C# Solidworks二次开发:枚举应用实战(第八讲)

devtools/2024/9/20 0:57:06/ 标签: c#, windows, microsoft




swCommand_Border_Editor3156; valid only for drawings in Edit Sheet Format mode (run swCommands_e.swCommands_Edit_Template before running this command); Sheet Format toolbar > Automatic Border
swCommand_Cartoon_Shading3170; valid only for assemblies and parts; View toolbar > View Settings > Cartoon
swCommand_ChildReferenceArrow3152; valid only for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > Dynamic Reference Visualization (Child)
swCommand_Component_Preview_Window3171; valid only for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > Component Preview Window
swCommand_Delete_Selected_BE3158; valid only for drawings in Edit Sheet Format mode while the Automatic Border PropertyManager page is open; selects all items in Delete List
swCommand_Deselect_All_Selected_BE3160; valid only for drawings in Edit Sheet Format mode while the Automatic Border PropertyManager page is open; deselects all selections in Delete List
swCommand_Hide_Show_Primary_Planes3169; valid only for parts; View toolbar > Hide / Show Primary Planes
swCommand_ReferenceArrow_PopUp3151; valid only for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > Dynamic Reference Visualization (Parent)
swCommand_Restore_Selected_BE3159; valid only for drawings in Edit Sheet Format mode while the Automatic Border PropertyManager page is open; restores the selected items in Delete List
swCommand_Sheet_Format3155; valid only for drawings; View menu > Toolbars > Sheet Format
swCommand_TemporaryFixGroup3162; valid only for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > Temporary Fix/Group
swCommands_2DTo3D509; alternative to swCommands_Toolbar_2dto3d; View menu > Toolbars > 2D to 3D
swCommands_2DTo3DCut394; valid only for parts with a single 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Convert to Cut
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchBack378; valid only for parts with a single 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Back Sketch
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchBottom376; valid only for parts with a single 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Bottom Sketch
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchFront373; valid only for parts with a single 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Front Sketch
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchLeft377; valid only for parts with a 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Left Sketch
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchRight375; valid only for parts with a 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Right Sketch
swCommands_2DTo3DMakeRefsketchTop374; valid only for parts with a 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Add to Top Sketch
swCommands_3DDrawingView548; valid only for drawings; View toolbar > 3D Drawing View
swCommands_3dExperienceDesignEngineer3288; launches 3DEXPERIENCE from SOLIDWORKS Simulation; Tools toolbar > 3DEXPERIENCE Simulation Connector
swCommands_3DPDF_ADD_ALL_3DVIEWS3401; MBD toolbar > Publish to 3D PDF > Include Primary Views > Select all views
swCommands_3dpmi3212; opens the 3D PMI Compare PropertyManager page; Tools menu > 3D PMI Compare Wizard
swCommands_3dPrintValidation3191; opens the 3-D Print Validation PropertyManager page; View toolbar > 3D Print Validation
swCommands_3DSketch89; Sketch toolbar > 3D Sketch
swCommands_3DSketchOnPlane567; valid only for pre-selected planes; Sketch toolbar  > 3D Sketch On Plane
swCommands_3dTexturizeSolidSurface3333; converts solid and surface bodies to texturized graphics bodies; Features toolbar > Texturize Bodies
swCommands_3PointArc80; Sketch toolbar > 3 Point Arc
swCommands_Activate_And_Orient_Annotation_View2230; valid only for inactive annotation views that are oriented; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations > annotation_view RMB menu > Activate and Reorient
swCommands_Activate_Annotation_View2213; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations > annotation_view RMB menu > Activate
swCommands_Activate_Doc_Or_Journal2059; in the FeatureManager design tree, Design Binder  > doc_name RMB menu > Open
swCommands_Activate_Sheet1206; valid for a selected drawing sheet that is not activated, current, or in edit mode; in the FeatureManager design tree, sheet RMB menu > Activate
swCommands_ActivateFlexiblePartComp3418; Assembly toolbar > Make Part Flexible
swCommands_Add_Bends2290; valid for SOLIDWORKS Electrical add-in and an open assembly with a selected route junction point, opens the Add Bends PropertyManager page; Electrical toolbar > Add Bends
swCommands_Add_Comment2062; in the FeatureManager design tree, component_feature_or_sheet RMB menu > Comment > Add Comment
swCommands_Add_Configuration1534; in the ConfigurationManager, configuration_name RMB menu > Add Configuration or Add Derived Configuration
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Alongx2204; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Along X; when the Line Properties PropertyManager page is open for a selected line in the graphics area, sel_line RMB context menu > Make AlongX
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Alongy2205; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Along Y; when the Line Properties PropertyManager page is open for a selected line in the graphics area, sel_line RMB context menu > Make AlongY
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Alongz2206; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Along Z; when the Line Properties PropertyManager page is open for a selected line in the graphics area, sel_line RMB context menu > Make AlongZ
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Atinter1719; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Intersection
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Atmid1718; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Midpoint
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Atpierce1724; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Pierce
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Coinc1720; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Coincident
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Colinear1712; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Colinear
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Concent1717; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Concentric
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Coradial1713; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Coradial
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Equalcurvature1729; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Equal Curvature
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Equaltangent1730; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Equal tangent
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Fix1723; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Fix; when the Line Properties PropertyManager page is open for a selected line in the graphics area, sel_line RMB context menu > Make Fixed
swCommands_Add_Constraint_G3Touch3425; valid only for part sketches in edit mode with a multi-selected arc and spline, adds a continuous curvature variation relation to the selected arc and spline; in the Properties PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Torsion Continuity; in the pop-up constraints dialog, click Make Torsion Continuity
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Horiz1710; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Horizontal
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Merge1725; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Merge
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Normal1726; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Normal
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Onsurface2217; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > On Surface
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Parallel1715; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Parallel
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Parallelyz1727; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Parallel YZ
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Parallelzx1728; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Parallel ZX
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Perp1714; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Perpendicular
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Planar_Offset3003; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Offset
swCommands_Add_Constraint_SameCurvelen3153; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Equal Arc/Spline
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Samelen1721; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Equal
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Sym1722; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Symmetric
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Tanface1731; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Tangent to Face
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Tang1716; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Tangent
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Traction1732; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Traction
swCommands_Add_Constraint_Vert1711; accessible only for part sketches in edit mode where this relation is possible; click Sketch toolbar > Relations > Add Relation or Tools menu > Relations > Add; select a sketch segment in the graphics area; in the Add Relations PropertyManager page click Add Relations > Vertical
swCommands_Add_Coverings2286; valid for the SOLIDWORKS Routing add-in and a selected route segment in an open routing assembly, opens the Covering PropertyManager page; Routing Tools toolbar > Covering
swCommands_Add_Derived_Configuration2461; in the ConfigurationManager, configuration_name RMB menu > Add Derived Configuration
swCommands_Add_Feature_Dims1552; valid for dimensioned parts; in FeatureManager design tree, feature_name RMB menu > Show All Dimensions
swCommands_Add_Fitting2285; valid for the SOLIDWORKS Routing add-in and a routing assembly; Piping or Flexible Tubing or User Defined toolbar > Add Fitting
swCommands_Add_OverallDim_To_ChainDim3424; valid only if an overall chain dimension does not already exist for the chain dimension set, automatically adds an overall dimension between a selected dimension in the chain dimension set and the dimension(s) that are farthest from the selection, in both directions if applicable; RMB menu > Add Overall
swCommands_Add_Part_Block2823; valid for blocks created in assembly layouts; in the FeatureManager design tree, block_name RMB menu > Make Part from Block
swCommands_Add_Slope3103; valid for the SOLIDWORKS Routing add-in and a piping assembly, opens the Pipe Slope PropertyManager page; Piping toolbar > Add Slope
swCommands_Add_Split_Feat_To_Asm1818; valid only for parts with a split feature; Insert menu > Features > Create Assembly
swCommands_Add_to_CMarkSet3131; valid only for drawings with a center mark set; in the graphics view, center_mark RMB menu >Add to Center Mark Set
swCommands_Add_To_Palette2171; valid for parts with a selected geometric tolerance symbol, opens the Add to Library PropertyManager page; in the graphics area, geo_tol RMB menu > Add to Library; also valid for assemblies; in the FeatureManager design tree, component_name RMB menu > Add to Library 
swCommands_AddCurvatureControl416; valid only for 2D spline sketches; Spline Tools toolbar > Add Curvature Control
swCommands_AddRelation71; valid for sketches in edit mode; Dimensions/Relations toolbar > Add Relation
swCommands_AddRemove515; valid for blocks in edit mode; Layout or Blocks toolbar >Add/Remove
swCommands_AddTangencyControl415; valid only for 2D and 3D spline sketches; Spline Tools toolbar > Add Tangency Control
swCommands_AddTo_Chain_Dimension3406; valid for a selected dimension in a chain dimension set; RMB menu > Add to Chain
swCommands_AdvancedHoleWizard3172; opens the Hole Specification PropertyManager page; Features toolbar > Advanced Hole Wizard

3335;  creates a structural member feature by sweeping pre-defined profiles along user-defined paths; Structure System toolbar > Create Structure System

swCommands_Align474; alternative to swCommands_Toolbar_Align; View menu > Toolbars > Align
swCommands_Align_Horz1511; valid for drawing view items; in the graphics area, view_item RMB menu > Alignment > Align Horizontal by Origin
swCommands_Align_Horz_By_Center695; valid for drawing view items; in the graphics area, view_item RMB menu > Alignment > Align Horizontal by Center
swCommands_Align_Ordinate1505; valid for drawings of circles or arcs with angular running dimensions; in the graphics area, angular_running_dimension RMB menu > Display Options > Align Running Dimension
swCommands_Align_Vert1512; valid for drawing view items; in the graphics area, view_item RMB menu > Alignment > Align Vertical by Origin
swCommands_Align_Vert_By_Center694; valid for drawing view items; in the graphics area, view_item RMB menu > Alignment > Align Vertical by Center
swCommands_Align_With_Assy_Origin2274; valid in assemblies after component RMB menu > Move with Triad command; in the graphics area, triad_center_ball RMB menu > Align with Assembly Origin
swCommands_Align_With_Comp_Origin2273; valid in assemblies after component RMB menu > Move with Triad command; in the graphics area, triad_center_ball RMB menu > Align with Component Origin
swCommands_Align_With_Selection2279; valid after component RMB menu > Move with Triad command in assembly; in the graphics area, triad_ball_arrow RMB menu > Align with selection
swCommands_AlignBetweenLines579; valid in drawings where a dimension or annotation and two vertical or horizontal lines are selected; Align toolbar > Align Between Lines
swCommands_AlignBottom310; valid for multi-selected annotations or dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Bottom
swCommands_AlignCollinearRadial145; valid for multi-selected dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Collinear/Radial
swCommands_AlignedSectionView108; valid for parts and assemblies; in the Section View Assist PropertyManager page; Cutting Line > Aligned
swCommands_AlignHorizontal314; valid for multi-selected annotations or dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Horizontal
swCommands_AlignLeft389; valid for selected text; Formatting toolbar > Align Left
swCommands_AlignParallelConcentric146; valid for multi-selected dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Parallel/Concentric
swCommands_AlignRight388; valid for selected text; Formatting toolbar > Align Right
swCommands_AlignSketch379; valid for parts; 2D To 3D toolbar > Align Sketch or Tools > Sketch Tools > Align > Sketch
swCommands_AlignTop309; valid for multi-selected annotations or dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Top
swCommands_AlignVertical315; valid for multi-selected annotations or dimensions; Align toolbar > Align Vertical
swCommands_AlternatePositionView357; valid for a selected drawing sheet with alternate position views; Drawing toolbar > Alternate Position View
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_03388; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the first of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_1
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_13389; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the second of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_2
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_23390; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the third of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_3
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_33391; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the fourth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_4
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_43392; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the fifth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_5
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_53393; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the sixth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_6
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_63394; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the seventh of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_7
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_73395; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the eighth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_8
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_83396; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the ninth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_9
swCommands_AlternativeHandwrittenDim_93397; valid only on supporting pen/stylus hardware, updates a selected handwritten dimension with the tenth of ten alternative values that were calculated from InkAnalysis handwriting recognition; RMB dimension context menu > alternative_value_10
swCommands_Ambient_Occlusion3030; valid only if  RealView Graphics is enabled in parts and assemblies; View toolbar > View Settings > Ambient Occlusion
swCommands_AnalysistoolsDraftAnalysis2885; valid for assemblies with a mold base and design parts; Mold Tools toolbar > Draft Analysis
swCommands_AnalysistoolsPartingLineAnalysis2887; valid for assemblies with a mold base and design parts; Mold Tools toolbar > Parting Line Analysis
swCommands_AnalysistoolsUndercutAnalysis2886; valid for assemblies with a mold base and design parts; Mold Tools toolbar > Undercut Analysis
swCommands_AngleSnap536; valid during sketch creation only with parts that contain curves such as circles, arcs, fillets, parabolas, ellipses, partial ellipses, or splines; Quick Snaps toolbar > Angle Snap
swCommands_AngularOrdinateDimension3068; valid only for arcs in drawing views; Dimensions/Relations toolbar > Angular Running Dimension
swCommands_Anim_Custom_Msg_Display_Camera_By_Name2353; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected Orientation and Camera View bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar_key RMB menu > View Orientation > camera_view_name
swCommands_Anim_Custom_Msg_Display_Vw_By_Name2352; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected Orientation and Camera View bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar_key RMB menu > View Orientation > view_name
swCommands_Anim_Edit_Dim2798; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the MotionManager tree, MateGroup1 > mate_name > mate_dimension RMB menu > Edit Dimension
swCommands_Anim_Lock_Viewpoint2644; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the MotionManager tree, Orientation and Camera Views RMB menu > Disable View Key Creation
swCommands_Anim_Suppress_Viewpoint2643; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the MotionManager tree, Orientation and Camera Views RMB menu > Disable Playback of View Keys
swCommands_Anim_View_Back2344; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Back
swCommands_Anim_View_Bottom2348 valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Bottom
swCommands_Anim_View_Camera2354; valid only in the context of Motion Studies with a camera view and for a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the Motion Study gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB > Camera View
swCommands_Anim_View_Dimetric2351; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Dimetric
swCommands_Anim_View_Front2343; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Front
swCommands_Anim_View_Isometric2349; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Isometric
swCommands_Anim_View_Left2345; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Left
swCommands_Anim_View_Right2346; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View row; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Right
swCommands_Anim_View_Top2347; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Top
swCommands_Anim_View_Trimetric2350; valid only in the context of Motion Studies and a selected Orientation and Camera View time bar; in the gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar RMB menu > View Orientation > Trimetric
swCommands_Animation_CancelSolver2929; Motion Study tab RMB menu > Cancel Solver Status
swCommands_Animation_Delete2144; Motion Study tab RMB menu > Delete
swCommands_Animation_Duplicate2827; Motion Study tab RMB menu > Duplicate
swCommands_Animation_Ff1962; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Fast Forward
swCommands_Animation_Goto_End1963; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, End
swCommands_Animation_Goto_Start1959; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Start
swCommands_Animation_MoveCurTime2918; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; opens the Edit Time dialog; in Motion Study gantt chart, RMB menu > Move Time Bar
swCommands_Animation_New2142; valid for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > New Motion Study
swCommands_Animation_Pause1964; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Pause
swCommands_Animation_Play1961; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Play
swCommands_Animation_Play_Fast1971; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Fast Play
swCommands_Animation_Play_From_Start657; MotionManager toolbar > Play from Start
swCommands_Animation_Play_Loop1968; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Playback Mode: Loop
swCommands_Animation_Play_Normal1967; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Playback Mode: Normal
swCommands_Animation_Play_Reciprocate1969; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Playback Mode: Reciprocate
swCommands_Animation_Play_Slow1970; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Slow Play
swCommands_Animation_Record1966; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Save Animation
swCommands_Animation_Rename2143; Motion Study tab RMB menu > Rename
swCommands_Animation_Rewind1960; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Rewind
swCommands_Animation_SolverStatus2930; Motion Study tab RMB menu > Show Solver Status
swCommands_Animation_Stop1965; valid only when exploding a view or collapsing an exploded view; Configurations tab > exploded_view_name RMB menu > Animate Explode/Collapse; in Animation Controller Pop-Up Toolbar, Stop
swCommands_Animation_Wizard659; valid only in the context of Motion Studies, opens the Select an Animation Type dialog; in a Motion Study gantt chart, RMB menu > Animation Wizard; also available on the MotionManager toolbar
swCommands_AnimEditTime_Dlg_Cancel2920; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart RMB menu > Move Time Bar > Edit Time dialog > Cancel
swCommands_AnimEditTime_Dlg_Increment2923; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart RMB menu > Move Time Bar > Edit Time dialog > Spin Increment
swCommands_AnimEditTime_Dlg_Ok2919; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart RMB menu > Move Time Bar > Edit Time dialog > OK
swCommands_AnimEditTime_Dlg_SetOffset2922; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart RMB menu > Move Time Bar > Edit Time dialog > Offset
swCommands_AnimEditTime_Dlg_SetTime2921; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart RMB menu > Move Time Bar > Edit Time dialog > Exact Time
swCommands_Animkey_Clear2137; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, orientation_and_camera_views_time_bar_key RMB > Delete
swCommands_Animkey_Copy2135; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key; in Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Copy
swCommands_Animkey_Cut2134; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Cut
swCommands_Animkey_EditTime2917; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key, opens the Edit Time dialog; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Edit Key Point Time
swCommands_Animkey_Interp_Easein_Sin2161; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key at position B; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key_pos_B RMB menu > Interpolation mode > Ease in
swCommands_Animkey_Interp_Easeinout_Sin2163; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key at position B; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key_pos_B RMB menu > Interpolation mode > Ease in/Ease out
swCommands_Animkey_Interp_Easeout_Sin2162; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key at position B; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key_pos_B RMB menu > Interpolation mode > Ease out
swCommands_Animkey_Interp_Linear2157; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key at position B; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key_pos_B RMB menu > Interpolation mode > Linear
swCommands_Animkey_Interp_Step_End2156; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key at position B; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key_pos_B RMB menu > Interpolation mode > Snap
swCommands_Animkey_Paste2136; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a copied gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Paste
swCommands_Animkey_Place2140; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart, RMB menu > Place Key
swCommands_Animkey_Replace2141; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Replace Key
swCommands_Animkey_Reverse_Path2150; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected assembly gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB menu > Reverse Path
swCommands_Animkey_Select_All2138; valid only in the context of Motion Studies; in the Motion Study gantt chart, RMB menu > Select All
swCommands_Animkey_Suppress2155; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected gantt chart time bar key; in the Motion Study gantt chart, time_bar_key RMB > Suppress Key
swCommands_AnimMateSuppress2932; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected mate; in the Motion Study gantt chart, mate_line_gantt_time_bar RMB menu > Suppress
swCommands_AnimMateUnsuppress2933; valid only in the context of Motion Studies for a selected mate; in the Motion Study gantt chart, mate_line_gantt_time_bar RMB menu > Unsuppress
swCommands_Ann_Feat_Dim1550; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations folder RMB menu > Show Feature Dimensions
swCommands_Ann_Ref_Dim1551; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations folder RMB menu > Show Reference Dimensions
swCommands_Ann_Show1549; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations folder RMB menu > Display Annotations
swCommands_Annotation_View_Create2210; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations folder RMB menu > Insert Annotation View
swCommands_Annotation_View_Hide2233; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations > annotation_view RMB menu > Hide
swCommands_Annotation_View_Show2232; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations > annotation_view RMB menu > Show
swCommands_AnnotationAlignLeft307; valid for multi-selected annotations; Align toolbar > Align Left
swCommands_AnnotationAlignRight308; valid for multi-selected annotations; Align toolbar > Align Right
swCommands_Annotations475; alternative to swCommands_Toolbar_Annotation; View menu > Toolbars > Annotation
swCommands_Api_Help_Contents833; ? menu > API Help
swCommands_App_Exit2825; File menu > Exit
swCommands_App_Servicepacks1233; ? menu > Check for Updates
swCommands_Apply696; dialog resource Apply
swCommands_AreaHatchFill384; valid only for a selected face or closed sketch profile in a drawing; Annotations toolbar > Area Hatch/Fill
swCommands_Asm_Cir_Feat_Pattern1376; valid for a selected assembly hole or cut and a selected axis about which to create the circular pattern, opens the Circular Pattern PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Circular Pattern
swCommands_Asm_Feat_Chamfer2957; valid for a selected assembly feature, opens the Chamfer PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Chamfer
swCommands_Asm_Feat_Cut_Extr1001; valid for a selected location on an assembly, opens the Extrude PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Cut > Extrude
swCommands_Asm_Feat_Cut_Revolve1002; valid for a selected location on an assembly, opens the Revolve PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Cut > Revolve
swCommands_Asm_Feat_Cut_Sweep2958; valid for assemblies, opens the Cut-Sweep PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Cut > Sweep
swCommands_Asm_Feat_Fillet2956; valid for a selected assembly feature, opens the Fillet PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Fillet
swCommands_Asm_Feature_Hole1003; valid for a selected location on an assembly; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Hole > Simple
swCommands_Asm_Lin_Feat_Pattern1375; valid for a selected assembly hole or cut and a selected axis for the pattern direction, opens the Linear Pattern PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Linear Pattern
swCommands_Asm_Sketch_Feat_Pattern1382; valid for a selected assembly hole or cut, opens the Sketch Driven Pattern PropertyManager page; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Sketch Driven Pattern
swCommands_Asm_Table_Feat_Pattern1380; valid for a selected assembly hole or cut, opens the Table Driven Pattern dialog; Insert menu > Assembly Feature > Table Driven Pattern
swCommands_Assemblies476; alternative to swCommands_Toolbar_Assembly; View menu > Toolbars > Assembly
swCommands_Assembly_Stats1215; valid for assemblies; Assembly toolbar > Performance Evaluation
swCommands_AssemblyTransparency3; valid only for assemblies that have one or more components in edit mode; in the graphics area, click RMB menu > Assembly Transparency
swCommands_Asset_Publish3215; opens the Asset Publisher PropertyManager page; Tools menu or toolbar > Asset Publisher
swCommands_Assign_Smart_Fastener2452; valid only for Toolbox add-ins and assemblies and only when editing a Smart Fastener grouping, opens the Smart Fastener dialog; in the Smart Fasteners PropertyManager page, Results > Group1 > Series1 RMB menu > Change fastener type
swCommands_Attach_Dimensions986; valid only for drawings; Tools menu > Dimensions > Attach Dimensions
swCommands_Auto_Ann_View_Generate2223; in the FeatureManager design tree, Annotations folder RMB menu > Automatically Place into Annotation Views
swCommands_Auto_Dimension_Toggle3026; valid for an open sketch with an active sketch tool; Sketch toolbar > Add Dimension
swCommands_Auto_Jog639; valid for a selected ordinate dimension; in the graphics area, ord_dim RMB menu > Display Options > Re-Jog Ordinate
swCommands_Auto_Size1702; valid for a reference plane that is re-sized; in the graphics area ref_plane RMB menu > Autosize
swCommands_AutoArrangeDimension2976; valid for multi-selected annotations or dimensions; Align toolbar > Auto Arrange Dimensions
swCommands_AutoBalloon447; valid for drawings; Annotations toolbar > Auto Balloon
swCommands_AutoExplodeLine3296; valid for assemblies, opens Smart Explode Lines PropertyManager to insert or edit smart explode lines for a selected explode view; Assembly toolbar > Insert/Edit Smart Explode Lines
swCommands_Autoinfer_Toggle1301; valid for drawings; Tools menu > Sketch Settings > Enable Snapping
swCommands_Automatic_Cutlist2601; valid for a selected body folder or cut list folder; in the FeatureManager design tree, folder RMB menu > Create Cut Lists Automatically
swCommands_AutomaticRelations52; Dimensions/Relations toolbar > Automatic Relations
swCommands_AutomaticUpdateCutlists3122; valid for a cut list folder that has enabled Create Cut Lists Automatically; in the FeatureManager design tree, folder RMB menu > Update Automatically
swCommands_Autosolve_Toggle997; valid for drawings; Tools menu > Sketch Settings > Automatic Solve
swCommands_Auxiliary391; valid for part documents with a single 2D sketch in edit mode; 2D to 3D toolbar > Auxiliary Sketch
swCommands_AuxiliaryView33; valid for drawings; Drawing toolbar > Auxiliary View
swCommands_Axis22; valid for parts; Reference Geometry toolbar > Axis or Features toolbar > Reference Geometry > Axis
swCommands_Back162; View toolbar > View Orientation > Back
swCommands_Backward1616; palette toolbar > Back








一、目录 定义demo 二、实现 定义 grouped query attention(GQA) 1 GQA 原理与优点:将query 进行分组,每组query 参数共享一份key,value, 从而使key, value 矩阵变小。 2. 优点: 降低内存读取模型权重的时间开销&am…


MaxKB 2024 年 4 月 12 日,1Panel 开源项目组正式对外介绍了其官方出品的开源子项目 ——MaxKB(github.com/1Panel-dev/MaxKB)。MaxKB 是一款基于 LLM(Large Language Model)大语言模型的知识库问答系统。MaxKB 的产品…

STM32 DMA直接存储器存取

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Meta Llama 3 性能提升与推理服务部署

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IntelliJ IDEA 常用快捷键

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AJAX家政系统 自营+多商家(高级授权)+独立端口 -源码下载

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⑥ - 后端工程师通识指南

📖 该文隶属 程序员:职场关键角色通识宝典✍️ 作者:哈哥撩编程(视频号同名) 博客专家全国博客之星第四名超级个体COC上海社区主理人特约讲师谷歌亚马逊演讲嘉宾科技博主极星会首批签约作者🏆 推荐专栏: 🏅 程序员:职场关键角色通识宝典🏅

监控因为带宽打满造成的 MySQL 复制延迟

目录 1. 写表版本 2. 写文件版本 1. 写表版本 监控脚本文件 get_Gtid_totable.sh 内容如下: #!/bin/bashsource ~/.bash_profile# 获取主库 binlog 位点 amysql -uroot -p123456 -h172.30.4.6 -P3306 -e "show master status\G" 2>/dev/null | egre…

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【Unity Consoler Redirection】Unity Log 跳转重定向

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Linux(ubuntu)—— 用户管理user 用户组group

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设计模式 工厂模式

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文章目录 8.3 One Stage 目标检测算法 8.3.1 SSD 8.3.2 DSSD 8.3.3 YOLOv1 8.3 One Stage 目标检测算法 我们将对单次目标检测器(包括SSD系列和YOLO系列等算法)进行综述。我们将分析FPN以理解多尺度特征图如何提高准确率,特别是小目标的检测…


目录 1.课题概述 2.系统仿真结果 3.核心程序与模型 4.系统原理简介 5.完整工程文件 1.课题概述 基于simulink的电弧炉模型建模与仿真,输出电弧炉模型的电压曲线和电流曲线以及U-I分布图。 2.系统仿真结果 3.核心程序与模型 版本:MATLAB2022a 53 …


【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。 联系信箱:feixiaoxing 163.com】 前面我们说过,ini文件是用来进行配置的,数据库是用来进行数据存储的。那json是用来做什么的呢,json一般是用来做…


题目 2152:Pots 总时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 65536kB 描述 You are given two pots, having the volume of A and B liters respectively. The following operations can be performed: FILL(i) fill the pot i (1 ≤ i ≤ 2) from the tap; DROP(i) empty the pot i to the…


FPGA实现直方图统计 一、图像直方图统计原理 直方图的全称为灰度直方图,是对图像每一灰度间隔内像素个数的统计。即对一张图片中每隔二灰度值的像素数量做统计,然后以直方图的形式展现出来。图下的亮暗分布在直方图中就可以一目了然,直方图…