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安装 zsh
安装 Zsh
安装 Oh-my-zsh
bash">sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://install.ohmyz.sh/)"
git_bash__19">让 zsh 成为 git bash 默认终端
bash">vi ~/.bashrc
bashrc">if [ -t 1 ]; thenexec zsh
bash">source ~/.bashrc
安装主题 powerlevel10k
bash">git clone https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k
bash">vi ~/.zshrc
bash">source ~/.zshrc
如果想重新配置 powerlevel10k 界面
bash">p10k configure
bash">git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
bash">git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
bash">vi ~/.zshrc
bash">plugins=( git zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions )
bash">source ~/.zshrc
使用 lsd 配色
安装 lsd
可以使用 scoop 方式,其他方式见官方文档
bash">scoop install lsd
在 $HOME/.config/lsd
下创建配置文件 config. yml
# == Classic ==
# This is a shorthand to override some of the options to be backwards compatible
# with `ls`. It affects the "color"->"when", "sorting"->"dir-grouping", "date"
# and "icons"->"when" options.
# Possible values: false, true
classic: false# == Blocks ==
# This specifies the columns and their order when using the long and the tree
# layout.
# Possible values: permission, user, group, context, size, date, name, inode, links, git
blocks:- permission- user- group- size- date- name# == Color ==
# This has various color options. (Will be expanded in the future.)
color:# When to colorize the output.# When "classic" is set, this is set to "never".# Possible values: never, auto, alwayswhen: auto# How to colorize the output.# When "classic" is set, this is set to "no-color".# Possible values: default, custom# When "custom" is set, lsd will look in the config directory for `colors.yaml`.theme: default# == Date ==
# This specifies the date format for the date column. The freeform format
# accepts a strftime like string.
# When "classic" is set, this is set to "date".
# Possible values: date, locale, relative, '+<date_format>'
# `date_format` will be a `strftime` formatted value. e.g. `date: '+%d %b %y %X'` will give you a date like this: 17 Jun 21 20:14:55
date: date# == Dereference ==
# Whether to dereference symbolic links.
# Possible values: false, true
dereference: false# == Display ==
# What items to display. Do not specify this for the default behavior.
# Possible values: all, almost-all, directory-only
# display: all# == Icons ==
icons:# When to use icons.# When "classic" is set, this is set to "never".# Possible values: always, auto, neverwhen: auto# Which icon theme to use.# Possible values: fancy, unicodetheme: fancy# Separator between icon and the name# Default to 1 spaceseparator: " "# == Ignore Globs ==
# A list of globs to ignore when listing.
# ignore-globs:
# - .git# == Indicators ==
# Whether to add indicator characters to certain listed files.
# Possible values: false, true
indicators: false# == Layout ==
# Which layout to use. "oneline" might be a bit confusing here and should be
# called "one-per-line". It might be changed in the future.
# Possible values: grid, tree, oneline
layout: grid# == Recursion ==
recursion:# Whether to enable recursion.# Possible values: false, trueenabled: false# How deep the recursion should go. This has to be a positive integer. Leave# it unspecified for (virtually) infinite.# depth: 3# == Size ==
# Specifies the format of the size column.
# Possible values: default, short, bytes
size: default# == Permission ==
# Specify the format of the permission column
# Possible value: rwx, octal, attributes (windows only), disable
permission: rwx# == Sorting ==
sorting:# Specify what to sort by.# Possible values: extension, name, time, size, versioncolumn: name# Whether to reverse the sorting.# Possible values: false, truereverse: false# Whether to group directories together and where.# When "classic" is set, this is set to "none".# Possible values: first, last, nonedir-grouping: none# == No Symlink ==
# Whether to omit showing symlink targets
# Possible values: false, true
no-symlink: false# == Total size ==
# Whether to display the total size of directories.
# Possible values: false, true
total-size: false# == Hyperlink ==
# Attach hyperlink to filenames
# Possible values: always, auto, never
hyperlink: never# == Symlink arrow ==
# Specifies how the symlink arrow display, chars in both ascii and utf8
symlink-arrow: ⇒# == Header ==
# Whether to display block headers.
# Possible values: false, true
header: true# == Literal ==
# Whether to show quotes on filenames.
# Possible values: false, true
literal: false# == Truncate owner ==
# How to truncate the username and group names for a file if they exceed a certain
# number of characters.
truncate-owner:# Number of characters to keep. By default, no truncation is done (empty value).after:# String to be appended to a name if truncated.marker: ""
要注意 permission,改成其他的可能会导致用户名和组别显示 ?
bash">vi ~/.zshrc
alias ls='lsd'
alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
alias lt='ls --tree'