CORBA(公共对象请求代理架构) 是一种标准化的中间件技术,核心目标是实现跨编程语言、操作系统和硬件平台的分布式系统互操作。其核心价值在于语言无关性(支持多种编程语言的对象交互)、系统无关性(适配不同操作系统和网络协议)以及厂商中立性(避免技术绑定),使其成为模型驱动架构(MDA)中关键的目标平台。
Although MDA can target every middleware platform and will map to all that have significant market presence, CORBA plays a key role as a target platform because of its programming language-, operating system-, and vendor-independence. The latest CORBA specifications, including the CCM, are available here, as well as specialized CORBA specifications for Real-time, embedded, and high-assurance systems. Don't forget about the various CORBA-UML Profiles, listed a ways up on this page.
尽管MDA可以针对每个中间件平台,并将映射到所有具有重要市场占有率的平台,CORBA作为目标平台起着关键作用,因为它的编程语言、操作系统和供应商独立性。最新的CORBA规范,包括CCM,可在此获得,以及实时、嵌入式和高保证系统的专门CORBA规范。不要忘了本页上方列出的各种CORBA-UML配置文件。 关于公共对象请求代理架构规范版本3.4获取网址:About the Common Object Request Broker Architecture Specification Version 3.4
CORBA®(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
Part 1 specifies the CORBA Object Model and uses concepts from that model to define the operation of the Object Request Broker (ORB). The ORB is the basic mechanism by which objects transparently make requests to - and receive responses from - each other on the same machine or across a network. A client need not be aware of the mechanisms used to communicate with or activate an object, how the object is implemented, or where the object is located.
Part 2 specifies a comprehensive, flexible approach to supporting networks of objects that are distributed across and managed by multiple, heterogeneous CORBA-compliant Object Request Brokers (ORBs). The approach to inter-ORB operation is universal, because elements can be combined in many ways to satisfy a very broad range of needs.
Part 3 defines the syntax and semantics of a component model (CCM), based on CORBA IDL, and its corresponding meta-model, generic interaction support allowing to define new interactions in CCM, a language to describe the structure and state of component implementations and its corresponding meta-model, a programming model for constructing component implementations, a runtime environment for component implementations, interaction between components and Enterprise Java Beans, meta-data for describing component-based applications and interfaces for their deployment, and a lightweight subset of the component model, programming model and runtime environment.
第3部分定义了基于CORBA IDL的组件模型(CCM)的语法和语义及其相应的元模型,通用交互支持允许在CCM中定义新交互,描述组件实现结构和状态的语言及其相应的元模型,用于构建组件实现的编程模型,组件实现的运行时环境,组件与企业Java Bean之间的交互,用于描述基于组件的应用程序的元数据及其部署接口,以及组件模型、编程模型和运行时环境的轻量级子集。
1.CORBA 在 MDA 中的关键地位
- 跨平台独立性:CORBA 因支持 编程语言无关性、操作系统无关性 和 厂商无关性,成为 MDA 映射的核心目标平台之一,尤其在需兼容异构系统的场景中具备不可替代性。
2.CORBA 技术规范的演进
- 核心规范更新:最新版 CORBA 规范包含 CCM(CORBA 组件模型),强化对复杂企业级应用的支持(如组件化部署与生命周期管理)。
- 领域专用扩展:针对 实时系统、嵌入式系统 和 高可靠性系统 推出专用 CORBA 标准,满足严苛场景的响应速度与稳定性需求。
3.CORBA 与 UML 的深度融合
- 模型驱动开发支持:通过 CORBA-UML Profiles(UML 扩展规范)实现 CORBA 模型与 UML 设计工具的无缝对接,提升模型驱动架构(MDA)的自动化代码生成与系统设计效率。