下面是一个简单的ROS节点的C++ MQTT客户端的示例,包括.h和.cpp文件。
#define MQTT_CLIENT_H#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <mqtt/async_client.h>class MqttClient
public:/*** @brief Constructor for MqttClient class.* @param serverURI The URI of the MQTT broker.* @param clientId The client ID to be used for connecting to the broker.* @param topic The MQTT topic to publish messages to.*/MqttClient(const std::string& serverURI, const std::string& clientId, const std::string& topic);/*** @brief Destructor for MqttClient class.*/~MqttClient();/*** @brief Connects to the MQTT broker.*/void connect();/*** @brief Disconnects from the MQTT broker.*/void disconnect();/*** @brief Publishes a message to the MQTT broker.* @param payload The payload of the message to be published.*/void publish(const std::string& payload);private:/*** @brief Callback function called when the MQTT client is connected to the broker.* @param responseCode The connect response code.*/void onConnect(int responseCode);/*** @brief Callback function called when the MQTT client is disconnected from the broker.* @param responseCode The disconnect response code.*/void onDisconnect(int responseCode);/*** @brief Callback function called when a message is published to the broker.* @param token The publish token.*/void onPublish(mqtt::delivery_token_ptr token);std::string serverURI_; // URI of the MQTT brokerstd::string clientId_; // Client ID for connecting to the brokerstd::string topic_; // MQTT topic to publish messages tomqtt::async_client client_; // MQTT clientmqtt::connect_options connOpts_; // Connection options
};#endif // MQTT_CLIENT_H
#include "mqtt_client.h"MqttClient::MqttClient(const std::string& serverURI, const std::string& clientId, const std::string& topic): serverURI_(serverURI), clientId_(clientId), topic_(topic), client_(serverURI, clientId)
}void MqttClient::connect()
{try{mqtt::token_ptr conntok = client_.connect(connOpts_);conntok->wait();ROS_INFO("Connected to MQTT broker");}catch (const mqtt::exception& exc){ROS_ERROR("Failed to connect to MQTT broker: %s", exc.what());}
}void MqttClient::disconnect()
{try{mqtt::token_ptr disconntok = client_.disconnect();disconntok->wait();ROS_INFO("Disconnected from MQTT broker");}catch (const mqtt::exception& exc){ROS_ERROR("Failed to disconnect from MQTT broker: %s", exc.what());}
}void MqttClient::publish(const std::string& payload)
{try{mqtt::message_ptr pubmsg = mqtt::make_message(topic_, payload);pubmsg->set_qos(1);client_.publish(pubmsg)->wait();ROS_INFO("Published message: %s", payload.c_str());}catch (const mqtt::exception& exc){ROS_ERROR("Failed to publish message: %s", exc.what());}
}void MqttClient::onConnect(int responseCode)
{ROS_INFO("Connected to MQTT broker");
}void MqttClient::onDisconnect(int responseCode)
{ROS_INFO("Disconnected from MQTT broker");
}void MqttClient::onPublish(mqtt::delivery_token_ptr token)
{ROS_INFO("Published message");
请注意,此示例使用了Paho MQTT C++库,因此您需要在CMakeLists.txt中添加正确的依赖项。
希望这可以帮助您开始使用ROS节点的C++ MQTT客户端。