
news/2025/2/1 11:54:32/

摘 要

Breakfast shop order system
The colorful world brings a better life, and the development of the industry is also inseparable from the development of technology. As a development aspect of the progress of The Times, information technology is an important secret to the development of the industry from beginning to end. No matter what kind of industry, large countries, enterprises, small groups and individuals are using information technology to change their lives. During the epidemic period, each of us can see the place we have visited by simply setting the information scan code, which is the power of technology. Even people’s vegetable baskets can be delivered home without leaving home through software. With the continuous improvement of economic level. More and more ordinary families are not only pursuing food, the rise of e-commerce is not only bringing more employment industries. It also brings colorful changes to our life. We used to order food in nearby restaurants, but now we can use mobile phones to order food through the Internet. Just imagine that we might not be able to go for whatever reason. Restaurants are serving in, or at this time of the pandemic. For going out, the risk is high. We can order our favorite dishes through mobile phone takeout, and then deliver them through the rider. So, it follows that. To be able to develop such a device. How important is the ordering system based on Android phone.
As for the design of the ordering system this time, Han mainly imitates some of the popular selling points in the market, such as our current popular Youeleam, Meituan and so on. Based on this, we can show different special functions of the ordering and delivery system according to different user functional requirements. Of course, the implementation of the ordering system, or based on the system, so it is inevitable to use the Java language. At the same time for the customer information data to save, so we use the MYSQL database.

Keywords:JAVA language, MySQL database, B/S design mode
目 录
第1章 绪论 3
1.1研究背景 3
1.2研究意义与目的 3
1.3研究目标 4
1.3.1选题研究目标 4
1.3.2选题主要研究思路和方法 4
1.3.3 选题解决的主要问题 5
1.4研究内容和组织结构 5
1.5系统的设计思想 6
第2章 技术介绍 6
2.1 JAVA语言简介 6
2.2 IDEA介绍 6
2.3 MySQL数据库 7
2.4 B/S设计模式 7
2.5 VUE语言 8
2.5 HTML+CSS介绍 8
第3章 需求分析 9
3.1 系统总体需求 9
3.2 系统功能需求分析 9
3.3 系统可行性分析 9
3.3.1 经济可行性分析 9
3.3.2操作可行性分析 10
3.3.3技术可行性分析 10
3.3.4法律可行性 10
3.4 系统开发架构图 10
3.5 系统业务过程 11
3.6 系统非功能性需求分析 11
第4章 系统结构图与数据库设计 12
4.1 系统结构图 12
4.2 系统流程设计 13
4.2 E-R图 15
4.2.1 管理员实体 15
4.2.2 用户实体 16
4.3 数据库设计 16
第5章 系统功能实现 17
5.1 网站前台 17
5.2 菜品预定列表 18
5.3 注册管理页面 18
5.4 管理员登录 19
5.5 管理员后台界面 19
5.6 留言板界面 20
5.7 个人订单查询 21
5.8 管理员订单查询 21
第6章 系统测试 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25




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