[C++] 自定义的类如何使用“cout“和“cin“?(含日期类实现)

news/2025/1/15 12:37:09/









函数名: operator操作符
返回类型: 看操作符运算后返回值是什么

其中,有5 个符号是不能进行运算符重载的:::      sizeof         ?:      .      .* 





void Test3()
{Date d1(2023, 8, 9);Date d2(2023, 12, 20);Date d3(2003, 12, 1);d1 << cout;d2 << cout;d3 << cout;
}int main()
{Test3();return 0;


class Date
{friend void operator<< (ostream& out, const Date& d);public:// 获取某年某月的天数int GetMonthDay(int year, int month){int days[13] = { 0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0){days[2] = 29;}return days[month];}// 全缺省的构造函数Date(int year = 1900, int month = 1, int day = 1){_year = year;_month = month;_day = day;if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > GetMonthDay(year, month)){cout << "非法日期" << endl;}}// 拷贝构造函数// d2(d1)Date(const Date& d){_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;}// 赋值运算符重载// d2 = d3 -> d2.operator=(&d2, d3)Date& operator=(const Date& d){_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;return *this;}// 析构函数~Date(){;}//打印void Print() const{cout << _year << "年" << _month << "月" << _day << "日" << endl;}// 日期+=天数Date& operator+=(int day){if (day < 0){*this -= (-day);return *this;}_day += day;while (_day > GetMonthDay(_year, _month)){_day -= GetMonthDay(_year, _month);_month++;if (_month > 12){_year++;_month = 1;}}return *this;}// 日期+天数Date operator+(int day){Date tmp = *this;tmp += day;return tmp;}// 日期-天数Date operator-(int day){Date tmp = *this;tmp -= day;return tmp;}// 日期-=天数Date& operator-=(int day){if (day < 0){*this += (-day);return *this;}_day -= day;while (_day <= 0){_month--;if (_month == 0){_year--;_month = 12;}_day += GetMonthDay(_year, _month);}return *this;}// 前置++Date& operator++(){*this += 1;return *this;}// 后置++Date operator++(int){Date tmp = *this;*this += 1;return tmp;}// 后置--Date operator--(int){Date tmp = *this;*this -= 1;return tmp;}// 前置--Date& operator--(){*this -= 1;return *this;}// >运算符重载bool operator>(const Date& d){if (_year > d._year){return true;}else if(_year == d._year){if (_month > d._month){return true;}else if (_month == d._month){if (_day > d._day){return true;}}}return false;}// ==运算符重载bool operator==(const Date& d){return _year == d._year && _month == d._month && _day == d._day;}// >=运算符重载bool operator >= (const Date& d){return *this > d || *this == d;}// <运算符重载bool operator < (const Date& d){return !(*this >= d);}// <=运算符重载bool operator <= (const Date& d){return !(*this > d);}// !=运算符重载bool operator != (const Date& d){return !(*this == d);}// 日期-日期 返回天数int operator-(const Date& d){int num = 0;Date max = *this;Date min = d;int flag = 1;if (*this < d){flag = -1;max = d;min = *this;}while (max > min){num++;min++;}return flag * num;}void operator<< (ostream& cout) const{cout << _year << "年" << _month << "月" << _day << "日" << endl;}private:int _year;int _month;int _day;};






using namespace std;class Date
//设置友元friend void operator<< (ostream& out, const Date& d);public:// 获取某年某月的天数int GetMonthDay(int year, int month){int days[13] = { 0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0){days[2] = 29;}return days[month];}// 全缺省的构造函数Date(int year = 1900, int month = 1, int day = 1){_year = year;_month = month;_day = day;if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > GetMonthDay(year, month)){cout << "非法日期" << endl;}}// 拷贝构造函数// d2(d1)Date(const Date& d){_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;}// 赋值运算符重载// d2 = d3 -> d2.operator=(&d2, d3)Date& operator=(const Date& d){_year = d._year;_month = d._month;_day = d._day;return *this;}// 析构函数~Date(){;}//打印void Print() const{cout << _year << "年" << _month << "月" << _day << "日" << endl;}// 日期+=天数Date& operator+=(int day){if (day < 0){*this -= (-day);return *this;}_day += day;while (_day > GetMonthDay(_year, _month)){_day -= GetMonthDay(_year, _month);_month++;if (_month > 12){_year++;_month = 1;}}return *this;}// 日期+天数Date operator+(int day){Date tmp = *this;tmp += day;return tmp;}// 日期-天数Date operator-(int day){Date tmp = *this;tmp -= day;return tmp;}// 日期-=天数Date& operator-=(int day){if (day < 0){*this += (-day);return *this;}_day -= day;while (_day <= 0){_month--;if (_month == 0){_year--;_month = 12;}_day += GetMonthDay(_year, _month);}return *this;}// 前置++Date& operator++(){*this += 1;return *this;}// 后置++Date operator++(int){Date tmp = *this;*this += 1;return tmp;}// 后置--Date operator--(int){Date tmp = *this;*this -= 1;return tmp;}// 前置--Date& operator--(){*this -= 1;return *this;}// >运算符重载bool operator>(const Date& d){if (_year > d._year){return true;}else if(_year == d._year){if (_month > d._month){return true;}else if (_month == d._month){if (_day > d._day){return true;}}}return false;}// ==运算符重载bool operator==(const Date& d){return _year == d._year && _month == d._month && _day == d._day;}// >=运算符重载bool operator >= (const Date& d){return *this > d || *this == d;}// <运算符重载bool operator < (const Date& d){return !(*this >= d);}// <=运算符重载bool operator <= (const Date& d){return !(*this > d);}// !=运算符重载bool operator != (const Date& d){return !(*this == d);}// 日期-日期 返回天数int operator-(const Date& d){int num = 0;Date max = *this;Date min = d;int flag = 1;if (*this < d){flag = -1;max = d;min = *this;}while (max > min){num++;min++;}return flag * num;}private:int _year;int _month;int _day;};//运算符重载
void operator<< (ostream& cout, const Date& d)
{cout << d._year << "年" << d._month << "月" << d._day << "日" << endl;


void Test3()
{Date d1(2023, 8, 9);Date d2(2023, 12, 20);Date d3(2003, 12, 1);cout << d1;cout << d2;cout << d3;}int main()
{Test3();return 0;





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