
embedded/2024/9/23 8:13:53/


 class CZString {public:// 枚举,标识字符串类型的key,有没有payload,也可以理解为,字符串的首地址cstr_后面的空间是不是自己所拥有,// 因为有些移动语义会共用其它CZString对象的空间enum DuplicationPolicy { noDuplication = 0, duplicate, duplicateOnCopy };//构造,感觉国内很少用char const*,更多的用 const char*,可能写库的大佬们认为char const*,一眼就可以看出是常量指针吧 CZString(ArrayIndex index);CZString(char const* str, unsigned length, DuplicationPolicy allocate); // 拷贝构造CZString(CZString const& other);CZString(CZString&& other) noexcept; // 不抛异常// 析构~CZString();// 赋值CZString& operator=(const CZString& other);CZString& operator=(CZString&& other) noexcept;// 自定义比较规则,因为底层用map实现,map的key要求重载<bool operator<(CZString const& other) const;bool operator==(CZString const& other) const;// 返回数组indexArrayIndex index() const;// const char* c_str() const; ///< \deprecated// 返回cstr_char const* data() const;// key是string时,返回字符串长度unsigned length() const;bool isStaticString() const;private:void swap(CZString& other);// policy_是枚举值,标明,cstr_指向空间的属性// length_ 字符串的长度// 这种C语言定义结构体的方式值得学习,可以节省空间struct StringStorage {unsigned policy_ : 2;unsigned length_ : 30; // 1GB max};// 数组cstr_是nullptr, object时是非空char const* cstr_; // actually, a prefixed string, unless policy is noDup// 联合体,程序员自己解释union {ArrayIndex index_;StringStorage storage_;};};


// 支持的数据类型
enum ValueType {nullValue = 0, ///< 'null' valueintValue,      ///< signed integer valueuintValue,     ///< unsigned integer valuerealValue,     ///< double valuestringValue,   ///< UTF-8 string valuebooleanValue,  ///< bool valuearrayValue,    ///< array value (ordered list)objectValue    ///< object value (collection of name/value pairs).
// 利用type构造函数时,当type是字符串时,先将空字符串指针赋值给string_
// 这里逻辑上可能实现了闭环,如果自己使用的话,不要将const char* 指针赋值给char*,如果程序员用返回的指针修改空间的值
// 将会使const丧失作用,会造成未定义的行为,这种bug是最难查的。
Value::Value(ValueType type) {static char const emptyString[] = ""; // 静态,提高效率switch (type) {...case stringValue:// allocated_ == false, so this is safe.value_.string_ = const_cast<char*>(static_cast<char const*>(emptyString));...
// 字符串的开始是字符串的长度,这种做法是值得学习的
// 下次再看到这,可以顺便复习下static_cast 和 reinterpret_cast
static inline char* duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(const char* value,unsigned int length) {// Avoid an integer overflow in the call to malloc below by limiting length// to a sane value.JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(length <= static_cast<unsigned>(Value::maxInt) -sizeof(unsigned) - 1U,"in Json::Value::duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(): ""length too big for prefixing");size_t actualLength = sizeof(length) + length + 1;auto newString = static_cast<char*>(malloc(actualLength));if (newString == nullptr) {throwRuntimeError("in Json::Value::duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(): ""Failed to allocate string value buffer");}*reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(newString) = length;memcpy(newString + sizeof(unsigned), value, length);newString[actualLength - 1U] =0; // to avoid buffer over-run accidents by users laterreturn newString;
// 读取数据String asString() const; Int asInt() const;UInt asUInt() const;
#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)Int64 asInt64() const;UInt64 asUInt64() const;
#endif // if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)LargestInt asLargestInt() const;LargestUInt asLargestUInt() const;float asFloat() const;double asDouble() const;bool asBool() const;
// 这个的作用将在下一篇博客中进行介绍
explicit operator bool() const;
// 针对数组的接口函数
Value& append(const Value& value);
Value& append(Value&& value);
bool insert(ArrayIndex index, const Value& newValue);
bool insert(ArrayIndex index, Value&& newValue);
union ValueHolder {LargestInt int_;LargestUInt uint_;double real_;bool bool_;char* string_; // if allocated_, ptr to { unsigned, char[] }.ObjectValues* map_;
} value_;
// value_type_是数据类型,allocated_表示是否为 string_分配内存
struct {// Really a ValueType, but types should agree for bitfield packing.unsigned int value_type_ : 8;// Unless allocated_, string_ must be null-terminated.unsigned int allocated_ : 1;
} bits_;
// 注释类,注释可以在value的上一行,行内,下一行,有些中间件{ // 是不合法的,jsoncpp还没试,感觉也不合法
class Comments {
public:Comments() = default;Comments(const Comments& that);Comments(Comments&& that) noexcept;Comments& operator=(const Comments& that);Comments& operator=(Comments&& that) noexcept;bool has(CommentPlacement slot) const;String get(CommentPlacement slot) const;void set(CommentPlacement slot, String comment);private:using Array = std::array<String, numberOfCommentPlacement>;std::unique_ptr<Array> ptr_;
};Comments comments_;// 当前Value在整体的Json中的开始偏移,是左闭右开的
ptrdiff_t start_;
ptrdiff_t limit_;


// 现有json如下,要查找Alice的第一个或者第二个朋友
// {
//   "user": {
//    "profile": {
//      "name": "Alice",
//      "age": 30,
//      "friends": [
//        "Bob",
//        "Carol"
//      ]
//    }
//  }
// }
#include <iostream>
#include "value.h" // 假设你已经有 jsoncpp中path模块int main() {Value root = ...; // 你的 JSON 数据int index = 1; // 用户指定的索引PathArgument indexArg(index);Path path(".user.profile.friends[%]", indexArg);// 获取指定索引的朋友名字const Value& friendName = path.resolve(root);std::cout << "Friend: " << friendName.asString() << std::endl;return 0;


class JSON_API PathArgument {
public:friend class Path;PathArgument();PathArgument(ArrayIndex index);PathArgument(const char* key);PathArgument(String key);private:// 表示占位符是什么类型的enum Kind { kindNone = 0, kindIndex, kindKey };String key_;ArrayIndex index_{};Kind kind_{kindNone};
};/** \brief Experimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node.** Syntax:* - "." => root node* - ".[n]" => elements at index 'n' of root node (an array value)* - ".name" => member named 'name' of root node (an object value)* - ".name1.name2.name3"* - ".[0][1][2].name1[3]"* - ".%" => member name is provided as parameter* - ".[%]" => index is provided as parameter*/
class JSON_API Path {
public:Path(const String& path, const PathArgument& a1 = PathArgument(),const PathArgument& a2 = PathArgument(),const PathArgument& a3 = PathArgument(),const PathArgument& a4 = PathArgument(),const PathArgument& a5 = PathArgument());const Value& resolve(const Value& root) const;Value resolve(const Value& root, const Value& defaultValue) const;/// Creates the "path" to access the specified node and returns a reference on/// the node.Value& make(Value& root) const;private:using InArgs = std::vector<const PathArgument*>;using Args = std::vector<PathAArgument>;// 这个函数是实现该算法的关键,其实就是比较巧妙的字符串处理void makePath(const String& path, const InArgs& in);void addPathInArg(const String& path, const InArgs& in,InArgs::const_iterator& itInArg, PathArgument::Kind kind);static void invalidPath(const String& path, int location);Args args_;


class JSON_API Exception : public std::exception {
public:Exception(String msg);~Exception() noexcept override;char const* what() const noexcept override;protected:String msg_;
class JSON_API RuntimeError : public Exception {
public:RuntimeError(String const& msg);





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