
devtools/2024/9/26 3:20:39/


话接上篇 Golang实现一个批量自动化执行树莓派指令的软件(3)下载
, 继续实现上传


运行环境: Windows, 基于Golang, 暂时没有使用什么不可跨平台接口, 理论上支持Linux/MacOS



type IUploader interface {/*Upload 下载的同步接口, 会堵塞执行from : 上传的路径本地路径to   : 保存的远程路径*/Upload(from, to string) error/*UploadWithCallback 下载的同步/异步接口from : 上传的路径本地路径to   : 保存的远程路径processCallback : 进度回调函数,每次上传文件的时候被调用, 返回当前上传进度信息from : 当前上传的路径本地路径to   : 当前保存的远程路径num : 上传的文件总数uploaded     : 已上传的文件数finishedCallback : 完成上传时调用background : 表示是同步执行还是异步执行*/UploadWithCallback(from, to string,process func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint),finishedCallback func(err error), background bool) error


package sshutilimport ("fmt""github.com/pkg/sftp""io""os""path""time"
)var oneTimeMaxSizeToWrite = 8192 // 单次最大写文件大小func IsDir(path string) bool {info, err := os.Stat(path)if err != nil {return false}return info.IsDir()
}func IsFile(path string) bool {info, err := os.Stat(path)if err != nil {return false}return !info.IsDir()
}type uploader struct {client       *sftp.ClientuploadSize   uintuploadNumber uintuploaded     uintstarted  boolcanceled chan struct{}
}func newUploader(client *sftp.Client) (*uploader, error) {return &uploader{client: client, canceled: make(chan struct{})}, nil
}func (u *uploader) Upload(from, to string) error {return u.upload(from, to, nil, nil)
}func (u *uploader) UploadWithCallback(from, to string,process func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint),finishedCallback func(err error), background bool) error {if !background {return u.upload(from, to, process, finishedCallback)} else {go u.upload(from, to, process, finishedCallback)}return nil
}func (u *uploader) Cancel() error {if u.started {select {case u.canceled <- struct{}{}:case <-time.After(time.Second * 2): // 取消时间过长,取消失败return fmt.Errorf("time out waiting for cancel")}}return nil
}func (u *uploader) Destroy() error {err := u.Cancel()close(u.canceled)return err
}func (u *uploader) uploadFolderCount(localPath string) (needUpload, size uint, err error) {var (infos    []os.DirEntryfileInfo os.FileInfoc, s     uint)infos, err = os.ReadDir(localPath)for _, info := range infos {if info.IsDir() {c, s, err = u.uploadFolderCount(path.Join(localPath, info.Name()))if nil != err {return}needUpload += csize += scontinue}needUpload += 1fileInfo, _ = info.Info()size += uint(fileInfo.Size())}err = nilreturn
}func (u *uploader) uploadFileCount(localpath string) (uint, uint, error) {var (isExist boolisDir   bool)info, err := os.Stat(localpath)if err != nil {isExist = !os.IsNotExist(err)isDir = false} else {isExist = trueisDir = info.IsDir()}if !isExist {return 0, 0, nil}if !isDir {return 1, uint(info.Size()), nil}return u.uploadFolderCount(localpath)
}func (u *uploader) upload(localPath, remotePath string,process func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint),finishedCallback func(err error)) (err error) {whenErrorCall := func(e error) error {if nil != finishedCallback {go finishedCallback(e)}return e}u.started = truedefer func() {u.started = false}()u.uploadNumber, u.uploadSize, err = u.uploadFileCount(localPath)if nil != err {return whenErrorCall(err)}var isDir = IsDir(localPath)if isDir {return u.uploadFolder(localPath, remotePath, process, finishedCallback)}return u.uploadFile(localPath, remotePath, process, finishedCallback)
}func (u *uploader) writeFile(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) (err error) {var buffer = make([]byte, oneTimeMaxSizeToWrite)var n intfor {n, err = reader.Read(buffer)if n < oneTimeMaxSizeToWrite {if io.EOF == err {err = nilif n > 0 {_, err = writer.Write(buffer[0:n])if err != nil {return err}}break}}_, err = writer.Write(buffer)if err != nil {return err}}return nil
}func (u *uploader) uploadFile(localPath, remotePath string,process func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint),finishedCallback func(err error)) error {whenErrorCall := func(e error) error {if nil != finishedCallback {go finishedCallback(e)}return e}var (srcFile        *os.FiledstFile        *sftp.FileremoteFileName stringerr            error)srcFile, err = os.Open(localPath)if err != nil {return whenErrorCall(err)}defer srcFile.Close()remoteFileName = path.Join(remotePath, path.Base(localPath))dstFile, err = u.client.Create(remoteFileName)if err != nil {return whenErrorCall(err)}defer dstFile.Close()err = u.writeFile(srcFile, dstFile)if nil != err {return whenErrorCall(err)}u.uploaded += 1if nil != process {go process(localPath, remoteFileName, u.uploadNumber, u.uploaded)}return whenErrorCall(err)
}func (u *uploader) uploadFolder(localPath, remotePath string,process func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint),finishedCallback func(err error)) (err error) {whenErrorCall := func(e error) error {if nil != finishedCallback {go finishedCallback(e)}return e}err = u.client.MkdirAll(remotePath)if nil != err {return whenErrorCall(err)}localFileInfos, err := os.ReadDir(localPath)if err != nil {return whenErrorCall(err)}for _, fileInfo := range localFileInfos {localFilePath := path.Join(localPath, fileInfo.Name())select {case <-u.canceled:return whenErrorCall(fmt.Errorf("user canceled"))default:}if fileInfo.IsDir() {remoteFilePath := path.Join(remotePath, fileInfo.Name())err = u.uploadFolder(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, process, nil)if nil != err {return whenErrorCall(err)}} else {err = u.uploadFile(localFilePath, remotePath, process, nil)if nil != err {return whenErrorCall(err)}}}return whenErrorCall(err)


package sshutilimport ("fmt""github.com/pkg/sftp""golang.org/x/crypto/ssh""sync""testing""time"
)type uploaderTest struct {sshClient  *ssh.ClientsftpClient *sftp.Clientuploader *uploader
}func newUploaderTest() (*uploaderTest, error) {var (err   errordTest = &uploaderTest{})config := ssh.ClientConfig{User:            "pi",                                      // 用户名Auth:            []ssh.AuthMethod{ssh.Password("a123456")}, // 密码HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),Timeout:         10 * time.Second,}dTest.sshClient, err = ssh.Dial("tcp", "", &config) //IP + 端口if err != nil {fmt.Print(err)return nil, err}if dTest.sftpClient, err = sftp.NewClient(dTest.sshClient); err != nil {dTest.destroy()return nil, err}dTest.uploader, err = newUploader(dTest.sftpClient)return dTest, err
}func (d *uploaderTest) destroy() {if nil != d.sftpClient {d.sftpClient.Close()d.sftpClient = nil}if nil != d.sshClient {d.sshClient.Close()d.sshClient = nil}
}func TestUploader_Upload(t *testing.T) {var dTest, err = newUploaderTest()if nil != err {fmt.Println("fail to new uploader test!")return}defer dTest.destroy()err = dTest.uploader.Upload("./download", "/home/pi/upload/")if nil != err {fmt.Println(err)}
}func TestUploader_UploadWithCallback(t *testing.T) {var dTest, err = newUploaderTest()if nil != err {fmt.Println("fail to new uploader test!")return}defer dTest.destroy()err = dTest.uploader.UploadWithCallback("./download", "/home/pi/upload1/", func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint) {fmt.Println(from, to, num, uploaded)}, func(err error) {fmt.Println("finished!!!")}, false)if nil != err {fmt.Println(err)}time.Sleep(time.Second)
}func TestUploader_UploadWithCallbackAsync(t *testing.T) {var waiter sync.WaitGroupvar dTest, err = newUploaderTest()if nil != err {fmt.Println("fail to new uploader test!")return}defer dTest.destroy()waiter.Add(1)err = dTest.uploader.UploadWithCallback("./download", "/home/pi/upload2/", func(from, to string, num, uploaded uint) {fmt.Println(from, to, num, uploaded)}, func(err error) {waiter.Done()fmt.Println("finished!!!")}, true)if nil != err {fmt.Println(err)}fmt.Println("waiting finish...")waiter.Wait()fmt.Println("had finished!")time.Sleep(time.Second)







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