
embedded/2024/10/21 3:51:18/


1.用adk configuration tool添加语音,并且导出语音文件(会生成headers prompts两个文件夹)
3.使用nvscmd命令导出ptn文件(nvscmd dump xxx.ptn),可以看到分区,如果有原始项目不需要做此步骤,找到语音分区(这里默认是3)
4.使用nvscmd命令烧录语音分区,这里假设3是语音分区(默认ptn的3分区就是语音),命令为 nvscmd burn xxx.ptn 3

\copyright  Copyright (c) 2013 - 2023 Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd.
            All Rights Reserved.
            Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary.
\file       audio_i2s_SSM2518.c
\brief      Support for I2S audio output, implementing the 'Device' API defined
            in audio_i2s_common.h, with chip specific I2C commands to configure
            the SSM2518 external I2S amplifier.
#ifdef INCLUDE_SSM2518_I2S_AMP
#include "audio_i2s_SSM2518.h"
#include <gain_utils.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <panic.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <stream.h> 
#include <kalimba.h>
#include <kalimba_standard_messages.h>
#include <message.h>
#include <transform.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <i2c.h>
#include <pio_common.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "audio_i2s_common.h"
/*! Amp power state */
typedef enum
    standby = 0, /*!< Can be used during external amplifier in low power down mode */
    active,      /*!< Used when external amplifier is in running/active state */
    power_off    /*!< Used to denote external amplifier is powered off */
} amp_status_t;
/*! Collection of data representing current I2S hardware/software state */
typedef struct
    amp_status_t amp_status;
} state_t;
/*! Amplifier state */
static state_t state = { .amp_status = power_off };
/*! Default I2S configuration data for this chip */
const i2s_config_t device_i2s_config =
    .master_mode = 1,       /*!< Amp is only capable of operating as I2S Slave */
    .data_format = 0,       /*!< I2S left justified */
    .bit_delay = 1,         /*!< I2S delay 1 bit */
    .bits_per_sample = 24,  /*!< 24-bit data words per channel */
    .bits_per_sample = 16,  /*!< 16-bit data words per channel */
    .bclk_scaling = 256,    /*!< Allows full range of sample rates down to 8kHz */
    .mclk_scaling = 0,
    .enable_pio = PIN_INVALID
static void enableAmpPio(bool enable);
static void setAmpState(amp_status_t state);
/*! \brief Power on and configure the I2S device. */
bool AudioI2SDeviceInitialise(uint32 sample_rate)



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