
embedded/2024/11/28 16:30:36/




  • 组件Component:通常是抽象类或者接口,是具体组件和装饰者的父类,定义了具体组件需要实现的方法,比如说我们定义的Coffee为组件。
  • 具体组件ConcreteComponent:实现了Component接口的具体类,是被装饰的对象。
  • 装饰类Decorator:一个抽象类,给具体组件添加功能,但是具体的功能由子类具体装饰者完成
  • 具体装饰类ConcreteDecorater:扩展抽象类,负责向Component对象添加新的行为,例如加牛奶的咖啡,还有加糖的咖啡也是。


/*** The base Component interface defines operations that can be altered by* decorators.*/
class Component {public:virtual ~Component() {}virtual std::string Operation() const = 0;
/*** Concrete Components provide default implementations of the operations. There* might be several variations of these classes.*/
class ConcreteComponent : public Component {public:std::string Operation() const override {return "ConcreteComponent";}
/*** The base Decorator class follows the same interface as the other components.* The primary purpose of this class is to define the wrapping interface for all* concrete decorators. The default implementation of the wrapping code might* include a field for storing a wrapped component and the means to initialize* it.*/
class Decorator : public Component {/*** @var Component*/protected:Component* component_;public:Decorator(Component* component) : component_(component) {}/*** The Decorator delegates all work to the wrapped component.*/std::string Operation() const override {return this->component_->Operation();}
/*** Concrete Decorators call the wrapped object and alter its result in some way.*/
class ConcreteDecoratorA : public Decorator {/*** Decorators may call parent implementation of the operation, instead of* calling the wrapped object directly. This approach simplifies extension of* decorator classes.*/public:ConcreteDecoratorA(Component* component) : Decorator(component) {}std::string Operation() const override {return "ConcreteDecoratorA(" + Decorator::Operation() + ")";}
/*** Decorators can execute their behavior either before or after the call to a* wrapped object.*/
class ConcreteDecoratorB : public Decorator {public:ConcreteDecoratorB(Component* component) : Decorator(component) {}std::string Operation() const override {return "ConcreteDecoratorB(" + Decorator::Operation() + ")";}
/*** The client code works with all objects using the Component interface. This* way it can stay independent of the concrete classes of components it works* with.*/
void ClientCode(Component* component) {// ...std::cout << "RESULT: " << component->Operation();// ...
}int main() {/*** This way the client code can support both simple components...*/Component* simple = new ConcreteComponent;std::cout << "Client: I've got a simple component:\n";ClientCode(simple);std::cout << "\n\n";/*** ...as well as decorated ones.** Note how decorators can wrap not only simple components but the other* decorators as well.*/Component* decorator1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA(simple);Component* decorator2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB(decorator1);std::cout << "Client: Now I've got a decorated component:\n";ClientCode(decorator2);std::cout << "\n";delete simple;delete decorator1;delete decorator2;return 0;


Client: I've got a simple component:
RESULT: ConcreteComponentClient: Now I've got a decorated component:
RESULT: ConcreteDecoratorB(ConcreteDecoratorA(ConcreteComponent))



  • 如果你希望在无需修改代码的情况下即可使用对象, 且希望在运行时为对象新增额外的行为, 可以使用装饰模式。装饰能将业务逻辑组织为层次结构, 你可为各层创建一个装饰, 在运行时将各种不同逻辑组合成对象。 由于这些对象都遵循通用接口, 客户端代码能以相同的方式使用这些对象。

  • 如果用继承来扩展对象行为的方案难以实现或者根本不可行, 你可以使用该模式。许多编程语言使用 final最终关键字来限制对某个类的进一步扩展。 复用最终类已有行为的唯一方法是使用装饰模式: 用封装器对其进行封装。




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