接收区块链的CCF会议--APSEC 2024 截止7.13 附录用率

embedded/2024/9/24 14:22:57/


会议名称:APSEC(Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference)

CCF等级:CCF C类学术会议


录用率:2023年,90 submissions were recommended for acceptance

and inclusion in the proceedings: 43 papers for the Technical Research, 13 for the SEIP tracks, 14 for the ERA track, 6 for the EDU track, and 14 for poster presentation.

Call for Papers: Technical Track

  • Tools and processes

    • Agile processes

    • DevOps and Container

    • Configuration Management and Deployment

    • Software Engineering Process and Standards

  • Requirements and Design

    • Service-oriented Computing

    • Component-based Software Engineering

    • Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering

    • Software Architecture, Modeling and Design

    • Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs

    • Software Product-line Engineering

  • Testing and Analysis

    • Testing, Verification, and Validation

    • Program Analysis

    • Program Synthesis

    • Program Repairs

  • Formal Aspects of Software Engineering

    • Formal Methods

    • Model-driven and Domain-specific Engineering

  • Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering

    • Software Comprehension, Visualization, and Traceability

    • Software for Green and Sustainable Technologies

  • AI and Software Engineering

    • Search-based Software Engineering

    • AI for SE, SE for AI

  • Dependability, Safety, and Reliability

  • Software Maintenance and Evolution

    • Refactoring

    • Reverse Engineering

    • Software Reuse

    • Software Project Management

    • Debugging, Defect Prediction and Fault Localization

  • Software Repository Mining and Data Analytics

    APSEC2024 welcomes submissions addressing topics in a variety of application domains, including mobile, cloud, blockchains, embedded and cyber-physical systems.

Important Dates

Abstract Deadline    Sat 6 Jul 2024

Paper Deadline    Sat 13 Jul 2024

Author Notification    Fri 13 Sep 2024

Camera Ready Deadline    Sun 20 Oct 2024








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