
devtools/2025/3/15 16:51:59/

前端测试实践指南 🧪





  • 单元测试:测试独立组件和函数
  • 集成测试:测试多个组件的交互
  • 端到端测试:模拟用户行为的完整测试
  • 性能测试:测试应用性能指标
  • 快照测试:UI组件的视觉回归测试



// 测试运行器类
class TestRunner {private tests: TestCase[] = [];private beforeEachHooks: Hook[] = [];private afterEachHooks: Hook[] = [];private beforeAllHooks: Hook[] = [];private afterAllHooks: Hook[] = [];constructor(private config: TestConfig = {}) {this.initialize();}// 初始化运行器private initialize(): void {// 设置默认配置this.config = {timeout: 5000,bail: false,verbose: true,...this.config};}// 添加测试用例addTest(test: TestCase): void {this.tests.push(test);}// 添加beforeEach钩子beforeEach(hook: Hook): void {this.beforeEachHooks.push(hook);}// 添加afterEach钩子afterEach(hook: Hook): void {this.afterEachHooks.push(hook);}// 添加beforeAll钩子beforeAll(hook: Hook): void {this.beforeAllHooks.push(hook);}// 添加afterAll钩子afterAll(hook: Hook): void {this.afterAllHooks.push(hook);}// 运行所有测试async runTests(): Promise<TestResult[]> {const results: TestResult[] = [];let failedTests = 0;console.log('\nStarting test run...\n');// 运行beforeAll钩子for (const hook of this.beforeAllHooks) {await this.runHook(hook);}// 运行测试用例for (const test of this.tests) {const result = await this.runTest(test);results.push(result);if (!result.passed) {failedTests++;if (this.config.bail) {break;}}}// 运行afterAll钩子for (const hook of this.afterAllHooks) {await this.runHook(hook);}// 输出测试报告this.printReport(results);return results;}// 运行单个测试private async runTest(test: TestCase): Promise<TestResult> {const startTime = Date.now();let error: Error | null = null;try {// 运行beforeEach钩子for (const hook of this.beforeEachHooks) {await this.runHook(hook);}// 运行测试await Promise.race([test.fn(),new Promise((_, reject) => {setTimeout(() => {reject(new Error('Test timed out'));}, this.config.timeout);})]);// 运行afterEach钩子for (const hook of this.afterEachHooks) {await this.runHook(hook);}} catch (e) {error = e as Error;}const endTime = Date.now();const duration = endTime - startTime;return {name: test.name,passed: !error,duration,error: error?.message};}// 运行钩子函数private async runHook(hook: Hook): Promise<void> {try {await hook();} catch (error) {console.error('Hook failed:', error);}}// 打印测试报告private printReport(results: TestResult[]): void {console.log('\nTest Results:\n');results.forEach(result => {const status = result.passed ? '✅ PASS' : '❌ FAIL';console.log(`${status} ${result.name} (${result.duration}ms)`);if (!result.passed && result.error) {console.log(`  Error: ${result.error}\n`);}});const totalTests = results.length;const passedTests = results.filter(r => r.passed).length;const failedTests = totalTests - passedTests;console.log('\nSummary:');console.log(`Total: ${totalTests}`);console.log(`Passed: ${passedTests}`);console.log(`Failed: ${failedTests}`);const duration = results.reduce((sum, r) => sum + r.duration, 0);console.log(`Duration: ${duration}ms\n`);}
}// 断言工具类
class Assertions {static assertEquals<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void {if (actual !== expected) {throw new Error(message || `Expected ${expected} but got ${actual}`);}}static assertNotEquals<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void {if (actual === expected) {throw new Error(message || `Expected ${actual} to be different from ${expected}`);}}static assertTrue(value: boolean, message?: string): void {if (!value) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be true');}}static assertFalse(value: boolean, message?: string): void {if (value) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be false');}}static assertDefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void {if (value === undefined) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be defined');}}static assertUndefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void {if (value !== undefined) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be undefined');}}static assertNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void {if (value !== null) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be null');}}static assertNotNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void {if (value === null) {throw new Error(message || 'Expected value to be not null');}}static assertThrows(fn: () => void, message?: string): void {try {fn();throw new Error(message || 'Expected function to throw');} catch (error) {// 期望抛出错误}}static async assertRejects(fn: () => Promise<any>,message?: string): Promise<void> {try {await fn();throw new Error(message || 'Expected promise to reject');} catch (error) {// 期望抛出错误}}static assertMatch(actual: string,pattern: RegExp,message?: string): void {if (!pattern.test(actual)) {throw new Error(message || `Expected ${actual} to match ${pattern}`);}}static assertNotMatch(actual: string,pattern: RegExp,message?: string): void {if (pattern.test(actual)) {throw new Error(message || `Expected ${actual} not to match ${pattern}`);}}
}// 模拟工具类
class Mock {private calls: any[][] = [];private implementation?: (...args: any[]) => any;constructor(implementation?: (...args: any[]) => any) {this.implementation = implementation;}// 创建模拟函数fn = (...args: any[]): any => {this.calls.push(args);return this.implementation?.(...args);}// 获取调用次数callCount(): number {return this.calls.length;}// 获取调用参数getCall(index: number): any[] {return this.calls[index];}// 获取所有调用getCalls(): any[][] {return this.calls;}// 清除调用记录clear(): void {this.calls = [];}// 设置实现setImplementation(implementation: (...args: any[]) => any): void {this.implementation = implementation;}
}// 接口定义
interface TestCase {name: string;fn: () => Promise<void> | void;
}interface TestResult {name: string;passed: boolean;duration: number;error?: string;
}interface TestConfig {timeout?: number;bail?: boolean;verbose?: boolean;
}type Hook = () => Promise<void> | void;// 使用示例
const runner = new TestRunner({timeout: 2000,bail: true
});// 添加钩子
runner.beforeAll(async () => {console.log('Setting up test environment...');
});runner.afterAll(async () => {console.log('Cleaning up test environment...');
});runner.beforeEach(async () => {console.log('Setting up test case...');
});runner.afterEach(async () => {console.log('Cleaning up test case...');
});// 添加测试用例
runner.addTest({name: 'should add numbers correctly',fn: () => {const result = 1 + 1;Assertions.assertEquals(result, 2);}
});runner.addTest({name: 'should handle async operations',fn: async () => {const result = await Promise.resolve(42);Assertions.assertEquals(result, 42);}
});// 运行测试
runner.runTests().then(results => {process.exit(results.every(r => r.passed) ? 0 : 1);


// 组件测试工具类
class ComponentTester {private element: HTMLElement;private eventListeners: Map<string, Function[]> = new Map();constructor(private component: any) {this.element = this.mount();}// 挂载组件private mount(): HTMLElement {const container = document.createElement('div');document.body.appendChild(container);if (typeof this.component === 'string') {container.innerHTML = this.component;} else {// 假设组件是一个类const instance = new this.component();container.appendChild(instance.render());}return container;}// 查找元素find(selector: string): HTMLElement | null {return this.element.querySelector(selector);}// 查找所有元素findAll(selector: string): NodeListOf<HTMLElement> {return this.element.querySelectorAll(selector);}// 触发事件trigger(selector: string,eventName: string,eventData: any = {}): void {const element = this.find(selector);if (!element) {throw new Error(`Element not found: ${selector}`);}const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, {detail: eventData,bubbles: true,cancelable: true});element.dispatchEvent(event);}// 等待元素出现async waitForElement(selector: string,timeout: number = 1000): Promise<HTMLElement> {const startTime = Date.now();while (Date.now() - startTime < timeout) {const element = this.find(selector);if (element) {return element;}await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));}throw new Error(`Timeout waiting for element: ${selector}`);}// 等待元素消失async waitForElementToDisappear(selector: string,timeout: number = 1000): Promise<void> {const startTime = Date.now();while (Date.now() - startTime < timeout) {const element = this.find(selector);if (!element) {return;}await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));}throw new Error(`Timeout waiting for element to disappear: ${selector}`);}// 获取元素文本getText(selector: string): string {const element = this.find(selector);if (!element) {throw new Error(`Element not found: ${selector}`);}return element.textContent || '';}// 获取元素属性getAttribute(selector: string,attributeName: string): string | null {const element = this.find(selector);if (!element) {throw new Error(`Element not found: ${selector}`);}return element.getAttribute(attributeName);}// 设置输入值setInputValue(selector: string, value: string): void {const element = this.find(selector) as HTMLInputElement;if (!element) {throw new Error(`Input element not found: ${selector}`);}element.value = value;this.trigger(selector, 'input');this.trigger(selector, 'change');}// 检查元素是否可见isVisible(selector: string): boolean {const element = this.find(selector);if (!element) {return false;}const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);return style.display !== 'none' && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && style.opacity !== '0';}// 检查元素是否存在exists(selector: string): boolean {return !!this.find(selector);}// 检查元素是否包含类名hasClass(selector: string, className: string): boolean {const element = this.find(selector);return element ? element.classList.contains(className) : false;}// 检查元素是否禁用isDisabled(selector: string): boolean {const element = this.find(selector) as HTMLInputElement;return element ? element.disabled : false;}// 清理cleanup(): void {document.body.removeChild(this.element);this.eventListeners.clear();}
}// 使用示例
class Counter {private count = 0;private element: HTMLElement;constructor() {this.element = document.createElement('div');this.render();}increment(): void {this.count++;this.render();}render(): HTMLElement {this.element.innerHTML = `<div class="counter"><span class="count">${this.count}</span><button class="increment">+</button></div>`;const button = this.element.querySelector('.increment');button?.addEventListener('click', () => this.increment());return this.element;}
}// 测试计数器组件
const runner = new TestRunner();runner.addTest({name: 'Counter component should render correctly',fn: () => {const tester = new ComponentTester(Counter);// 检查初始状态Assertions.assertEquals(tester.getText('.count'),'0');// 触发点击事件tester.trigger('.increment', 'click');// 检查更新后的状态Assertions.assertEquals(tester.getText('.count'),'1');tester.cleanup();}


  1. 测试策略

    • 遵循测试金字塔
    • 合理分配测试类型
    • 关注核心功能
    • 维护测试质量
  2. 测试设计

    • 单一职责
    • 独立性
    • 可重复性
    • 可维护性
  3. 测试覆盖率

    • 设置合理目标
    • 关注重要代码
    • 避免过度测试
    • 持续监控
  4. 测试效率

    • 并行执行
    • 优化速度
    • 自动化集成
    • 持续集成



  1. 测试类型选择
  2. 测试工具使用
  3. 测试策略制定
  4. 测试效率优化
  5. 测试维护管理



  1. Jest官方文档
  2. Testing Library指南
  3. Cypress文档
  4. 测试最佳实践
  5. 自动化测试教程







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