EmguCV学习笔记 VB.Net 6.S 特别示例

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6.S 特别示例



图6-28 根据给出的定位标记求圆半径


    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim msrc As New Mat("C:\learnEmgucv\celiang.jpg", ImreadModes.Color)

        Dim mgray As New Mat()

        CvInvoke.CvtColor(msrc, mgray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray)

        Dim kernel As New Mat

        kernel = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Cross, New Drawing.Size(3, 3), New Point(-1, -1))

        Dim merode As New Mat        '


        CvInvoke.Dilate(mgray, merode, kernel, New Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Constant, Nothing)

        CvInvoke.Threshold(merode, merode, 200, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv)

        ImageBox1.Image = merode


        Dim contours As New VectorOfVectorOfPoint

        Dim hierarchy As New VectorOfRect

        CvInvoke.FindContours(merode, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.List, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple)

        Dim m2 As New Mat(merode.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1)

        m2.SetTo(New MCvScalar(0))


        Dim contourCircle As VectorOfPoint


        Dim perimeter As Double


        For i As Integer = 0 To contours.Size - 1

            Dim carea As VectorOfPoint = contours(i)


            Dim area As Double = CvInvoke.ContourArea(carea, False)



            If area < 200 Then

                CvInvoke.DrawContours(m2, contours, i, New MCvScalar(255), 0.4)




                contourCircle = contours(i)


                perimeter = CvInvoke.ArcLength(contourCircle, True)

            End If


        ImageBox1.Image = m2



        Dim lines As LineSegment2D() = CvInvoke.HoughLinesP(m2, 1, Math.PI / 180, 5, 5, 80)

        Dim m3 As New Mat(merode.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 3)

        m3.SetTo(New MCvScalar(0, 0, 0))

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines

            CvInvoke.Line(m3, line.P1, line.P2, New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2)


        ImageBox2.Image = m3


        Dim verticalLines As New List(Of LineSegment2D)

        Dim horizontalLines As New List(Of LineSegment2D)


        '将倾斜角度在60 - 120度之间的直线划分为垂直类,

        '将倾斜角度在30 - 150度之间的直线划分为水平类。

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines

            Dim angle As Double = Math.Atan2(line.P2.Y - line.P1.Y, line.P2.X - line.P1.X) * 180 / Math.PI

            If angle < 0 Then angle += 180

            If angle > 60 AndAlso angle < 120 Then


            ElseIf angle > 150 OrElse angle < 30 Then


            End If



        Dim intersections As New List(Of PointF)


        For Each verticalLine As LineSegment2D In verticalLines

            For Each horizontalLine As LineSegment2D In horizontalLines




                Dim centerX As Single = (verticalLine.P1.X + verticalLine.P2.X) / 2

                If horizontalLine.P1.X < horizontalLine.P2.X Then

                    If centerX > horizontalLine.P1.X And centerX < horizontalLine.P2.X Then

                        Dim intersectionPoint As New PointF(

                            (horizontalLine.P1.X + horizontalLine.P2.X + verticalLine.P1.X + verticalLine.P2.X) / 4,

                            (horizontalLine.P1.Y + horizontalLine.P2.Y + verticalLine.P1.Y + verticalLine.P2.Y) / 4



                    End If


                    If centerX > horizontalLine.P2.X And centerX < horizontalLine.P1.X Then

                        Dim intersectionPoint As New PointF(

                            (horizontalLine.P1.X + horizontalLine.P2.X + verticalLine.P1.X + verticalLine.P2.X) / 4,

                            (horizontalLine.P1.Y + horizontalLine.P2.Y + verticalLine.P1.Y + verticalLine.P2.Y) / 4



                    End If

                End If



        If intersections.Count <> 2 Then


            Exit Sub

        End If

        CvInvoke.Line(msrc, PointFToPoint(intersections(0)), PointFToPoint(intersections(1)), New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2)

        CvInvoke.Imshow("m3", msrc)


        Dim distance As Double = Math.Sqrt(

            (intersections(0).X - intersections(1).X) ^ 2 +

            (intersections(0).Y - intersections(1).Y) ^ 2



        Dim proportion As Double = 100 / distance


        Dim cf As CircleF

        cf = CvInvoke.MinEnclosingCircle(contourCircle)


        CvInvoke.Circle(msrc, New Point(CInt(cf.Center.X), CInt(cf.Center.Y)), cf.Radius, New MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2)

        CvInvoke.Imshow("m4", msrc)


        Dim realradius1 As Double

        realradius1 = proportion * cf.Radius



        Dim realperimeter As Double = perimeter * proportion


        Dim radius As Double

        radius = (perimeter / Math.PI) / 2


        Dim realradius2 As Double

        realradius2 = proportion * radius

        MessageBox.Show("最小外接圆来计算实际圆半径:" & realradius1 & ControlChars.CrLf &

                        "基于轮廓周长来计算实际圆半径:" & realradius2)

    End Sub


图6-29 求出的圆半径




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