
embedded/2025/2/3 6:31:27/



1. SOME/IP协议讲解

2. SOME/IP-SD协议讲解

3. python/C++举例调试讲解


1. 历史

SOME/IP(Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP)是由宝马的Lars Völker博士在2011年设计并提出的。



  1. 提供一种高效、可靠的通信方式,使得车辆内部的各种系统和组件可以相互交互,实现更高级别的功能和服务。
  2. 支持服务导向架构(SOA),允许车辆的各个电子控制单元(ECUs)以服务提供者或服务消费者的身份互动,从而实现更加灵活和可扩展的通信模式。
  3. 通过远程过程调用(RPC)机制,实现不同ECU之间的函数或过程调用,支持同步和异步调用方式,提高了通信效率和系统性能。
  4. 提供服务发现和注册机制,使得ECUs能够自动发现其他ECUs提供的服务,并注册自己提供的服务,从而实现了动态的服务管理和交互。


2. 下载--在autosar官网 搜索下载


我在附件中有规范的pdf文件,不同的是这份文件 有我对使用场景的真实理解,而不是直译。

SOME/IP协议之所以能在AUTOSAR的官网下载,是因为SOME/IP是AUTOSAR(AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture)体系中的一个重要组成部分。AUTOSAR是一个开放的、标准化的汽车电子软件架构,旨在创建一个标准化的软件架构,以便更好地开发汽车电子系统。SOME/IP作为AUTOSAR中支持车载以太网通信的重要协议,自然也被纳入到了AUTOSAR的官方文档中,供开发者下载和使用。





1. 协议版本

2. 声明


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work. The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this work requires a license to such intellectual property rights. This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications. The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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    • 该材料仅供信息参考。
    • AUTOSAR 及其贡献者对材料的任何使用不承担责任。
  2. 知识产权

    • 该内容受版权及其他知识产权保护。
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    • 除信息用途外,任何形式的使用或复制都需要出版方的书面许可。
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    • 未针对非汽车领域进行开发或测试。
  5. 商标

    • “AUTOSAR”及其标志是注册商标。

1 Introduction and overview

This protocol specification specifies the format, message sequences and semantics of the AUTOSAR Protocol "Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP (SOME/IP)". SOME/IP is an automotive/embedded communication protocol which supports remote procedure calls, event notifications and the underlying serialization/wire format. The only valid abbreviation is SOME/IP. Other abbreviations (e.g. Some/IP) are wrong and shall not be used.

  1. 协议说明

    • 本协议规范定义了 AUTOSAR 协议 "基于 IP 的可扩展面向服务的中间件"(Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP,简称 SOME/IP) 的格式、消息序列和语义。
  2. 协议特点

    • SOME/IP 是一种用于汽车/嵌入式系统的通信协议,支持以下功能:
      • 远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Calls)。
      • 事件通知(Event Notifications)。
      • 序列化和底层传输格式(Serialization/Wire Format)。
  3. 缩写规范

    • 唯一有效的缩写是 SOME/IP
    • 其他缩写形式(例如 Some/IP)是不正确的,不允许使用。

1.1 Protocol purpose and objectives

SOME/IP was created as existing solutions were not compatible to automotive use cases as well as incompatible to the AUTOSAR Classic Platform architecture. The major design goals were as follows: • Fulfills the hard requirements regarding resource consumption of embedded ECUs • Is compatible through as many use-cases and communication partners as possible • Compatible with AUTOSAR at least on the wire-format level; i.e., SOME/IP was introduced with minimal architecture changes in the AUTOSAR Classic Platform. • Provides the features required by automotive use-cases • Is scalable from tiny to large platforms

SOME/IP 的创建背景

SOME/IP 协议的产生是为了弥补现有解决方案在以下两个方面的不足:

  1. 不适用于汽车行业的实际使用场景
  2. 与 AUTOSAR Classic Platform 架构不兼容


SOME/IP 的主要设计目标包括:

  1. 满足嵌入式 ECU 对资源消耗的严格要求
  2. 尽可能兼容更多的使用场景和通信伙伴
  3. 在传输格式(Wire-Format)层面与 AUTOSAR 保持兼容
    • 在引入 SOME/IP 时,对 AUTOSAR Classic Platform 的架构改动尽可能小。
  4. 提供满足汽车行业实际使用需求的功能
  5. 具备从小型平台到大型平台的可扩展性

1.2 Applicability of the protocol

SOME/IP shall be implemented on different operating system (i.e., AUTOSAR, GENIVI/COVESA, and OSEK) and even embedded devices without operating system. SOME/IP shall be used for inter-ECU Client/Server Serialization. An implementation of SOME/IP allows AUTOSAR to parse the RPC PDUs and transport the parameters to the application.


  1. 操作系统支持

    • SOME/IP 协议应能够在不同的操作系统上实现,例如:
      • AUTOSAR
      • OSEK
    • 甚至可以在没有操作系统的嵌入式设备上实现。
  2. 使用场景

    • SOME/IP 应用于 ECU 之间的客户端/服务器序列化通信。序列化是一种数据的组织方式,比如C语言的结构体的成员内存排布就是一种序列化。通信双方按照同一种自定义的序列化方式就可以 编码和解码(序列化和反序列化)通信。
  3. 功能支持

    • 使用 SOME/IP 的实现,AUTOSAR 可以解析 RPC(远程过程调用)PDU,并将通信参数传输到应用层。PDU:protocol data units 协议数据单元-即 通信协议中的header+payload 。RPC:Remote Procedure Call 远程处理调用--即一端通过网络数据包的协议 远程 调用另一端的方法  并取得结果。

1.2.1 Constraints and assumptions

The "Support for serialization of extensible data structs" has been introduced - which SOME/IP serializers based on AUTOSAR Foundation Standard 1.0.0 (AUTOSAR Classic Standard 4.3.0) as well as most non-AUTOSAR implementations cannot process.To indicate this interoperability issue [PRS_SOMEIP_00220] requires to increase the major interface version of the respective serialized data.

  1. 扩展数据结构的序列化支持

    • SOME/IP 引入了对 扩展数据结构序列化(Serialization of extensible data structs) 的支持。
    • 但基于以下标准的序列化工具无法处理这种扩展:
      • AUTOSAR Foundation Standard 1.0.0(AUTOSAR Classic Standard 4.3.0)。
      • 大多数非 AUTOSAR 实现
  2. 互操作性问题

    • 为了解决此互操作性问题,[PRS_SOMEIP_00220] 要求:
      • 对相关序列化数据的 接口主版本号(major interface version) 进行升级。

1.3 Dependencies

There are no dependencides to AUTOSAR SWS modules.



1.4 Document Structure

The SOME/IP PRS will describe the following two aspects of SOME/IP.

Specification of SOME/IP on wire-format (Serialization)

• Structure of Header Format

• How the different data types are serialized as per SOME/IP

Specification of Protocol for Event and RPC-based communication

• Transport Protocol

• Rules that govern the RPC for SOME/IP

In addition to this document, the PRS SOME/IP-SD [1] describes the Service Discovery and other functionalities of SOME/IP.


SOME/IP PRS 将描述以下两个方面的内容:

  1. SOME/IP 的传输格式规范(序列化)

    • 头部格式的结构
    • SOME/IP 中不同数据类型的序列化方式
  2. 基于事件和远程过程调用(RPC)的通信协议规范

    • 传输协议
    • SOME/IP 中与 RPC 相关的规则

此外,除了本文件外,PRS SOME/IP-SD [1] 还描述了 SOME/IP 的 服务发现(Service Discovery) 和其他功能。--- 这个文档后面文章也有讲解,属于第二大块。


4 Protocol specification
SOME/IP provides service oriented communication over a network. It is based on
service definitions that list the functionality that the service provides. A service can
consist of combinations of zero or multiple events, methods and fields.
Events provide data that are sent cyclically or on change from the provider to the subscriber.
Methods provide the possibility to the subscriber to issue remote procedure calls which
are executed on provider side.
Fields are combinations of one or more of the following three
• a notifier which sends data from the provider to the subscribers on change, on
epsilon change, or cyclically based on configuration.
• a getter which can be called by the subscriber to explicitly query(明确的查询,
这个明确这里无法理解,体现到具体就是指定field ID) the provider for
the value
• a setter which can be called by the subscriber when it wants to change the value
on provider side
The major difference between the notifier of a field and an event is that events are
only sent on change, the notifier of a field additionally sends the data directly after
subscription(field 的notify 订阅后会立马给client发送事件,event 只在需要时才发送)

SOME/IP 协议概述

SOME/IP 提供基于服务的网络通信。它基于 服务定义,列出了服务提供的功能。一个服务可以由零个或多个事件、方法和字段的组合组成。

  1. 事件(Events)

    • 事件提供的数据会周期性地或在变化时或是门限式变化时从提供者发送给订阅者。
  2. 方法(Methods)

    • 方法允许订阅者发起远程过程调用(RPC),这些调用会在提供者端执行。
  3. 字段(Fields)

    • 通知器(Notifier):在数据发生变化、微小变化(epsilon change)或根据配置周期性变化时,通知器将数据从提供者发送到订阅者。
    • 获取器(Getter):获取器可以由订阅者调用,用于显式查询提供者的值。
    • 设置器(Setter):当订阅者希望更改提供者端的值时,可以调用设置器。


  • 通知器与事件的主要区别
    • 事件仅在需要时(周期性地或在变化时或是门限式变化时)发送。
    • 字段的通知器除了在变化时发送数据,还会在订阅后立即发送数据。

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