregator向Prover client发送生成batch proof请求。
/*** @dev GenBatchProofRequest* @param {input} - input prover*/ message GenBatchProofRequest {InputProver input = 1; } /*** @dev InputProver* @param {public_inputs} - public inputs* @param {db} - database containing all key-values in smt matching the old state root* @param {contracts_bytecode} - key is the hash(contractBytecode), value is the bytecode itself*/ message InputProver {PublicInputs public_inputs = 1;map<string, string> db = 4; // For debug/testing purpposes only. Don't fill this on productionmap<string, string> contracts_bytecode = 5; // For debug/testing purpposes only. Don't fill this on production } /** @dev PublicInputs* @param {old_state_root}* @param {old_acc_input_hash}* @param {old_batch_num}* @param {chain_id}* @param {batch_l2_data}* @param {global_exit_root}* @param {sequencer_addr}* @param {aggregator_addr}*/ message PublicInputs {bytes old_state_root = 1;bytes old_acc_input_hash = 2;uint64 old_batch_num = 3;uint64 chain_id = 4;uint64 fork_id = 5;bytes batch_l2_data = 6; //输入a batch of EVM transactionsbytes global_exit_root = 7;uint64 eth_timestamp = 8;string sequencer_addr = 9;string aggregator_addr = 10; }/*** @dev GenBatchProofResponse* @param {id} - proof identifier, to be used in GetProofRequest()* @param {result} - request result*/ message GenBatchProofResponse {string id = 1;Result result = 2; } /*** @dev Result* - OK: succesfully completed* - ERROR: request is not correct, i.e. input data is wrong* - INTERNAL_ERROR: internal server error when delivering the response*/ enum Result {RESULT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;RESULT_OK = 1;RESULT_ERROR = 2;RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 3; }
5)GenAggregatedProofRequest VS GenAggregatedProofResponse:Aggregator向Prover client发送生成aggregated proof请求。
/*** @dev GenAggregatedProofRequest* @param {recursive_proof_1} - proof json of the first batch to aggregate* @param {recursive_proof_2} - proof json of the second batch to aggregate*/ message GenAggregatedProofRequest {string recursive_proof_1 = 1;string recursive_proof_2 = 2; } /*** @dev GenAggregatedProofResponse* @param {id} - proof identifier, to be used in GetProofRequest()* @param {result} - request result*/ message GenAggregatedProofResponse {string id = 1;Result result = 2; } /*** @dev Result* - OK: succesfully completed* - ERROR: request is not correct, i.e. input data is wrong* - INTERNAL_ERROR: internal server error when delivering the response*/ enum Result {RESULT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;RESULT_OK = 1;RESULT_ERROR = 2;RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 3; }
6)GenFinalProofRequest VS GenFinalProofResponse:Aggregator向Prover client发送生成final proof请求。
/*** @dev GenFinalProofRequest* @param {recursive_proof} - proof json of the batch or aggregated proof to finalise* @param {aggregator_addr} - address of the aggregator*/ message GenFinalProofRequest {string recursive_proof = 1;string aggregator_addr = 2; } /*** @dev Response GenFinalProof* @param {id} - proof identifier, to be used in GetProofRequest()* @param {result} - request result*/ message GenFinalProofResponse {string id = 1;Result result = 2; } /*** @dev Result* - OK: succesfully completed* - ERROR: request is not correct, i.e. input data is wrong* - INTERNAL_ERROR: internal server error when delivering the response*/ enum Result {RESULT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;RESULT_OK = 1;RESULT_ERROR = 2;RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 3; }
对应的Aggregator server端代码为:
// Channel implements the bi-directional communication channel between the
// Prover client and the Aggregator server.
func (a *Aggregator) Channel(stream pb.AggregatorService_ChannelServer) error {metrics.ConnectedProver()defer metrics.DisconnectedProver()ctx := stream.Context()var proverAddr net.Addrp, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)if ok {proverAddr = p.Addr}prover, err := prover.New(stream, proverAddr, a.cfg.ProofStatePollingInterval)if err != nil {return err}log := log.WithFields("prover", prover.Name(),"proverId", prover.ID(),"proverAddr", prover.Addr(),)log.Info("Establishing stream connection with prover")// Check if prover supports the required Fork IDif !prover.SupportsForkID(a.cfg.ForkId) {err := errors.New("prover does not support required fork ID")log.Warn(FirstToUpper(err.Error()))return err}for {select {case <-a.ctx.Done():// server disconnectedreturn a.ctx.Err()case <-ctx.Done():// client disconnectedreturn ctx.Err()default:isIdle, err := prover.IsIdle() //判断GetStatusRequest返回的是否为GetStatusResponse_STATUS_IDLEif err != nil {log.Errorf("Failed to check if prover is idle: %v", err)time.Sleep(a.cfg.RetryTime.Duration)continue}if !isIdle {log.Debug("Prover is not idle")time.Sleep(a.cfg.RetryTime.Duration)continue}_, err = a.tryBuildFinalProof(ctx, prover, nil)if err != nil {log.Errorf("Error checking proofs to verify: %v", err)}proofGenerated, err := a.tryAggregateProofs(ctx, prover)if err != nil {log.Errorf("Error trying to aggregate proofs: %v", err)}if !proofGenerated {proofGenerated, err = a.tryGenerateBatchProof(ctx, prover)if err != nil {log.Errorf("Error trying to generate proof: %v", err)}}if !proofGenerated {// if no proof was generated (aggregated or batch) wait some time before retrytime.Sleep(a.cfg.RetryTime.Duration)} // if proof was generated we retry immediately as probably we have more proofs to process}}
Prover client端代码为:
void* aggregatorClientThread(void* arg)
{cout << "aggregatorClientThread() started" << endl;string uuid;AggregatorClient *pAggregatorClient = (AggregatorClient *)arg;while (true){::grpc::ClientContext context;std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<aggregator::v1::ProverMessage, aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage>> readerWriter;readerWriter = pAggregatorClient->stub->Channel(&context);bool bResult;while (true){::aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage aggregatorMessage;::aggregator::v1::ProverMessage proverMessage;// Read a new aggregator messagebResult = readerWriter->Read(&aggregatorMessage);if (!bResult){cerr << "Error: aggregatorClientThread() failed calling readerWriter->Read(&aggregatorMessage)" << endl;break;}switch (aggregatorMessage.request_case()){case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetProofRequest:break;case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetStatusRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenBatchProofRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kCancelRequest:cout << "aggregatorClientThread() got: " << aggregatorMessage.ShortDebugString() << endl;break;case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenAggregatedProofRequest:cout << "aggregatorClientThread() got genAggregatedProof() request" << endl;break;case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenFinalProofRequest:cout << "aggregatorClientThread() got genFinalProof() request" << endl;break;default:break;}// We return the same ID we got in the aggregator messageproverMessage.set_id(aggregatorMessage.id());string filePrefix = pAggregatorClient->config.outputPath + "/" + getTimestamp() + "_" + aggregatorMessage.id() + ".";if (pAggregatorClient->config.saveRequestToFile){string2file(aggregatorMessage.DebugString(), filePrefix + "aggregator_request.txt");}switch (aggregatorMessage.request_case()){case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetStatusRequest:{// Allocate a new get status responseaggregator::v1::GetStatusResponse * pGetStatusResponse = new aggregator::v1::GetStatusResponse();zkassert(pGetStatusResponse != NULL);// Call GetStatuspAggregatorClient->GetStatus(*pGetStatusResponse);// Set the get status responseproverMessage.set_allocated_get_status_response(pGetStatusResponse);break;}case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenBatchProofRequest:{// Allocate a new gen batch proof responseaggregator::v1::GenBatchProofResponse * pGenBatchProofResponse = new aggregator::v1::GenBatchProofResponse();zkassert(pGenBatchProofResponse != NULL);// Call GenBatchProofpAggregatorClient->GenBatchProof(aggregatorMessage.gen_batch_proof_request(), *pGenBatchProofResponse);// Set the gen batch proof responseproverMessage.set_allocated_gen_batch_proof_response(pGenBatchProofResponse);break;}case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenAggregatedProofRequest:{// Allocate a new gen aggregated proof responseaggregator::v1::GenAggregatedProofResponse * pGenAggregatedProofResponse = new aggregator::v1::GenAggregatedProofResponse();zkassert(pGenAggregatedProofResponse != NULL);// Call GenAggregatedProofpAggregatorClient->GenAggregatedProof(aggregatorMessage.gen_aggregated_proof_request(), *pGenAggregatedProofResponse);// Set the gen aggregated proof responseproverMessage.set_allocated_gen_aggregated_proof_response(pGenAggregatedProofResponse);break;}case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenFinalProofRequest:{// Allocate a new gen final proof responseaggregator::v1::GenFinalProofResponse * pGenFinalProofResponse = new aggregator::v1::GenFinalProofResponse();zkassert(pGenFinalProofResponse != NULL);// Call GenFinalProofpAggregatorClient->GenFinalProof(aggregatorMessage.gen_final_proof_request(), *pGenFinalProofResponse);// Set the gen final proof responseproverMessage.set_allocated_gen_final_proof_response(pGenFinalProofResponse);break;}case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kCancelRequest:{// Allocate a new cancel responseaggregator::v1::CancelResponse * pCancelResponse = new aggregator::v1::CancelResponse();zkassert(pCancelResponse != NULL);// Call CancelpAggregatorClient->Cancel(aggregatorMessage.cancel_request(), *pCancelResponse);// Set the cancel responseproverMessage.set_allocated_cancel_response(pCancelResponse);break;}case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetProofRequest:{// Allocate a new cancel responseaggregator::v1::GetProofResponse * pGetProofResponse = new aggregator::v1::GetProofResponse();zkassert(pGetProofResponse != NULL);// Call GetProofpAggregatorClient->GetProof(aggregatorMessage.get_proof_request(), *pGetProofResponse);// Set the get proof responseproverMessage.set_allocated_get_proof_response(pGetProofResponse);break;}default:{cerr << "Error: aggregatorClientThread() received an invalid type=" << aggregatorMessage.request_case() << endl;break;}}// Write the prover messagebResult = readerWriter->Write(proverMessage);if (!bResult){cerr << "Error: aggregatorClientThread() failed calling readerWriter->Write(proverMessage)" << endl;break;}switch (aggregatorMessage.request_case()){case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetStatusRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenBatchProofRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenAggregatedProofRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGenFinalProofRequest:case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kCancelRequest:cout << "aggregatorClientThread() sent: " << proverMessage.ShortDebugString() << endl;break;case aggregator::v1::AggregatorMessage::RequestCase::kGetProofRequest:if (proverMessage.get_proof_response().result() != aggregator::v1::GetProofResponse_Result_RESULT_PENDING)cout << "aggregatorClientThread() getProof() response sent; result=" << proverMessage.get_proof_response().result_string() << endl;break;default:break;}if (pAggregatorClient->config.saveResponseToFile){string2file(proverMessage.DebugString(), filePrefix + "aggregator_response.txt");}}cout << "aggregatorClientThread() channel broken; will retry in 5 seconds" << endl;sleep(5);}return NULL;
2.1 生成batch proof
当Aggregator调用Prover请求生成batch proof时,Prover会:
- 1)执行input data(a batch of EVM transactions)
- 2)calculate the resulting state
- 3)基于PIL polynomials definition和PIL polynomial constraints,为该calculation 生成proof。
- Executor模块(即Executor RPC server)中结合了14个状态机来处理input data,以 生成 生成proof 所需的 committed polynomials的evaluations。每个状态机会生成自己的computation evidence data,并将更复杂的证明计算委托给下一状态机。
- Prover模块(即Aggregator RPC client)会调用Stark模块,来为 Executor状态机的committed polynomials 生成proof。
2.2 生成aggregated proof
当Aggregator调用Prover请求生成aggregated proof时,Prover会:
- 将Aggregator所提供的之前的2个calculated batch proofs或aggregated proofs合并,生成一个aggregated proof。
2.3 生成 final proof
当Aggregator调用Prover请求生成final proof时,Prover会:
- 1)将Aggregator所提供的之前的一个calculated aggregated proof,生成一个可验证的final proof。
3. 作为Executor RPC server
作为Executor RPC server,其并不生成proof,(生成proof的工作由Aggregator RPC client模块完成),Executor会:
- 执行input data(a batch of EVM transactions),并计算the resulting state。
- 提供了一种快速的方式来检查:
- 所提议的batch of transactions是否正确构建,且其工作量是否适合在单个batch内进行证明。
- 当被Executor service调用时,Executor模块仅使用Main状态机。因此时不需要生成proof,也就不需要committed polynomials。
service ExecutorService {/// Processes a batchrpc ProcessBatch(ProcessBatchRequest) returns (ProcessBatchResponse) {}
}message ProcessBatchRequest {bytes old_state_root = 1;bytes old_acc_input_hash = 2;uint64 old_batch_num = 3;uint64 chain_id = 4;uint64 fork_id = 5;bytes batch_l2_data = 6;bytes global_exit_root = 7;uint64 eth_timestamp = 8;string coinbase = 9;uint32 update_merkle_tree = 10;// flag to indicate that counters should not be taken into accountuint64 no_counters = 11;// from is used for unsigned transactions with senderstring from = 12;// For testing purposes onlymap<string, string> db = 13;map<string, string> contracts_bytecode = 14; // For debug/testing purpposes only. Don't fill this on productionTraceConfig trace_config = 15;
}message ProcessBatchResponse {bytes new_state_root = 1;bytes new_acc_input_hash = 2;bytes new_local_exit_root = 3;uint64 new_batch_num = 4;uint32 cnt_keccak_hashes = 5;uint32 cnt_poseidon_hashes = 6;uint32 cnt_poseidon_paddings = 7;uint32 cnt_mem_aligns = 8;uint32 cnt_arithmetics = 9;uint32 cnt_binaries = 10;uint32 cnt_steps = 11;uint64 cumulative_gas_used = 12;repeated ProcessTransactionResponse responses = 13;ExecutorError error = 14;map<string, InfoReadWrite> read_write_addresses = 15;
message ProcessTransactionResponse {// Hash of the transactionbytes tx_hash = 1;// RLP encoded transaction// [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s]bytes rlp_tx = 2;// Type indicates legacy transaction// It will be always 0 (legacy) in the executoruint32 type = 3;// Returned data from the runtime (function result or data supplied with revert opcode)bytes return_value = 4;// Total gas left as result of executionuint64 gas_left = 5;// Total gas used as result of execution or gas estimationuint64 gas_used = 6;// Total gas refunded as result of executionuint64 gas_refunded = 7;// Any error encountered during the executionRomError error = 8;// New SC Address in case of SC creationstring create_address = 9;// State Rootbytes state_root = 10;// Logs emited by LOG opcoderepeated Log logs = 11;// Tracerepeated ExecutionTraceStep execution_trace = 13;CallTrace call_trace = 14;
4. 作为StateDB RPC server
- 提供了访问system state(为a Merkle tree)的接口,以及访问该state所存储database的接口
- 供Executor和Prover模块使用,作为state的唯一源。可用于获取state details,如account balances。
/*** Define all methods implementes by the gRPC* Get: get the value for a specific key* Set: set the value for a specific key* SetProgram: set the byte data for a specific key* GetProgram: get the byte data for a specific key* Flush: wait for all the pendings writes to the DB are done*/
service StateDBService {rpc Set(SetRequest) returns (SetResponse) {}rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {}rpc SetProgram(SetProgramRequest) returns (SetProgramResponse) {}rpc GetProgram(GetProgramRequest) returns (GetProgramResponse) {}rpc LoadDB(LoadDBRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}rpc LoadProgramDB(LoadProgramDBRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}rpc Flush (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (FlushResponse) {}
1)rpc Set(SetRequest) returns (SetResponse) {}:
/*** @dev SetRequest* @param {old_root} - merkle-tree root* @param {key} - key to set* @param {value} - scalar value to set (HEX string format)* @param {persistent} - indicates if it should be stored in the SQL database (true) or only in the memory cache (false)* @param {details} - indicates if it should return all response parameters (true) or just the new root (false)* @param {get_db_read_log} - indicates if it should return the DB reads generated during the execution of the request*/ message SetRequest {Fea old_root = 1;Fea key = 2;string value = 3;bool persistent = 4;bool details = 5;bool get_db_read_log = 6; } /*** @dev SetResponse* @param {old_root} - merkle-tree root* @param {new_root} - merkle-tree new root* @param {key} - key to look for* @param {siblings} - array of siblings* @param {ins_key} - key found* @param {ins_value} - value found (HEX string format)* @param {is_old0} - is new insert or delete* @param {old_value} - old value (HEX string format)* @param {new_value} - new value (HEX string format)* @param {mode}* @param {proof_hash_counter}* @param {db_read_log} - list of db records read during the execution of the request* @param {result} - result code*/ message SetResponse {Fea old_root = 1;Fea new_root = 2;Fea key = 3;map<uint64, SiblingList> siblings = 4;Fea ins_key = 5;string ins_value = 6;bool is_old0 = 7;string old_value = 8;string new_value = 9;string mode = 10;uint64 proof_hash_counter = 11;map<string, FeList> db_read_log = 12;ResultCode result = 13; }
2)rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {}:
/*** @dev GetRequest* @param {root} - merkle-tree root* @param {key} - key to look for* @param {details} - indicates if it should return all response parameters (true) or just the new root (false)* @param {get_db_read_log} - indicates if it should return the DB reads generated during the execution of the request*/ message GetRequest {Fea root = 1;Fea key = 2;bool details = 3;bool get_db_read_log = 4; } /*** @dev GetResponse* @param {root} - merkle-tree root* @param {key} - key to look for* @param {siblings} - array of siblings* @param {ins_key} - key found* @param {ins_value} - value found (HEX string format)* @param {is_old0} - is new insert or delete* @param {value} - value retrieved (HEX string format)* @param {proof_hash_counter}* @param {db_read_log} - list of db records read during the execution of the request* @param {result} - result code*/ message GetResponse {Fea root = 1;Fea key = 2;map<uint64, SiblingList> siblings = 3;Fea ins_key = 4;string ins_value = 5;bool is_old0 = 6;string value = 7;uint64 proof_hash_counter = 8;map<string, FeList> db_read_log = 9;ResultCode result = 10; }
3)rpc SetProgram(SetProgramRequest) returns (SetProgramResponse) {}:
/*** @dev SetProgramRequest* @param {key} - key to set* @param {data} - Program data to store* @param {persistent} - indicates if it should be stored in the SQL database (true) or only in the memory cache (false)*/ message SetProgramRequest {Fea key = 1;bytes data = 2;bool persistent = 3; } /*** @dev SetProgramResponse* @param {result} - result code*/ message SetProgramResponse {ResultCode result = 1; }
4)rpc GetProgram(GetProgramRequest) returns (GetProgramResponse) {}:
/*** @dev GetProgramRequest* @param {key} - key to get program data*/
message GetProgramRequest {Fea key = 1;
/*** @dev GetProgramResponse* @param {data} - program data retrieved* @param {result} - result code*/
message GetProgramResponse {bytes data = 1;ResultCode result = 2;
5)rpc LoadDB(LoadDBRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}:
/*** @dev LoadDBRequest* @param {input_db} - list of db records (MT) to load in the database* @param {persistent} - indicates if it should be stored in the SQL database (true) or only in the memory cache (false)*/ message LoadDBRequest {map<string, FeList> input_db = 1;bool persistent = 2; }
6)rpc LoadProgramDB(LoadProgramDBRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}:
/*** @dev LoadProgramDBRequest* @param {input_program_db} - list of db records (program) to load in the database* @param {persistent} - indicates if it should be stored in the SQL database (true) or only in the memory cache (false)*/ message LoadProgramDBRequest {map<string, bytes> input_program_db = 1;bool persistent = 2; }
7)rpc Flush (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (FlushResponse) {}:
/*** @dev FlushResponse* @param {result} - result code*/ message FlushResponse {ResultCode result = 1; }
/*** @dev Array of 4 FE* @param {fe0} - Field Element value for pos 0* @param {fe1} - Field Element value for pos 1* @param {fe2} - Field Element value for pos 2* @param {fe3} - Field Element value for pos 3
message Fea {uint64 fe0 = 1;uint64 fe1 = 2;uint64 fe2 = 3;uint64 fe3 = 4;
}/*** @dev FE (Field Element) List* @param {fe} - list of Fe
message FeList {repeated uint64 fe = 1;
}/*** @dev Siblings List* @param {sibling} - list of siblings
message SiblingList {repeated uint64 sibling = 1;
}/*** @dev Result code* @param {code} - result code
message ResultCode {enum Code {CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;CODE_SUCCESS = 1;CODE_DB_KEY_NOT_FOUND = 2; // Requested key was not found in databaseCODE_DB_ERROR = 3; // Error connecting to database, or processing requestCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 4;CODE_SMT_INVALID_DATA_SIZE = 14; // Invalid size for the data of MT node}Code code = 1;
[1] zkEVM Prover说明
附录:Polygon Hermez 2.0 zkEVM系列博客
- ZK-Rollups工作原理
- Polygon zkEVM——Hermez 2.0简介
- Polygon zkEVM网络节点
- Polygon zkEVM 基本概念
- Polygon zkEVM Prover
- Polygon zkEVM工具——PIL和CIRCOM
- Polygon zkEVM节点代码解析
- Polygon zkEVM的pil-stark Fibonacci状态机初体验
- Polygon zkEVM的pil-stark Fibonacci状态机代码解析
- Polygon zkEVM PIL编译器——pilcom 代码解析
- Polygon zkEVM Arithmetic状态机
- Polygon zkEVM中的常量多项式
- Polygon zkEVM Binary状态机
- Polygon zkEVM Memory状态机
- Polygon zkEVM Memory Align状态机
- Polygon zkEVM zkASM编译器——zkasmcom
- Polygon zkEVM哈希状态机——Keccak-256和Poseidon
- Polygon zkEVM zkASM语法
- Polygon zkEVM可验证计算简单状态机示例
- Polygon zkEVM zkASM 与 以太坊虚拟机opcode 对应集合
- Polygon zkEVM zkROM代码解析(1)
- Polygon zkEVM zkASM中的函数集合
- Polygon zkEVM zkROM代码解析(2)
- Polygon zkEVM zkROM代码解析(3)
- Polygon zkEVM公式梳理
- Polygon zkEVM中的Merkle tree
- Polygon zkEVM中Goldilocks域元素circom约束
- Polygon zkEVM Merkle tree的circom约束
- Polygon zkEVM FFT和多项式evaluate计算的circom约束
- Polygon zkEVM R1CS与Plonk电路转换
- Polygon zkEVM中的子约束系统
- Polygon zkEVM交易解析
- Polygon zkEVM 审计及递归证明
- Polygon zkEVM发布公开测试网2.0
- Polygon zkEVM测试集——创建合约交易
- Polygon zkEVM中的Recursive STARKs
- Polygon zkEVM的gas定价
- Polygon zkEVM zkProver基本设计原则 以及 Storage状态机
- Polygon zkEVM bridge技术文档
- Polygon zkEVM Trustless L2 State Management 技术文档
- Polygon zkEVM中的自定义errors
- Polygon zkEVM RPC服务