C# Solidworks二次开发:枚举应用实战(第十三讲)

devtools/2024/10/18 18:15:49/




swsColorChartColorOptionBaseChartColorNumber23 = Get or set the number of colors in the color chart; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > No of chart colors
swsColorChartColorOptionChartColorNumber22 = Get or set the user-defined number of colors in the color chart; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > User defined
swsColorChartColorOptionLegendType24 = Get or set the color legend type as defined in swsColorChartOptionLegendTypeValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > (Default, Rainbow, Gray scale, User Defined)
swsColorChartColorOptionvonMisesColorValue27 = Get or set the color for values above yield for vonMises plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > Specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot
swsColorChartNumberFormatLegendPrecision25 = Get or set the number of decimal places for precision of number formats; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > No. of decimal places:
swsColorChartNumberFormatOption21 = Get or set the number format as defined in swsColorChartNumberFormatOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > (Scientific, Floating, or General)
swsColorChartNumberFormatUseDiffNoFormatOption26 = Get or set which notation other than scientific to use for small numbers as defined in swsColorNumberFormatUseDiffNumberFormatOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > Scientific > Use different number format for small numbers (0.001 < |x| < 1000) > (Floating or General)
swsColorChartPosition3 = Get or set the position of the color bar as defined in swsColorChartPositionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > (Predefined positions or user defined)
swsColorChartPositionUserDefinedXValue18 = Get or set the color bar's horizontal distance from the left of the graphics area as a percentage of the width of the window; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > User defined > Horizontal from left:
swsColorChartPositionUserDefinedYValue19 = Get or set the color bar's vertical distance from the top of the graphics area as a percentage of the height of the window; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > User defined > Vertical from top:
swsColorChartWidthOption20 = Get or set the color chart width as defined in swsColorChartWidthOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Width
swsDefaultResultFolder1 = Get or set the results folder option as defined in swsResultFolderValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > (SOLIDWORKS document folder or User defined)
swsDefaultSolverValue0 = Get or set the default solver as defined in swsSolverType_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Default Solver > (Automatic, Direct sparse, or FFEPlus) 
swsPlotBoundaryOptionMeshColor9 = Get or set the mesh color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Mesh > color select box
swsPlotBoundaryOptionModelColor29 = Get or set the model color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Model
swsPlotBoundaryOptionTranslucentSingleColorSetting8 = Get or set the translucent color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSetSuperImposeOption16 = Get or set the translucent color option for superimposing the model on deformed shape as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSuperImposeValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape > Translucent (part colors or single color)
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSetting12 = Get or set how to show deformed shape results as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on undeformed shape or Show results on deformed shape
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionTranslucentColor28 = Get or set the translucent color for superimposing the model on deformed shape (see Remarks);  corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape > Translucent (single color) > color select box
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultOther15 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for all other studies as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorOtherValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > all other studies: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultScaleContact13 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for all studies with "No penetration" contact as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorContactValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > all studies with "No penetration" contact: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultScaleLarge14 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for studies with the "Large displacement" option as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorLargeDispValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > studies with the "Large displacement" option: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotSettingsBoundaryOption5 = Get or set the boundary option as defined in swsPlotBoundarySettingsOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options
swsPlotSettingsFringeOption4 = Get or set the fringe option as defined in swsPlotFringeSettingsOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Fringe options
swsPlotShowExcludedBodiesOption6 = Get or set the translucent color option for excluded bodies as defined in swsPlotShowExcludedBodiesOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies > Translucent (Single color or Part colors)
swsPlotShowExcludedBodyTranslucentSingleColor10 = Get or set the translucent color for all excluded bodies (see Remarks);  corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsPlotShowHiddenBodiesOption7 = Get or set the translucent color option for hidden bodies as defined in swsPlotShowHiddenBodiesOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies > Translucent (Single color or Part colors)
swsPlotShowHiddenBodyTranslucentSingleColor11 = Get or set the translucent color for all hidden bodies (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsReportPublishOption2 = Get or set the report folder location as defined in swsReportFolderValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Report > Report publish options > Report folder


swsAverageStressesAtMidnodes17 = Get or set whether to average stresses at mid-nodes; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Average stresses at mid-nodes (high-quality solid mesh only)
swsColorChartColorNoOfChartColorFlip13 = Get or set whether to flip the chart colors; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color options > Flip
swsColorChartColorSpecifyColorForvonMisesPlot14 = Get or set whether to specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color options > Specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot
swsColorChartDetails11 = Get or set whether to display plot details; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Display plot details 
swsColorChartDisplay10 = Get or set whether to display plot details; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Display color charts 
swsColorChartNumberFormatUseDifferentNumberFormat12 = Get or set whether to use a different number format for small numbers; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > Scientific > Use different number format for small numbers (0.001 < |x| < 1000)
swsEMailAuthentication16 = Get or set whether my server requires authentication; corresponds to Simulation > Options > System Options > Email Notification Settings > My server requires authentication
swsLoadAllStudies_e15 = Get or set whether to load all Simulation studies when opening a model; corresponds to Simulation > Options > System Options > General > Load all Simulation studies when opening a model. (requires more time to open a model)
swsPlotAnnotationShowMaxValue5 = Get or set whether to show the maximum value annotation in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show maximum value annotation
swsPlotAnnotationShowMinValue4 = Get or set whether to show the minimum value annotation in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show minimum value annotation
swsPlotAnnotationShowRangeBasedOnShowCompOnly6 = Get or set whether to show range based on shown components only in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show range based on shown components only
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSuperImposeModelOnDeformedShape9 = Get or set whether to superimpose model on deformed shape in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show rsults on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape
swsPlotShowExcludedBodies7 = Get or set whether to show excluded bodies in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies
swsPlotShowHiddenBodies8 = Get or set whether to show hidden bodies in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies
swsResultFolderKeepTempDataBase1 = Get or set whether to keep temporary database files in results folder; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > Keep temporary database files
swsResultFolderUnderSubFolder0 = Get or set whether to set results folder under a SOLIDWORKS document folder sub folder; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > SOLIDWORKS document folder > Under sub folder
swsShowReportOnPublish3 = Get or set whether to show the report when it's published; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Report > Report publish options > Show report on publish
swsTrendTrackerBackUpModelsRestoreIteration2 = Get or set whether to back up models for Restore to Iteration; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Trend Tracker > Backup models for Restore to Iteration







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