npm获取yarn在安装依赖时 git:// 无法访问解决方法 -- 使用 insteadOf设置git命令别名

devtools/2024/12/5 7:10:38/

今天在使用一个node项目时突然遇到 一个github的拉取异常,一看协议居然是git://xxx 貌似github早就不用这种格式了, 而是使用的 这种或者https协议,解决方法:

使用insteadof设置git别名 url.<base>.insteadOf xx

# 这个命令是git别名的配置命令, 会将insteadof后面的地址替换为 url.后面的地址
git config --global url. git://

上面的命令执行后会在当前用户目录下面的 .gitconfig 文件中自动添加一下2行配置

[url ""]insteadOf = git://

这样,当我们在使用 git:// 进行克隆和拉取远程仓库时,Git会自动将其转换为  这样就成功解决了这个git://无法拉取的问题。 




Any URL that starts with this value will be rewritten to start, instead, with <base>. In cases where some site serves a large number of repositories, and serves them with multiple access methods, and some users need to use different access methods, this feature allows people to specify any of the equivalent URLs and have Git automatically rewrite the URL to the best alternative for the particular user, even for a never-before-seen repository on the site. When more than one insteadOf strings match a given URL, the longest match is used.

Note that any protocol restrictions will be applied to the rewritten URL. If the rewrite changes the URL to use a custom protocol or remote helper, you may need to adjust the protocol.*.allow config to permit the request. In particular, protocols you expect to use for submodules must be set to always rather than the default of user. See the description of protocol.allow above.

 参考文档 Git - git-config Documentation



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