
news/2024/12/23 1:16:39/

Design and implementation of adult education administration system
With the upgrading of the industrialization structure of the market economy, the talent structure is also undergoing great changes and reforms. Moreover, all major enterprises are in a stage of rapid development and expansion. In this period of rapid development and structural upgrading, the demand for talents is also increasing. Enterprises and employment units are no longer limited to the recruitment and recruitment of college talents is more biased to the recruitment of social talents. Social talents have more social experience and work experience, and the acceptance of new things and skills is stronger, more in line with the current development status of enterprises and employment units and talent needs. Adult education has also been rapid development, adult education is still an important link in higher education, to a large extent in the future of education development direction and social development structure upgrading important component. And adult education is an important part of national education as well as general higher education. It is listed as a series of national education system and has been successfully listed in the national enrollment plan. In the annual enrollment season, we recruit students together with ordinary colleges and universities. Adult education management has become the most important and complex work in adult education management. The information-based management system of adult education has become an important way to improve the level of adult education management and structural reform of adult education management. The informationized adult education not only provides more advanced educational management ideas and methods for the educational administration of adult education, but also improves the efficiency of the educational administration of adult education to a certain extent, realizing a more scientific and standardized management mode of adult education and promoting the rapid development of adult higher education.
Key words: Adult education; Talent structure; National education
目 录

引言 6
1绪论 7
1.1研究背景 7
1.2研究意义 7
1.3 国内外研究现状 7
1.3.1 国内研究现状 7
1.3.2 国外研究现状 8
2相关理论阐述 8
2.1开发工具及技术 8
2.1.1MySQL数据库简介 8
2.1.2 B/S体系结构 8
2.1.3 springboot框架介绍 9
第3章 系统需求分析 10
3.1 功能需求 10
3.2 可行性分析 10
3.2.1技术的可行性 10
3.2.2经济的可行性 10
3.2.3操作可行性 10
3.2.3法律的可行性 11
3.3系统架构 11
3.3.1 平台架构图 11
3.3.2 平台用例图 12
第4章 概要设计 14
4.1数据库的概念结构设计 14
第5章 系统的实现与应用 15
5.1平台开发环境介绍 15
5.2系统的实现 15
5.2.1系统首页实现 15
5.2.2听说学习界面 16
5.2.3视频教学界面 16
5.2.4资料信息界面 17
5.2.5在线留言界面 17
5.2.6金币充值界面 18
5.2.7留言管理信息界面 18
5.2.8视频教学统计信息界面 19
6.1 系统测试 20
6.3 系统模块测试 20
第7章总结 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25




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