Renesas R7FA8D1BH (Cortex®-M85)的 General PWM的应用实践

embedded/2025/1/17 17:37:57/



1  General PWM介绍

1.1 特性

1.2 定时器选择注意点

2 时钟配置

3 应用案例

3.1 基本定时器应用

3.2 定时器回调函数案例

3.3 输入捕捉功能案例

3.4 更新周期案例

3.5 更新占空比案例

3.6 单次触发脉冲案例

4 测试

4.1 代码介绍

4.2 验证


本文主要介绍Renesas R7FA8D1BH (Cortex®-M85)的 General PWM各种模式的使用方法,包括PWM的特性介绍,并编写多个案例,详细介绍了各种模式下API函数的使用方法,还编写一个具体的案例,实现PWM的输出,并使用逻辑分析仪捕捉器波形。

1  General PWM介绍

1.1 特性



2)支持计数源的PCLK, gtegg引脚,GTIOC引脚,或ELC事件。

1.2 定时器选择注意点

RA mcu有两个定时器外设:通用PWM定时器(GPT)和异步通用定时器(AGT)。在他们之间进行选择时,要考虑以下因素:

Low Power ModesThe GPT can operate in sleep mode.The AGT can operate in all low power modes.
Available ChannelsThe number of GPT channels is device specific. All currently supported MCUs have at least 7 GPT channels.All MCUs have 2 AGT channels.
Timer ResolutionAll MCUs have at least one 32-bit GPT timer.The AGT timers are 16-bit timers.
Clock SourceThe GPT runs off PCLKD with a configurable divider up to 1024. It can also be configured to count ELC events or external pulses.The AGT runs off PCLKB, LOCO, or subclock.

2 时钟配置

GPT时钟基于PCLKD频率。您可以使用RA Configuration编辑器的Clocks选项卡或在运行时使用CGC接口来设置PCLKD频率。


3 应用案例

3.1 基本定时器应用


void gpt_basic_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);

3.2 定时器回调函数案例


/* Example callback called when timer expires. */
void timer_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* Add application code to be called periodically here. */}

3.3 输入捕捉功能案例


/* Example callback called when a capture occurs. */
uint64_t g_captured_time     = 0U;
uint32_t g_capture_overflows = 0U;
void timer_capture_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if ((TIMER_EVENT_CAPTURE_A == p_args->event) || (TIMER_EVENT_CAPTURE_B == p_args->event)){/* (Optional) Get the current period if not known. */timer_info_t info;(void) R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer0_ctrl, &info);uint64_t period = info.period_counts;/* The maximum period is one more than the maximum 32-bit number, but will be reflected as 0 in* timer_info_t::period_counts. */if (0U == period){period = UINT32_MAX + 1U;}g_captured_time     = (period * g_capture_overflows) + p_args->capture;g_capture_overflows = 0U;}if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* An overflow occurred during capture. This must be accounted for at the application layer. */g_capture_overflows++;}
void gpt_capture_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Enable captures. Captured values arrive in the interrupt. */(void) R_GPT_Enable(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Disable captures. */(void) R_GPT_Disable(&g_timer0_ctrl);

3.4 更新周期案例

#define GPT_EXAMPLE_MSEC_PER_SEC           (1000)
/* This example shows how to calculate a new period value at runtime. */
void gpt_period_calculation_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* Get the source clock frequency (in Hz). There are 3 ways to do this in FSP:*  - If the PCLKD frequency has not changed since reset, the source clock frequency is*    BSP_STARTUP_PCLKD_HZ >> timer_cfg_t::source_div*  - Use the R_GPT_InfoGet function (it accounts for the divider).*  - Calculate the current PCLKD frequency using R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet(FSP_PRIV_CLOCK_PCLKD) and right shift*    by timer_cfg_t::source_div.** This example uses the 3rd option (R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet).*/uint32_t pclkd_freq_hz = R_FSP_SystemClockHzGet(FSP_PRIV_CLOCK_PCLKD) >> g_timer0_cfg.source_div;/* Calculate the desired period based on the current clock. Note that this calculation could overflow if the* desired period is larger than UINT32_MAX / pclkd_freq_hz. A cast to uint64_t is used to prevent this. */uint32_t period_counts =(uint32_t) (((uint64_t) pclkd_freq_hz * GPT_EXAMPLE_DESIRED_PERIOD_MSEC) / GPT_EXAMPLE_MSEC_PER_SEC);/* Set the calculated period. */err = R_GPT_PeriodSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, period_counts);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);

3.5 更新占空比案例

#define GPT_EXAMPLE_MAX_PERCENT                   (100)
/* This example shows how to calculate a new duty cycle value at runtime. */
void gpt_duty_cycle_calculation_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* Get the current period setting. */timer_info_t info;(void) R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer0_ctrl, &info);uint32_t current_period_counts = info.period_counts;/* Calculate the desired duty cycle based on the current period. Note that if the period could be larger than* UINT32_MAX / 100, this calculation could overflow. A cast to uint64_t is used to prevent this. The cast is* not required for 16-bit timers. */uint32_t duty_cycle_counts =(uint32_t) (((uint64_t) current_period_counts * GPT_EXAMPLE_DESIRED_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENT) /GPT_EXAMPLE_MAX_PERCENT);/* Set the calculated duty cycle. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);

3.6 单次触发脉冲案例

/* Example callback called when timer overflows. */
void gpt_overflow_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event){/* Use R_GPT_DutyCycleSet() API to set new values for each cycle.* - Use GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE to set the leading edge transition match value (GTCCRC or GTCCRE register).* - Use GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE to set the trailing edge transition match value (GTCCRD or GTCCRF register).*/}
void gpt_one_shot_pulse_mode_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Set the duty cycle for One-Shot-Pulse mode *//* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRC register if GTIOCnA is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRC,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRE register if GTIOCnB is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRE,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_LEADING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRD register if GTIOCnA is the selected pin for output. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRD_GTCCRF,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE sets the initial value for the GTCCRF register if GTIOCnB is the selected pin for output.* GPT_BUFFER_FORCE_PUSH pushes set values to temporary registers to prepare for the initial output cycle. This must be done* when setting the duty cycle before starting the timer. */err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer0_ctrl,GPT_ONE_SHOT_EXAMPLE_DUTY_CYCLE_GTCCRD_GTCCRF,GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB | GPT_IO_PIN_ONE_SHOT_TRAILING_EDGE | GPT_BUFFER_FORCE_PUSH);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Stop the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Stop(&g_timer0_ctrl);
GPT Compare Match Set Example
This example demonstrates the configuration and use of compare match with GPT timer./* Example callback called when compare match occurs. */
void gpt_compare_match_callback (timer_callback_args_t * p_args)
{if (TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE_A == p_args->event){/* Add application code to be called periodically here. */}
void gpt_compare_match_set_example (void)
{fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;/* Initializes the module. */err = R_GPT_Open(&g_timer0_ctrl, &g_timer0_cfg);/* Handle any errors. This function should be defined by the user. */assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Set the compare match value (GPT_COMPARE_MATCH_EXAMPLE_VALUE). This value must be less than or equal to period value. */err = R_GPT_CompareMatchSet(&g_timer0_ctrl, GPT_COMPARE_MATCH_EXAMPLE_VALUE, TIMER_COMPARE_MATCH_A);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);/* Start the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Start(&g_timer0_ctrl);/* (Optional) Stop the timer. */(void) R_GPT_Stop(&g_timer0_ctrl);

4 测试

4.1 代码介绍


 /*FILE NAME  :  bsp_pwm.cDescription:  pwm interfaceAuthor     :  tangmingfei2013@126.comDate       :  2024/06/03*/
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "bsp_pwm.h"
#include "hal_data.h"void GPT_PWM_SetDuty3(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);
void GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);
void GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin);void pwm_init( void )
{// timer 1   GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCAR_GPT_Open(&g_timer1_ctrl, &g_timer1_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer1_ctrl);/* Set the calculated duty cycle. */GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(60, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA);// timer 2   GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCBR_GPT_Open(&g_timer2_ctrl, &g_timer2_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer2_ctrl);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(80, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB); // timer 6   GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA & GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCBR_GPT_Open(&g_timer3_ctrl, &g_timer3_cfg);R_GPT_Start(&g_timer3_ctrl);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty3( 50, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCA);// set duty GPT_PWM_SetDuty3( 20, GPT_IO_PIN_GTIOCB);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty3(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t  err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer3_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer3_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty2(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t  err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer2_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer2_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}void GPT_PWM_SetDuty1(uint8_t duty, uint32_t pin)
{fsp_err_t  err;timer_info_t info;uint32_t current_period_counts;uint32_t duty_cycle_counts;if (duty > 100)duty = 100; R_GPT_InfoGet(&g_timer1_ctrl, &info);current_period_counts = info.period_counts;duty_cycle_counts = (uint32_t)(((uint64_t) current_period_counts * duty) / 100);err = R_GPT_DutyCycleSet(&g_timer1_ctrl, duty_cycle_counts, pin);assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
}/* End of this file */

4.2 验证




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