React 使用JSX或者TSX渲染页面

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02 Rendering with JSX

Your first JSX content

In this section, we’ll implement the obligatory " Hello, World " JSX application. At this point, we’re just dipping our toes in the water; more in-depth examples will follow. We’ll also discuss what makes this syntax work well for declarative UI structures.

在本节中,我们将实现必需的“Hello, World”JSX应用程序。在这一点上,我们只是把脚趾伸进水里;后面会有更深入的例子。我们还将讨论是什么使这种语法能够很好地用于声明性UI结构。

Hello JSX


npm create vite


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.tsx";ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!).render(<React.StrictMode><App /></React.StrictMode>

Without further ado, here’s your first JSX application:

话不多说,下面是您的第一个JSX应用程序: src/App.tsx

function App() {return (<p>Hello, <strong>JSX</strong></p>);
}export default App;

Let’s walk through what’s happening here. The render() function takes JSX as an argument and renders it to the DOM node passed toReactDOM.createRoot() .The actual JSX content in this example renders a paragraph with some bold text inside. There’s nothing fancy going on here, so we could have just inserted this markup into the DOM directly as a plain string. However, the aim of this example is to show the basic steps involved in getting JSX rendered onto the page. Now, let’s talk a little bit about the declarative UI structure.

让我们来看看这里发生了什么。render()函数接受JSX作为参数,并将其呈现给传递给reactdom . createroot()的DOM节点。本例中的实际JSX内容呈现一个段落,其中包含一些粗体文本。这里没有什么特别的事情,所以我们可以直接将这个标记作为一个普通字符串插入DOM。但是,本示例的目的是展示将JSX呈现到页面上所涉及的基本步骤。现在,让我们讨论一下声明性UI结构。

Declarative UI structures

Before we move forward with more in-depth code examples, let’s take a moment to reflect on our " Hello, World " example. The JSX content was short and simple. It was also declarative because it described what to render, not how to render it. Specifically, by looking at the JSX, you can see that this component will render a paragraph and some bold text within it. If this were done imperatively, there would probably be some more steps involved, and they would probably need to be performed in a specific order.

在继续讨论更深入的代码示例之前,让我们花点时间回顾一下“Hello, World”示例。JSX的内容简短而简单。它也是声明性的,因为它描述了要呈现什么,而不是如何呈现。具体来说,通过查看JSX,您可以看到该组件将在其中呈现一个段落和一些粗体文本。如果这是命令式的,则可能会涉及到更多的步骤,并且可能需要以特定的顺序执行。

I find it helpful to think of declarative as structured and imperative as ordered. It’s much easier to get things right with a proper structure than to perform steps in a specific order.


The example we just implemented should give you a feel for what declarative React is all about. As we move forward in this chapter and throughout the book, the JSX markup will grow more elaborate. However, it’s always going to describe what is in the UI.The render() function tells React to take your JSX markup and transform it into JavaScript statements that update the UI in the most efficient way possible. This is how React enables you to declare the structure of your UI without having to think about carrying out ordered steps to update elements on the screen; an approach that often leads to bugs. Out of the box, React supports the standard HTML tags that you would find on any HTML page. Unlike static HTML, React has unique conventions that should be followed when using HTML tags.…


Rendering HTML

At the end of the day, the job of a React component is to render HTML into the DOM browser. This is why JSX has support for HTML tags out of the box. In this section, we’ll look at some code that renders a few of the available HTML tags. Then, we’ll cover some of the conventions that are typically followed in React projects when HTML tags are used.


Built-in HTML tags

When we render JSX, element tags reference React components. Since it would be tedious to have to create components for HTML elements, React comes with HTML components. We can render any HTML tag in our JSX, and the output will be just as we’d expect. Now, let’s try rendering some of these tags:


function App() {return (<div><h1>标题标签</h1><p>段落标签</p><ul><li>列表标签</li><li>列表标签</li><li>列表标签</li></ul></div>);
}export default App;

Don’t worry about the formatting of the rendered output for this example. We’re making sure that we can render arbitrary HTML tags, and they render as expected, without any special definitions and imports.


HTML elements rendered using JSX closely follow regular HTML element syntax with a few subtle differences regarding case-sensitivity and attributes.


HTML tag conventions

When you render HTML tags in JSX markup, the expectation is that you’ll use lowercase for the tag name. In fact, capitalizing the name of an HTML tag will fail. Tag names are case-sensitive and non-HTML elements are capitalized. This way, it’s easy to scan the markup and spot the built-in HTML elements versus everything else.You can also pass HTML elements any of their standard properties. When you pass them something unexpected, a warning about the unknown property is logged. Here’s an example that illustrates these ideas:


function App() {return (<div><Button title="这是一个按钮" foo="bar">这是一个按钮</Button></div>);
}export default App;

When you run this example, it will fail to compile because React doesn’t knowabout the <Button> element; it only knows about <button> .


Later on in the book, I’ll cover property validation for the components that you make. This avoids silent misbehavior, as seen with the foo property in this example.


You can use any valid HTML tags as JSX tags, as long as you remember that they’re case-sensitive and that you need to pass the correct attribute names. In addition to simple HTML tags that only have attribute values, you can use HTML tags to describe the structure of your page content.


Describing UI structures

JSX is capable of describing screen elements in a way that ties them together to form a complete UI structure. Let’s look at some JSX markup that declares a more elaborate structure than a single paragraph:


function App() {return (<section><header><h1>头部内容</h1></header><nav><a href="item">导航链接</a></nav><main><p>主体内容...</p></main><footer><small>版权所有 &copy; 张大鹏</small></footer></section>);
}export default App;

This JSX markup describes a fairly sophisticated UI structure. Yet, it’s easier to read than imperative code because it’s XML, and XML is good for concisely expressing a hierarchical structure. This is how we want to think of our UI when it needs to change – not as an individual element or property, but the UI as a whole.


There are a lot of semantic elements in this markup describing the structure of the UI. For example, the <header> element describes the top part of the page where the title is, and the <main> element describes where the main page content goes. This type of complex structure makes it clearer for developers to reason about. But before we start implementing dynamic JSX markup, let’s create some of our own JSX components.


Creating your own JSX elements

Components are the fundamental building blocks of React. In fact, components are the vocabulary of JSX markup. In this section, we’ll see how to encapsulate HTML markup within a component. We’ll build examples that nest custom JSX elements and learn how to namespace components.


Encapsulating HTML

We create new JSX elements so that we can encapsulate larger structures. This means that instead of having to type out complex markup, you can use your custom tag. The React component returns the JSX that goes where the tag is used. Let’s look at the following example:



function MyComponent() {return (<section><h1>我的第一个自定义组件</h1><p>我也可以使用React创建自定义的组件了。。。</p></section>);
}export default MyComponent;


import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";function App() {return (<section><header><h1>头部内容</h1></header><nav><a href="item">导航链接</a></nav><main><p>主体内容...</p><MyComponent /></main><footer><small>版权所有 &copy; 张大鹏</small></footer></section>);
}export default App;

Here’s what This is the first React component that we’ve implemented, so let’s take a moment to dissect what’s going on here. We created a function called MyComponent , where in return statement we put our HTML tags. This is how we create a new JSX element. As you can see in the call to render() , you’re rendering a <MyComponent> element.The HTML that this component encapsulates is returned from the function we created. In this case, when the JSX is rendered by react-dom , it’s replaced by a <section> element and everything within it.


When React renders JSX, any custom elements that you use must have their corresponding React component within the same scope. In the preceding example, the MyComponent function was declared in the same scope as the call to render() , so everything worked as expected. Usually, you’ll import components, adding them to the appropriate scope. You’ll see more of this as you progress through the book.


HTML elements such as <div> often take nested child elements. Let’s see whether we can do the same with JSX elements, which we create by implementing components.


Nested elements

Using JSX markup is useful for describing UI structures that have parent-child relationships. Child elements are created by nesting them within another component: the parent. For example, a <li> tag is only useful as the child of a <ul> tag or a <ol> tag—you’re probably going to make similar nested structures with your own React components. For this, you need to use the children property. Let’s see how this works. Here’s the JSX markup:


修改 src/App.tsx:

import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";
import MySection from "./MySection";
import MyButton from "./MyButton";function App() {return (<section><header><h1>头部内容</h1></header><nav><a href="item">导航链接</a></nav><main><p>主体内容...</p><MyComponent /><MySection><MyButton>自定义的按钮文本</MyButton></MySection></main><footer><small>版权所有 &copy; 张大鹏</small></footer></section>);
}export default App;

You’re importing two of your own React components: MySection and MyButton . Now, if you look at the JSX markup, you’ll notice that <MyButton> is a child of <MySection> . You’ll also notice that the MyButton component accepts text as its child, instead of more JSX elements. Let’s see how these components work, starting with MySection :


新增 src/MySection.tsx

export default function MySection(props) {return (<section><h2>我的自定义片段组件</h2>{/* 这里渲染子元素 */}{props.children}</section>);

This component renders a standard <section> HTML element, a heading, and then {props.children} . It’s this last piece that allows components to access nested elements or text, and to render them.

这个组件呈现一个标准的<section> HTML元素,一个标题,然后是{props。孩子}。正是这最后一部分允许组件访问嵌套的元素或文本,并呈现它们。

The two braces used in the preceding example are used for JavaScript expressions. I’ll touch on more details of the JavaScript expression syntax found in JSX markup in the following section.


Now, let’s look at the MyButton component:



export default function MyButton(props) {return <button>{props.children}</button>;

This component uses the exact same pattern as MySection ; it takes the{props.children} value and surrounds it with markup. React handles the details for you. In this example, the button text is a child of MyButton , which is, in turn, a child of MySection . However, the button text is transparently passed through MySection . In other words, we didn’t have to write any code in MySection to make sure that MyButton got its text. Pretty cool, right?


We can further organize our components by placing them within a namespace.


Namespaced components

The custom elements that you’ve created so far have used simple names. A namespace provides an organizational unit for your components so that related components can share the same namespace prefix. Instead of writing <MyComponent> in your JSX markup, you would write <MyNamespace.MyComponent> . This makes it clear that MyComponent is part of MyNamespace .Typically, MyNamespace would also be a component. The idea of namespacing is to have a namespace component render its child components using the namespace syntax. Let’s take a look at an example:

到目前为止,您创建的自定义元素都使用了简单的名称。名称空间为组件提供了一个组织单元,以便相关组件可以共享相同的名称空间前缀。而不是写’<MyComponent>在你的JSX标记中,你应该写<MyNamespace.MyComponent >。这清楚地表明MyComponent是MyNamespace的一部分。通常,MyNamespace也是一个组件。名称空间的思想是让名称空间组件使用名称空间语法呈现其子组件。让我们来看一个例子:

新增 src/MyComponent2.tsx

function MyComponent(props) {return <div>{props.children}</div>;
function First() {return <p>第一个组件...</p>;
function Second() {return <p>第二个组件...</p>;
MyComponent.First = First;
MyComponent.Second = Second;function MyComponent2() {return (<MyComponent><MyComponent.First /><MyComponent.Second /></MyComponent>);
}export default MyComponent2;

This markup renders a <MyComponent> element with two children. Instead of writing <First> , we write <MyComponent.First> , and the same with <MyComponent.Second> . We want to explicitly show that First and Second belong to MyComponent within the markup.Now, let’s take a look at the MyComponent module:

这个标记呈现了一个带有两个子元素的<MyComponent>元素。我们不写<First>,而是写<MyComponent.First>, <MyComponent.Second>也一样。我们想要显式地显示First和Second属于标记中的MyComponent。现在,让我们来看看MyComponent模块:

function MyComponent(props) {return <div>{props.children}</div>;
function First() {return <p>第一个组件...</p>;
function Second() {return <p>第二个组件...</p>;
MyComponent.First = First;
MyComponent.Second = Second;

This module declares MyComponent as well as the other components that fall under this namespace ( First and Second ). It assigns the components to the namespace component ( MyComponent ) as function object properties. There are a number of things that you could change in this module. For example, you don’t have to directly export First and Second since they’re accessible through MyComponent . You also don’t need to define everything in the same module; you could import First and Second and assign them as function object properties. Using namespaces is completely optional, and, if you use them, you should use them consistently.You now know how to build your own React components that introduce new JSX tags in your markup. The components that we’ve looked at so far in this chapter have been static. That is, once we rendered them, they were never updated. JavaScript expressions are the dynamic pieces of JSX and are what cause React to update components.


Using JavaScript expressions

As you saw in the preceding section, JSX has a special syntax that allows you to embed JavaScript expressions. Any time React renders JSX content, expressions in the markup are evaluated. This is the dynamic aspect of JSX, and in this section, you’ll learn how to use expressions to set property values and element text content. You’ll also learn how to map collections of data to JSX elements.


Dynamic property values and text

Some HTML property or text values are static, meaning that they don’t change as JSX markup is re-rendered. Other values, the values of properties or text, are based on data that is found elsewhere in the application. Remember, React is just the view layer. Let’s look at an example so that you can get a feel for what the JavaScript expression syntax looks like in JSX markup:


新增 src/MyComponent3.tsx:

function MyComponent3() {const enabled = false;const text = "一个按钮";const placeholder = "请输入账号";const size = 50;return (<section><button disabled={!enabled}>{text}</button><input placeholder={placeholder} size={size} /></section>);
}export default MyComponent3;

Anything that is a valid JavaScript expression, including nested JSX, can go in between the curly braces: {} . For properties and text, this is often a variable name or object property. Notice, in this example, that the !enabled expression computes a Boolean value.


Primitive JavaScript values are straightforward to use in JSX syntax. But what if you have an object or array that you need to transform into JSX elements?


Handling events

In React, you can easily pass events to components to handle user interactions such as button clicks, form submissions, and mouse movements. This allows you to create interactive and responsive user interfaces. React provides a convenient way to attach event handlers directly to components using a syntax similar to how you would use the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods in traditional JavaScript.To illustrate this, let’s consider an example where we want to handle a button click event in a React component:



function MyComponent4() {const text = "点我试试";const onButtonClick = () => {alert("试试就试试");};return (<section><button onClick={onButtonClick}>{text}</button></section>);
}export default MyComponent4;

In this example, we define a function called handleClick that will be called when the button is clicked. We then attach this function as an event handler to the onClick property of the <button> component. Whenever the button is clicked, React will invoke the handleClick function.Compared to using addEventListener and removeEventListener in traditional JavaScript, React abstracts away some of the complexities. With React’s event handling, you don’t have to worry about manually attaching and detaching event listeners to DOM elements. React manages the event delegation and provides a more declarative approach to handling events within components.By using this approach, you can easily pass events to child components, handle them in parent components, or even propagate events through multiple levels of nested components. This helps in building a modular and reusable component architecture.It’s important to note that when defining event handlers in React, you don’t invoke the function immediately by adding parentheses after the function name, as you would in regular JavaScript. Instead, you provide a reference to the function, allowing React to call it when the event occurs.


In addition to the onClick event, React supports a wide range of other events, such as onChange , onSubmit , onMouseOver , and many more. You can attach event handlers to various elements like buttons, input fields, checkboxes, and so on.


Remember, React promotes a unidirectional data flow, which means that data flows from parent components to child components. To pass data or information from child components back to the parent component, you can define callbacks as props and invoke them with the necessary data. In the upcoming chapters of this book, we will delve deeper into event handling in React and how to create custom callbacks.


Mapping collections to elements

Sometimes, you need to write JavaScript expressions that change the structure of your markup. In the preceding section, you learned how to use JavaScript expression syntax to dynamically change the property values of JSX elements. What about when you need to add or remove elements based on JavaScript collections?


Throughout the book, when I refer to a JavaScript collection, I’m referring to both plain objects and arrays. Or, more generally, anything that’s iterable.


The best way to dynamically control JSX elements is to map them from a collection. Let’s look at an example of how this is done:



function MyComponent5() {const array = ["张三", "李四", "王五"];const object = {1: "张三",2: "李四",3: "王五",};return (<section><h1>渲染数组</h1><ul>{ => (<li key={i}>{i}</li>))}</ul><h1>渲染对象</h1><ul>{Object.keys(object).map((i) => (<li key={i}><strong>{i}: </strong>{object[i]}</li>))}</ul></section>);
}export default MyComponent5;

The first collection is an array called array, populated with string values. Moving down to the JSX markup, you can see the call to , which returns a new array. The mapping function is actually returning a JSX element ( <li> ), meaning that each item in the array is now represented in the markup.


The result of evaluating this expression is an array. Don’t worry – JSX knows how to render arrays of elements.


The object collection uses the same technique, except you have to call Object.keys() and then map this array. What’s nice about mapping collections to JSX elements on the page is that you can control the structure of React components based on the collected data. This means that you don’t have to rely on imperative logic to control the UI.

对象集合使用相同的技术,只是您必须调用object .keys(),然后映射这个数组。将集合映射到页面上的JSX元素的好处是,您可以根据收集到的数据控制React组件的结构。这意味着您不必依赖命令式逻辑来控制UI。

JavaScript expressions bring JSX content to life. React evaluates expressions and updates the HTML content based on what has already been rendered and what has changed. Understanding how to utilize these expressions is important because they’re one of the most common day-to-day activities of any React developer. Now it’s time to learn how to group together JSX markup without relying on HTML tags to do so.


Building fragments of JSX

Fragments are a way to group together chunks of markup without having to add unnecessary structure to your page. For example, a common approach is to have a React component return content wrapped in a <div> element. This element serves no real purpose and adds clutter to the DOM.Let’s look at an example. Here are two versions of a component. One uses a wrapper element, and one uses the new fragment feature:



import * as ReactDOM from “react-dom”;
import WithoutFragments from “./WithoutFragments”;
import WithFragments from “./WithFragments”;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById(“root”));
<WithoutFragments />
<WithFragments />

The two elements rendered are <WithoutFragments> and <WithFragments> .

Let’s compare the two approaches now.

Using wrapper elements

The first approach is to wrap sibling elements in <div> . Here’s what the source looks like:

function WithoutFragments() {return (<div><h1>不使用空白片段,使用div</h1><p>额外的代码。。。</p></div>);
}function WithFragments() {return (<><h1>使用空白片段</h1><p>没有任何无效的HTML代码</p></>);
}function MyComponent6() {return (<div><WithoutFragments /><WithFragments /></div>);
}export default MyComponent6;

T he essence of this component is the <h1> and <p> tags. Yet, in order to return them from render() , you have to wrap them with <div> . Indeed, inspecting the DOM using your browser dev tools reveals that <div> does nothing but add another level of structure:

Now, imagine an app with lots of these components—that’s a lot of pointless elements! Let’s see how to use fragments to avoid unnecessary tags.

Using fragments

Let’s take a look at the WithFragments component, where we have avoided using unnecessary tags:

function WithFragments() {return (<><h1>使用空白片段</h1><p>没有任何无效的HTML代码</p></>);

Instead of wrapping the component content in <div> , the <> element is used. This is a special type of element that indicates that only its children need to be rendered. You can see the difference compared to the WithoutFragments component if you inspect the DOM:

With the advent of fragments in JSX markup, we have less HTML rendered on the page because we don’t have to use tags such as

for the sole purpose of grouping elements together. Instead, when a component renders a fragment, React knows to render the fragment’s child element wherever the component is used.So, fragments enable React components to render only the essential elements; no more elements that serve no purpose will appear on the rendered page.


In this chapter, you learned about the basics of JSX, including its declarative structure, which leads to more maintainable code. Then, you wrote some code to render some basic HTML and learned about describing complex structures using JSX; every React application has at least some structure.Next, you spent some time learning about extending the vocabulary of JSX markup by implementing your own React components, which is how you design your UI as a series of smaller pieces and glue them together to form the whole. Then, you learned how to bring dynamic content into JSX element properties, and how to map JavaScript collections to JSX elements, eliminating the need for imperative logic to control the UI display. Finally, you learned how to render fragments of JSX content, which prevents unnecessary HTML elements from being used.Now that you have a feel for what it’s like to render UIs by embedding declarative XML in your JavaScript modules, it’s time to move on to the next chapter, where we’ll take a deeper look at component, properties, and state.




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