工具方法 - 合规性矩阵

embedded/2025/2/26 16:40:38/

Compliance matrix (合规性矩阵)是产品需求管理中的一个重要工具,它是用来识别、跟踪、监控和组织所有客户和利益相关方需求是否被满足的工具。具体来说,Compliance matrix需要用一行一行的证据来证明被设计的产品针对每个需求的实际性能是满足要求的;它系统性地覆盖了从最低级别的性能到到最高级别的性能,而且它需要跟踪显示实际性能数据的来源,并显示设计是否满足所有要求。

What is a Compliance Matrix?

A compliance matrix maps the requirements of the RFP(request for proposal) down to the location in the response where the requirement is answered. It can also be used as a plan of action by the writers. It is basically a tool for managing response preparation and expressing compliance to the customer. If it is provided by the customer, it can be considered a must-have.

合规性矩阵将 RFP(招标书)的要求映射到答复中回答要求的位置。它也可用作撰稿人的行动计划。它基本上是一个管理回复准备和向客户表达合规性的工具。如果由客户提供,则可视为必备工具。

A compliance matrix is both a guide to the evaluator and a checklist for the Proposal Manager to make sure every requirement is answered. It can also be used as a guide by the writers. It helps the customer understand the responses to their requirements.


The compliance matrix is a very important tool in the proposal process. A compliance matrix is used by the team members in different ways, such as:


  • To develop a compliance strategy
  • To understand what the customer is looking for
  • To create a guide for the proposal writers
  • To check if all the requirements are met
  • To track the progress of the proposal

  • 制定合规战略
  • 了解客户的需求
  • 为建议书撰写人制定指南
  • 检查是否符合所有要求
  • 跟踪提案进度

By following the tips given below, you can create an effective compliance matrix which will help you win the bid.


Follow the RFP:

The compliance matrix should be created early and updated from time to time. It is a testimony of your experience, professional attitude, and approachability. The three major components of compliance are:

  • Submittal instructions
  • Requirements
  • Internal compliance


  • 提交说明
  • 要求
  • 内部合规

Start Early and Update Often
This will ensure that your compliance matrix is always up-to-date and accurate.

Make it Customer-Focused
The compliance matrix should be designed with the customer in mind. It should be easy for them to understand and follow.

Use Easy-To-Understand Language
The compliance matrix should be written in clear and concise language. This will make it easier for the customer to follow and understand.

Include all the Necessary Information
All relevant information should be included in the compliance matrix. This will make it more complete and helpful.

Get Input from all Team Members
All team members should have a chance to contribute to the compliance matrix. This will ensure that all perspectives are considered.

Use it as a Guide throughout the Proposal Process
The compliance matrix should be used as a guide throughout the proposal process. It should be consulted often to ensure that all requirements are being met.

Track Progress
The compliance matrix should be used to track the progress of the proposal and compliance with the customer’s requirements. This will help to identify any areas that need improvement.

Compliance and Responsiveness
Submit a response matrix which helps you connect the proposal section with compliance items. A given requirement is answered by filling in one of two boxes – “partially comply” or “non-comply.” Responses should be updated so that they fully answer customers’ needs while staying compliant with all relevant regulations.

By following these best practices, you can create an effective compliance matrix that will help you win the bid.

What is a compliance matrix (and how can you build one)?

A compliance matrix (sometimes called a requirements compliance matrix) is a tool you use to cross-reference your proposal with the request for proposal (RFP). It’s a table that spells out each requirement stated in the RFP and then lists exactly where in your proposal (section, page number, etc.) that requirement is addressed.

Imagine that you’re hiring for an open role at your company. Your inbox is full of resumes and application materials, and you need to weed through them to find the candidates who are the best fit for the position.

Where do you start? Chances are, you make sure that each applicant meets the most basic requirements listed in your job description. Did they save their resume in the correct file format? Do they have the type of degree you’re looking for? Do they possess the minimum years of experience?

If they don’t check those boxes, then they’re destined for the recycling bin. But if they do? Then you move forward with uncovering the rest of the specific strengths they bring to the table.

The process of evaluating proposals works the same way. The evaluator will check to make sure you’re compliant before digging into any other elements of your proposal.

Nervous? You don’t have to be. A compliance matrix will help you check the right boxes and get to the top of the pile – while staying far, far away from the recycling bin.

It’s a helpful tool for you to use internally to ensure compliance, as your proposal manager will use it to confirm they’ve addressed every last requirement of the RFP.

However, your compliance matrix can also be used externally. When you submit it with your proposal, the evaluator can use it as their roadmap to find the most nuts and bolts information they need.

How to use a proposal compliance matrix: Tips, template and examples

When it comes to RFPs, simply following the instructions and providing all of the requested information can give you a big advantage. If you think that sounds deceptively simple, you’re right. As RFPs become more complex, proposal managers must take care to respond thoroughly to each question. At the same time, they work to build a compelling narrative and highlight differentiators ⁠— all while ensuring that the proposal meets multiple requirements stated in the RFP. When all is said and done, the path from the RFP requirements to the resulting proposal may feel like a tangled web of information. Fortunately, creating a proposal compliance matrix serves as a map to keep you on track.

When missing a single requirement can mean automatic disqualification, compliance is crucial. So, you must sift through every line of the RFP to identify, manage and ensure compliance with each RFP requirement. The proposal compliance matrix enables quick cross-referencing between the information requested in the RFP and the corresponding responses in the proposal.

In this blog, we’ll cover the proposal compliance matrix. First, you’ll learn what a proposal compliance matrix is. Then, we’ll walk step-by-step through how to create and use one to ensure your RFP responses meet every requirement. Finally, you can view real-world examples to help you get started.


What is a proposal compliance matrix?
How to create and use a proposal matrix
Proposal compliance matrix template and examples

What is a proposal compliance matrix?
A proposal compliance matrix is a grid-style tool used by proposal managers to identify, track and meet each requirement in a complex request for proposal (RFP). It may also be called an RFP compliance matrix, compliance traceability matrix or proposal matrix. No matter how it’s referred to, the matrix helps readers understand exactly how the vendor’s proposal aligns with the buyer’s requests.

What’s the purpose of a proposal compliance matrix?

To understand the value of the proposal compliance matrix, you must consider the buyer’s perspective.

The RFP has likely been issued by a procurement manager or department head seeking a solution to a problem. They know there are a lot of factors to consider and they need to be certain they’re choosing wisely. Accordingly, they invest time creating an RFP that organizes their needs and ensures objectivity.

Then, the buyer issues the RFP to a number of vendors who respond with their best offer. Because reading each proposal in detail is labor-intensive, the proposal evaluator performs an initial review. In this review, they quickly check each proposal to verify it meets the requirements stated in the RFP. Unfortunately, if a proposal doesn’t adhere to all of the submission guidelines, minimum criteria and content requirements, it may be disqualified .

After all of the time your team invested, missing a single requirement could mean that no one even ends up reading your proposal. It may seem harsh, but the buyer doesn’t have time to waste and they don’t want to partner with a business that exhibits no attention to detail, poor reader comprehension or an inability to follow instructions. With the stakes this high, you can’t afford to miss anything ⁠— which is why the proposal compliance matrix comes in handy.

The grid-style format lists each customer requirement, where it is stated in the RFP and where it is addressed in the final proposal. Indeed, this enables the proposal manager to track progress and quickly verify that all the necessary information is included.

Who uses them?
Generally, the proposal manager assigned to the RFP creates the compliance matrix and manages any updates to it. Contributors and SMEs may also use the proposal matrix when writing their responses. In addition, reviewers use it as a checklist during the final proposal review to verify compliance before submission. Consequently, it is helpful to save the RFP matrix in a shared, centralized location so that each member of the proposal team can refer to it as needed.

Benefits of using a compliance matrix

Know every need before you bid
Most RFPs are long and detailed, composed of paragraphs of text and dozens of questions. Because requirements are often scattered throughout the document, and not always specifically notated as requirements, they can be easy to miss. Therefore, consolidating the information to create a scannable list makes the customer’s expectations easier to understand and evaluate. With a comprehensive set of needs, your team can confidently determine if you’re a fit and decide to bid or not to bid.

Additionally, the matrix helps organize the results of the RFP shred process into a checklist to help you track your needs. RFP software automates this process with content analysis.

Prepare a complete plan
As you plan the proposal process, gather your team and assign tasks, the RFP compliance matrix can help. For example, you can use it as a guide when you create the proposal timeline and when you fill out your RACI matrix, assigning each requirement to the appropriate people.

Write relevant responses based on the stated requirements
Subject matter experts (SMEs) are always short on time, so it’s important to provide the information they need without distracting them with unnecessary details. Luckily, they can reference the proposal compliance matrix to quickly understand the customer’s needs.

For example, an RFP software buyer may specify that they require Boolean search functionality in the introduction of the RFP. Unfortunately, without a proposal compliance matrix, a subject matter expert may not think to include that detail, if it isn’t mentioned again in the particular question that asks them to describe search capabilities.

Furthermore, if the SME wants to see if there is additional helpful context before they write their response, they can use information from the matrix to save time. It enables them to jump directly to the section and paragraph in the RFP that discusses the requirements assigned to them.

Create a roadmap for reviewers
Finally, once the proposal is complete, it undergoes final review and approval. The proposal compliance matrix can be used as your checklist to ensure that each requirement is clearly addressed before submission.

How to create and use a proposal compliance matrix
Ultimately, the point of the proposal compliance matrix is to check the RFP, line by line, for each of the customer’s requirements. This process is often referred to as shredding the RFP. You can shred the RFP using RFP management software or perform the process manually.

RFP compliance using proposal software
As technology advances, proposal software becomes more skilled at performing the RFP breakdown. Indeed, proposal automation can save time and shred an RFP in seconds. However, it can only go so far and proposal managers are still needed to verify, evaluate, and interpret the results.

How to create a proposal compliance matrix manually
Alternatively, shredding the RFP and creating a proposal compliance matrix takes more time, but is easy once you know what to do. All you need is a spreadsheet and your RFP.

Read through the RFP line by line. As you find requirements, add them to the first column of the spreadsheet in the order that they appear in the RFP. Then, as you read through the RFP, you’ll be able to spot requirements by looking for words like shall, will, must or should. In addition, include any questions that appear in the body of the RFP. Finally, check for information requests that use verbs like describe, list and explain.

For each requirement you identify, note the section, page and paragraph where it appears in the RFP. Then, use the next two columns to record our ability to comply (F – fully comply, P – partially comply, N – do not comply) as well as where the response to the requirement is located in your proposal (section, page and paragraph).

As you can imagine, it quickly becomes a lot of information. But, if you want to track more proposal data, adding columns to the compliance matrix is easy. For example, you could use the proposal matrix to manage task assignments or make notes for other team members. In addition, you may also add columns with information that helps SMEs write their responses, including win themes, differentiators or customer hot buttons. Indeed, some proposal teams use a column to draft or summarize their responses as well.

If the manual approach isn’t for you, consider automating the process. A robust response management platform should:

  • Digitally shred RFPs using predetermined keywords
  • Format it in a spreadsheet
  • Understand and track the RFP requirements

RFP compliance matrix best practices
To get the most out of your RFP compliance matrix, there are a few things you should know.

1. Create your matrix at the beginning of the proposal process
The proposal compliance matrix should guide you as you write the proposal outline and create your responses. If you wait until the end to create it, you’ll miss out on a lot of benefits, and possibly cost yourself a lot of unnecessary time and effort

2. Match the language used by your customer
Avoid confusion by using the exact language and terminology found in the RFP. Resist the urge to paraphrase or reword requests. If clarification is needed, use a notes column to collaborate with your team.

3. Continually update the proposal matrix
As you create your proposal outline and subsequent proposal drafts, the sections of your proposal may shift. Update the response location column of your matrix to reflect any changes.

4. Share your matrix with the proposal evaluator
While the proposal compliance matrix is typically created by the vendor for internal reference only, it can be helpful for the proposal evaluator as well. Indeed, it can serve as a cheat sheet and map to your proposal for them.

In fact, some procurement managers include a proposal compliance matrix template and require the vendor to fill it out and include it with their response. Alternatively, you can always proactively provide it. Just remember to remove any internal notes or comments before attaching it to your proposal.

Compliance matrix templates and examples

Final thoughts
When it comes down to winning RFPs, complete compliance can make or break your proposal. So, whether you invest time to manually create your proposal matrix or use RFP software to automate the process, attention to detail always pays off.

If manual processes seem a little daunting, see Responsive in action to explore how content analysis tools automate the proposal compliance process.


为什么研发管理需要线上的Compliance Matrix? - 知乎

What is a Compliance Matrix? - Baachu Scribble

What Is A Compliance Matrix And How Can You Build One?

Proposal Compliance Matrix Guide: Tips, Template & Examples

​编辑Response_Matrix_Dummies.xlsx616.9 KB




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