CRLF 指的是换行和回车\r\n
./your_program.sh #启动自己的服务curl -v http://localhost:4221#开启另一个终端 测试
- HTTP response
An HTTP response is made up of three parts, each separated by a CRLF (\r\n):
Status line.
Zero or more headers, each ending with a CRLF.
Optional response body.
python">// Status line
HTTP/1.1 // HTTP version
200 // Status code
OK // Optional reason phrase
\r\n // CRLF that marks the end of the status line// Headers (empty)
\r\n // CRLF that marks the end of the headers// Response body (empty)#main.py
import socket # noqa: F401def main():# You can use print statements as follows for debugging, they'll be visible when running tests.print("Logs from your program will appear here!")# Uncomment this to pass the first stage#server_socket = socket.create_server(("localhost", 4221), reuse_port=True)server_socket.accept() # wait for clientserver_socket.accept()[0].sendall(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")if __name__ == "__main__":main()
# Use this script to run your program LOCALLY.
# Note: Changing this script WILL NOT affect how CodeCrafters runs your program.
# Learn more: https://codecrafters.io/program-interfaceset -e # Exit early if any commands fail# Copied from .codecrafters/run.sh
# - Edit this to change how your program runs locally
# - Edit .codecrafters/run.sh to change how your program runs remotely
exec pipenv run python3 -m app.main "$@"