
news/2024/10/17 20:29:52/


SSMSocial Insurance Management System
Abstract: The wave of reform and opening-up has almost entered the hearts of the people, and with it, the socialist market economic system has been continuously improved and improved. As one of the basic guarantees of the country, the social insurance system not only needs to grasp the progress and status of the social insurance amount, but also needs to adjust The social security fund develops a comprehensive, scientific and sustainable use, makes use of the time benefits of cash, and applies scientific management methods to provide an effective social security system for the general public. Today, as social information becomes more and more abundant and complex, in order to complete the real-time regulation of social insurance funds, it is necessary to carry out the information construction of the social security system as soon as possible. At present, the social security information management systems of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China have concluded certain experiences and methods in the past development process. Consensus has been reached in the construction of social security management systems across the country, and the construction of social security management systems is imminent. If the information construction of the social insurance management system is realized, it will be easier and faster to supervise and manage social insurance funds, reduce or even eliminate human error factors in the process of handling social insurance, and improve the collection, payment, supervision and management of funds. The standardization and culture of the government effectively prevent fraud and deception of social security funds, and resolutely prevent and resolve the risks of social security funds. At the same time, since the implementation of the “Golden Insurance Project” throughout the country, it has promoted the comprehensive improvement of labor and social security work processing methods, which can register, register, apply, review, collect, pay, verify, fund accounts, social security management, and the labor market Combined to realize the sharing, real-time and standardization of labor employment, job selection, entrepreneurship and social insurance management platform. The social insurance management desk system based on the SSM module is designed to meet this situation.
Keywords: SSM; Social Insurance; Financial Insurance Project



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