Ollama 运行视觉语言模型LLaVA

embedded/2024/10/10 23:47:01/

Ollama的LLaVA(大型语言和视觉助手)模型集已更新至 1.6 版,支持:

  • 更高的图像分辨率:支持高达 4 倍的像素,使模型能够掌握更多细节。
  • 改进的文本识别和推理能力:在附加文档、图表和图表数据集上进行训练。
  • 更宽松的许可证:通过 Apache 2.0 许可证或 LLaMA 2 社区许可证分发。

这些模型有三种参数大小。7B、13B 和新的 34B 模型:

  • ollama run llava:7b
  • ollama run llava:13b
  • ollama run llava:34b

NSDT工具推荐: Three.js AI纹理开发包 - YOLO合成数据生成器 - GLTF/GLB在线编辑 - 3D模型格式在线转换 - 可编程3D场景编辑器 - REVIT导出3D模型插件 - 3D模型语义搜索引擎 - AI模型在线查看 - Three.js虚拟轴心开发包 - 3D模型在线减面 - STL模型在线切割



要将视觉模型与 ollama run 结合使用,请使用文件路径引用 .jpg 或 .png 文件,例如上图:

% ollama run llava "describe this image: ./art.jpg"
The image shows a colorful poster featuring an illustration of a cartoon character with spiky hair. Above the character's head is a crown, suggesting royalty or high status. On the right side of the poster, there is text in French that reads "Jean-Michel Basquiat,"


import ollamares = ollama.chat(model="llava",messages=[{'role': 'user','content': 'Describe this image:','images': ['./art.jpg']}]


import ollama from 'ollama'const res = await ollama.chat({model: 'llava',messages: [{role: 'user',content: 'Describe this image:'images: ['./art.jpg']}]

注意:在 Ollama Python 和 JavaScript 库以及 REST API 中,可以在 images 参数中提供 base64 编码的文件。有关向视觉模型提供图像的更多示例,请参阅完整的 API 文档。



% ollama run llava "tell me what do you see in this picture? ./pic.jpg"
In the image, a man wearing blue and white is holding video game controllers in his hands while smiling. His arms are raised above his head as he plays with the virtual reality gaming devices. The man appears to be enjoying himself and immersed in his gaming experience.


% ollama run llava "what does the text say? ./wordart.png"
This is an image with a capitalized, bolded text of "ollama." The background is black and the letters are yellow, which create a contrasting appearance. Although the words "ollama" make up the majority of the image, it could also be seen as part of a sign or advertisement due to its brightness and prominent font style.

原文链接:Ollama 运行视觉模型 - BimAnt



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