Day 2 词汇备战

embedded/2024/9/30 4:07:07/


underneath [ˌʌndərˈniːθ] prep. 在……下方;ad. 在底下,底部

infinite ['ɪnfɪnət] a. 无限制的,无穷的,极大的,无限

definite ['defɪnət] a. 明确的,肯定的,限定的

spy [spaɪ] n. 间谍,特务 v. 当间谍,刺探;察觉,发现

detect [dɪ'tekt] v. 察觉,发现;侦察,探测

intend [ɪn'tend] v. 打算,计划,企图

shove [ʃʌv] n. 推,挤 v. 乱推,猛推

rub [rʌb] v. 擦,摩擦;(~ along)和睦相处;(~ off)擦掉;(~ out)把……擦掉

treasure ['treʒə(r)] n. 财富,财宝;珍品 v. 珍爱,珍惜

inner ['ɪnə(r)] a. 内部的,里面的;内心的

trust [trʌst] v. 信任;希望;委托 n. 依赖,信托

idle ['aɪdl] a. 闲置的,懒散的;无效的 v. 空转,虚度

prize [praɪz] n. 奖赏,奖金;珍贵之物 v. 珍视,珍惜,重视

platform ['plætfɔːm] n. 平台,站台,党纲

abolish [ə'bɒlɪʃ] v. 废除,取消

border ['bɔːdə(r)] n. 边界,国界 v. 交界,与……接壤

alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] a. 两者择一的 n. 可供选择的事物

contrast ['kɒntrɑːst] n. 对比,差异,反差 v. 对比,形成对比

ticket ['tɪkɪt] n. 票,入场券,标签

rob [rɒb] v. (of) 抢夺,掠夺;非法剥夺;使失去

defeat [dɪ'fiːt] v. 打败,战胜;使失败,挫败

faulty ['fɔːlti] a. 有缺点的,有错误的

leisure ['leʒə(r)] n. 空闲,闲暇,休闲,安逸 a. 空闲的

boundary ['baʊndri] n. 分界线,边界

margin ['mɑːdʒɪn] n. 页边空白,边缘;差数,差额

underneath [ˌʌndərˈniːθ] prep. 在……下方;ad. 在底下,底部

  • 解释: In a position directly below something else.
  • 例句: The cat hid underneath the bed.

infinite ['ɪnfɪnət] a. 无限制的,无穷的,极大的,无限

  • 解释: Without limits; endless.
  • 例句: The universe is believed to be infinite in size.

definite ['defɪnət] a. 明确的,肯定的,限定的

  • 解释: Clearly decided or determined.
  • 例句: We need a definite answer by tomorrow.

spy [spaɪ] n. 间谍,特务 v. 当间谍,刺探;察觉,发现

  • 解释: A person who secretly collects information about another country or organization.
  • 例句: The spy was caught trying to steal military secrets.

detect [dɪ'tekt] v. 察觉,发现;侦察,探测

  • 解释: To discover or identify the presence of something.
  • 例句: The device is used to detect smoke in the building.

intend [ɪn'tend] v. 打算,计划,企图

  • 解释: To plan or aim to do something.
  • 例句: I intend to finish this project by the end of the week.

shove [ʃʌv] n. 推,挤 v. 乱推,猛推

  • 解释: To push someone or something forcefully.
  • 例句: She shoved the door open when it got stuck.

rub [rʌb] v. 擦,摩擦;(~ along)和睦相处;(~ off)擦掉;(~ out)把……擦掉

  • 解释: To move something over the surface of another thing with pressure.
  • 例句: He rubbed his hands together to warm them up.

treasure ['treʒə(r)] n. 财富,财宝;珍品 v. 珍爱,珍惜

  • 解释: Valuable objects or qualities that are highly prized.
  • 例句: The pirate searched for treasure on the island.

inner ['ɪnə(r)] a. 内部的,里面的;内心的

  • 解释: Situated inside; personal or private.
  • 例句: She kept her inner thoughts to herself.

trust [trʌst] v. 信任;希望;委托 n. 依赖,信托

  • 解释: To believe in the reliability or truth of someone or something.
  • 例句: I trust you to do the right thing.

idle ['aɪdl] a. 闲置的,懒散的;无效的 v. 空转,虚度

  • 解释: Not active or in use.
  • 例句: The factory has been idle for months due to lack of demand.

prize [praɪz] n. 奖赏,奖金;珍贵之物 v. 珍视,珍惜,重视

  • 解释: A reward for excellence or achievement.
  • 例句: Winning first place was a prize worth striving for.

platform ['plætfɔːm] n. 平台,站台,党纲

  • 解释: A raised surface or stage.
  • 例句: The train arrived at the platform right on time.

abolish [ə'bɒlɪʃ] v. 废除,取消

  • 解释: To formally put an end to a system or practice.
  • 例句: The government voted to abolish the old law.

border ['bɔːdə(r)] n. 边界,国界 v. 交界,与……接壤

  • 解释: The line that separates two countries or areas.
  • 例句: The two countries share a long border.

alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] a. 两者择一的 n. 可供选择的事物

  • 解释: Offering or expressing a choice.
  • 例句: We have an alternative plan in case the first one fails.

contrast ['kɒntrɑːst] n. 对比,差异,反差 v. 对比,形成对比

  • 解释: The state of being strikingly different from something else.
  • 例句: The colors of the painting contrast sharply with each other.

ticket ['tɪkɪt] n. 票,入场券,标签

  • 解释: A piece of paper or card that gives the holder a certain right, such as to travel or attend an event.
  • 例句: I bought a ticket for the concert.

rob [rɒb] v. (of) 抢夺,掠夺;非法剥夺;使失去

  • 解释: To take money or property illegally from someone.
  • 例句: The bank was robbed last night.

defeat [dɪ'fiːt] v. 打败,战胜;使失败,挫败

  • 解释: To win against someone in a fight or competition.
  • 例句: The team defeated their rivals in the championship.

faulty ['fɔːlti] a. 有缺点的,有错误的

  • 解释: Not working correctly or having flaws.
  • 例句: The machine stopped working due to a faulty part.

leisure ['leʒə(r)] n. 空闲,闲暇,休闲,安逸 a. 空闲的

  • 解释: Free time when one is not working.
  • 例句: I enjoy reading during my leisure time.

boundary ['baʊndri] n. 分界线,边界

  • 解释: A line or limit that marks the edge of an area.
  • 例句: The river forms the boundary between the two countries.

margin ['mɑːdʒɪn] n. 页边空白,边缘;差数,差额

  • 解释: The edge or border of something.
  • 例句: Please write your notes in the margin of the page



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