1 General PWM介绍
1.1 特性
1.2 定时器选择注意点
2 时钟配置
3 应用案例
3.1 基本定时器应用
3.2 定时器回调函数案例
3.3 输入捕捉功能案例
3.4 更新周期案例
3.5 更新占空比案例
3.6 单次触发脉冲案例
4 测试
4.1 代码介绍
4.2 验证
本文主要介绍Renesas R7FA8D1BH (Cortex®-M85)的 General PWM各种模式的使用方法,包括PWM的特性介绍,并编写多个案例,详细介绍了各种模式下API函数的使用方法,还编写一个具体的案例,实现PWM的输出,并使用逻辑分析仪捕捉器波形。
1 General PWM介绍
1.1 特性
2)支持计数源的PCLK, gtegg引脚,GTIOC引脚,或ELC事件。
1.2 定时器选择注意点
RA mcu有两个定时器外设:通用PWM定时器(GPT)和异步通用定时器(AGT)。在他们之间进行选择时,要考虑以下因素:
GPT | AGT | |
Low Power Modes | The GPT can operate in sleep mode. | The AGT can operate in all low power modes. |
Available Channels | The number of GPT channels is device specific. All currently supported MCUs have at least 7 GPT channels. | All MCUs have 2 AGT channels. |
Timer Resolution | All MCUs have at least one 32-bit GPT timer. | The AGT timers are 16-bit timers. |
Clock Source | The GPT runs off PCLKD with a configurable divider up to 1024. It can also be configured to count ELC events or external pulses. | The AGT runs off PCLKB, LOCO, or subclock. |
2 时钟配置
GPT时钟基于PCLKD频率。您可以使用RA Configuration编辑器的Clocks选项卡或在运行时使用CGC接口来设置PCLKD频率。
3 应用案例
3.1 基本定时器应用
void gpt_basic_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);
3.2 定时器回调函数案例
/* Example callback called when timer expires. */
void timer_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* Add application code to be called periodically here. */}
3.3 输入捕捉功能案例
/* Example callback called when a capture occurs. */
uint64_t g_captured_time = 0U;
uint32_t g_capture_overflows = 0U;
void timer_capture_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if ((TIMER_EVENT_CAPTURE_A == p_args->event) || (TIMER_EVENT_CAPTURE_B == p_args->event)){/* (Optional) Get the current period if not known. */timer_info_t info;(void) R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer0_ctrl, &info);uint64_t period = info.period_counts;/* The maximum period is one more than the maximum 32-bit number, but will be reflected as 0 in* timer_info_t::period_counts. */if (0U == period){period = UINT32_MAX + 1U;}g_captured_time = (period * g_capture_overflows) + p_args->capture;g_capture_overflows = 0U;}if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* An overflow occurred during capture. This must be accounted for at the application layer. */g_capture_overflows++;}
void gpt_capture_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Enable captures. Captured values arrive in the interrupt. */(void) R_GPT_Enable(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Disable captures. */(void) R_GPT_Disable(&g_timer0_ctrl);
3.4 更新周期案例
/* This example shows how to calculate a new period value at runtime. */
void gpt_period_calculation_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* Get the source clock frequency (in Hz). There are 3 ways to do this in FSP:* - If the PCLKD frequency has not changed since reset, the source clock frequency is* BSP_STARTUP_PCLKD_HZ >> timer_cfg_t::source_div* - Use the R_GPT_InfoGet function (it accounts for the divider).* - Calculate the current PCLKD frequency using R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet(FSP_PRIV_CLOCK_PCLKD) and right shift* by timer_cfg_t::source_div.** This example uses the 3rd option (R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet).*/uint32_t pclkd_freq_hz = R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet(FSP_PRIV_CLOCK_PCLKD) >> g_timer0_cfg.source_div;/* Calculate the desired period based on the current clock. Note that this calculation could overflow if the* desired period is larger than UINT32_MAX / pclkd_freq_hz. A cast to uint64_t is used to prevent this. */uint32_t period_counts =(uint32_t) (((uint64_t) pclkd_freq_hz * GPT_EXAMPLE_DESIRED_PERIOD_MSEC) / GPT_EXAMPLE_MSEC_PER_SEC);/* Set the calculated period. */err = R_GPT_PeriodSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, period_counts);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
3.5 更新占空比案例
/* This example shows how to calculate a new duty cycle value at runtime. */
void gpt_duty_cycle_calculation_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* Get the current period setting. */timer_info_t info;(void) R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer0_ctrl, &info);uint32_t current_period_counts = info.period_counts;/* Calculate the desired duty cycle based on the current period. Note that if the period could be larger than* UINT32_MAX / 100, this calculation could overflow. A cast to uint64_t is used to prevent this. The cast is* not required for 16-bit timers. */uint32_t duty_cycle_counts =(uint32_t) (((uint64_t) current_period_counts * GPT_EXAMPLE_DESIRED_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENT) /GPT_EXAMPLE_MAX_PERCENT);/* Set the calculated duty cycle. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
3.6 单次触发脉冲案例
/* Example callback called when timer overflows. */
void gpt_overflow_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* Use R_GPT_DutyCycleSet() API to set new values for each cycle.* - Use GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE to set the leading edge transition match value (GTCCRC or GTCCRE register).* - Use GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE to set the trailing edge transition match value (GTCCRD or GTCCRF register).*/}
void gpt_one_shot_pulse_mode_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Set the duty cycle for One-Shot-Pulse mode *//* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRC register if GTIOCnA is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRC,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRE register if GTIOCnB is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRE,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRD register if GTIOCnA is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRD_GTCCRF,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRF register if GTIOCnB is the selected pin for output.* GPT_BUFFER_FORCE_PUSH pushes set values to temporary registers to prepare for the initial output cycle. This must be done* when setting the duty cycle before starting the timer. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRD_GTCCRF,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE | GPT_BUFFER_FORCE_PUSH);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Stop the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Stop(&g_timer0_ctrl);
GPT Compare Match Set Example
This example demonstrates the configuration and use of compare match with GPT timer./* Example callback called when compare match occurs. */
void gpt_compare_match_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE_A == p_args->event){/* Add application code to be called periodically here. */}
void gpt_compare_match_set_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Set the compare match value (GPT_COMPARE_MATCH_EXAMPLE_VALUE). This value must be less than or equal to period value. */err = R_GPT_CompareMatchSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, GPT_COMPARE_MATCH_EXAMPLE_VALUE, TIMER_COMPARE_MATCH_A);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Stop the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Stop(&g_timer0_ctrl);
4 测试
4.1 代码介绍
/*FILE NAME : bsp_pwm.cDescription: pwm interfaceAuthor : tangmingfei2013@126.comDate : 2024/06/03*/
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "bsp_pwm.h"
#include "hal_data.h"void GPT_PWM_SetDuty3(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);
void GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);
void GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);void pwm_init( void )
{// timer 1 GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCAR_GPT_Open(&g_timer1_ctrl, &g_timer1_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer1_ctrl);/* Set the calculated duty cycle. */GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(60, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA);// timer 2 GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCBR_GPT_Open(&g_timer2_ctrl, &g_timer2_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer2_ctrl);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(80, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB); // timer 6 GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA & GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCBR_GPT_Open(&g_timer3_ctrl, &g_timer3_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer3_ctrl);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty3( 50, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty3( 20, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty3(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer3_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer3_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer2_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer2_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer1_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer1_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}/* End of this file */
4.2 验证