
devtools/2025/2/13 19:56:22/

在 Vue 中,组件之间的传值方式主要包括以下几种情况:

1. 父组件向子组件传值(props

父组件通过 props 传递数据给子组件:

<!-- Parent.vue -->
<template><ChildComponent :msg="message" />
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
export default {components: { ChildComponent },data() {return {message: 'Hello from Parent!'};}
<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
<template><p>Received message: {{ msg }}</p>
export default {props: {msg: String}

2. 子组件向父组件传值($emit

子组件通过 this.$emit 触发事件,父组件监听事件并获取值:

<!-- Parent.vue -->
<template><ChildComponent @update-message="handleMessage" /><p>Message from Child: {{ receivedMessage }}</p>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
export default {components: { ChildComponent },data() {return {receivedMessage: ''};},methods: {handleMessage(msg) {this.receivedMessage = msg;}}
<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
<template><button @click="sendMessage">Send to Parent</button>
export default {methods: {sendMessage() {this.$emit('update-message', 'Hello from Child!');}}

3. 兄弟组件传值(Event BusPinia/Vuex

兄弟组件需要一个中间桥梁,比如 Event Bus(Vue 3 不推荐)或 Pinia(推荐):

// eventBus.js (Vue 2 可用,Vue 3 推荐使用 Pinia)
import Vue from 'vue';
export const EventBus = new Vue();

BrotherA.vue 发送数据:

<template><button @click="sendMessage">Send to BrotherB</button>
import { EventBus } from './eventBus.js';
export default {methods: {sendMessage() {EventBus.$emit('message', 'Hello from BrotherA!');}}

BrotherB.vue 接收数据:

<template><p>{{ receivedMessage }}</p>
import { EventBus } from './eventBus.js';
export default {data() {return { receivedMessage: '' };},created() {EventBus.$on('message', msg => {this.receivedMessage = msg;});}

4. ref 方式(获取子组件实例)

父组件可以通过 ref 获取子组件实例并访问其方法或数据:

<!-- Parent.vue -->
<template><ChildComponent ref="childRef" /><button @click="callChildMethod">Call Child Method</button>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
export default {components: { ChildComponent },methods: {callChildMethod() {this.$refs.childRef.childMethod();}}
<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
<template><p>Child Component</p>
export default {methods: {childMethod() {console.log('Child method called!');}}

5. provideinject(适用于祖孙组件)


<!-- GrandParent.vue -->
<template><Parent />
import Parent from './Parent.vue';
export default {components: { Parent },provide() {return { sharedMessage: 'Hello from GrandParent!' };}
<!-- Parent.vue -->
<template><Child />
import Child from './Child.vue';
export default {components: { Child }
<!-- Child.vue -->
<template><p>{{ sharedMessage }}</p>
export default {inject: ['sharedMessage']

6. Vuex 或 Pinia(全局状态管理)

适用于复杂状态管理,如 Vuex(Vue 2)或 Pinia(Vue 3):

// store.js (使用 Pinia)
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';export const useMainStore = defineStore('main', {state: () => ({message: 'Hello from Store'}),actions: {setMessage(newMsg) {this.message = newMsg;}}

ComponentA.vue 更新数据:

<template><button @click="updateMessage">Update Message</button>
import { useMainStore } from './store.js';
export default {setup() {const store = useMainStore();const updateMessage = () => store.setMessage('Updated Message!');return { updateMessage };}

ComponentB.vue 读取数据:

<template><p>{{ store.message }}</p>
import { useMainStore } from './store.js';
export default {setup() {const store = useMainStore();return { store };}


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