
devtools/2024/10/18 20:20:59/
  1. 人工构造一批Prompt做种子。(Starting with a small seed set of human-written tasks)
  2. 每次把一些种子+后来生成的Prompt,放到Input里做few-shot examples,用LLM生成更多的Prompt;(Using the LLM to generate new instructions based on the seed tasks)
  3. 过滤掉质量太差的,修正能要的;(Filtering and refining the generated instructions)
  4. 把生成的所有Prompt,输入LLM得到输出结果;(Creating input-output instances for the new instructions)
  5. Input+Output,做LLM的训练样本(Using the generated dataset to fine-tune the LLM)


import random
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM# Load a pre-trained language model
model_name = "bigcode/starcoderbase-1b"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)# Seed tasks (simplified for demonstration)
seed_tasks = ["Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.","Create a class to represent a bank account.","Implement a binary search algorithm."
]def generate_instruction(prompt):inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=50)return tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)def self_instruct(num_iterations):generated_tasks = []for _ in range(num_iterations):# Sample existing taskssampled_tasks = random.sample(seed_tasks + generated_tasks, min(3, len(seed_tasks) + len(generated_tasks)))# Create a prompt for generating new instructionsprompt = "Generate a new programming task based on these examples:\n\n"prompt += "\n".join(sampled_tasks)prompt += "\n\nNew task:"# Generate a new instructionnew_task = generate_instruction(prompt)# In practice, you would filter and refine the generated task heregenerated_tasks.append(new_task)return generated_tasks# Run Self-Instruct
new_tasks = self_instruct(5)
for i, task in enumerate(new_tasks, 1):print(f"Task {i}: {task}")




  • Filter out instructions that are too short or too long
  • Filter out instructions containing keywords unsuitable for language models (e.g. "image", "graph", "file", "plot")
  • Filter out instructions starting with punctuation
  • Filter out instructions starting with non-English characters
  • Filter out instructions that have high ROUGE-L similarity (above 0.7) with any existing instruction in the task pool


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