
devtools/2025/2/8 1:38:05/



测试环境为单机环境,操作系统为openEuler 22.03 LTS,软件环境如下:



 # docker images
REPOSITORY                       TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql   6.2-centos-latest   99e4f322c101        2 years ago         616MB
zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql       6.2-centos-latest   b763dffe8ca1        2 years ago         505MB
mariadb                          10.5.18             819fb13996d3        2 years ago         402MB
 # docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                            NAMES
841766b8336d        zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql:6.2-centos-latest   ""   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks          8443/tcp,>8080/tcp   zbxweb
e2edea34136f        zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:6.2-centos-latest       "/usr/bin/tini -- /u…"   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks>10051/tcp         zbxsrv
775e50456653        mariadb:10.5.18                                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks>3306/tcp           mysqldb





# docker pull zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql:centos-7.2.3
centos-7.2.3: Pulling from zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql
Digest: sha256:fbf16d368ee6dab739a71a6f06c3f9bea0b17b23631fd2f1e99b59013eb60a51
Status: Downloaded newer image for zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql:centos-7.2.3
# docker pull zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:centos-7.2.3
centos-7.2.3: Pulling from zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql
Digest: sha256:69b9d173239b17ee7395e9291be32352fc0192bf5151904cb458e40f4e7f6078
Status: Downloaded newer image for zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:centos-7.2.3
# docker images |grep zabbix
zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql   centos-7.2.3        2a76e6e5da75        7 days ago          457MB
zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql       centos-7.2.3        b7e47a3e4abb        7 days ago          292MB
# docker images 
REPOSITORY                       TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql   centos-7.2.3        2a76e6e5da75        7 days ago          457MB
zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql       centos-7.2.3        b7e47a3e4abb        7 days ago          292MB
zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql   6.2-centos-latest   99e4f322c101        2 years ago         616MB
zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql       6.2-centos-latest   b763dffe8ca1        2 years ago         505MB
mariadb                          10.5.18             819fb13996d3        2 years ago         402MB




# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                            NAMES
841766b8336d        zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql:6.2-centos-latest   ""   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks          8443/tcp,>8080/tcp   zbxweb
e2edea34136f        zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:6.2-centos-latest       "/usr/bin/tini -- /u…"   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks>10051/tcp         zbxsrv
775e50456653        mariadb:10.5.18                                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 months ago       Up 3 weeks>3306/tcp           mysqldb
# docker rm -f zbxsrv
# docker rm -f zbxweb
# docker rm -f mysqldb
# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
# cp -ar mysqldata mysqldata-10.5.18-20250205.bak
# docker run -itd --restart=always --name mysqldb -v /data/mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql -v /data/mysqlcnf/mariadb.cnf:/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf -p 3306:3306 mariadb:10.5.18
# docker logs -f mysqldb
2025-02-05 07:36:42+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MariaDB Server 1:10.5.18+maria~ubu2004 started.
2025-02-05 07:36:42+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
2025-02-05 07:36:42+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MariaDB Server 1:10.5.18+maria~ubu2004 started.
2025-02-05 07:36:42+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: MariaDB upgrade not required
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 10.5.18-MariaDB-1:10.5.18+maria~ubu2004) starting as process 1 ...
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using crc32 + pclmulqdq instructions
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] mysqld: O_TMPFILE is not supported on /tmp (disabling future attempts)
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2025-02-05  7:36:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 4294967296, chunk size = 134217728
2025-02-05  7:36:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2025-02-05  7:36:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery from checkpoint LSN=80473769212,80473789741
2025-02-05  7:36:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 969 pages from redo log.
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segments are active.
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Removed temporary tablespace data file: "ibtmp1"
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.5.18 started; log sequence number 80499052018; transaction id 230875588
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
2025-02-05  7:36:44 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.
2025-02-05  7:36:45 0 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeeded
2025-02-05  7:36:45 0 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
2025-02-05  7:36:45 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '10.5.18-MariaDB-1:10.5.18+maria~ubu2004'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306 binary distribution
2025-02-05  7:36:45 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 250205  7:36:45


[root@ZabbixFGS10 zabbixcnf]# cat 
docker run -itd --restart=always --name zbxsrv --env-file /data/zabbixcnf/zabbix_server.env -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -p 10051:10051 zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:centos-7.2.3
[root@ZabbixFGS10 zabbixcnf]# sh 
[root@ZabbixFGS10 zabbixcnf]# docker logs zbxsrv
** Preparing Zabbix server
** Preparing database
** Using MYSQL_USER variable from ENV
** Using MYSQL_PASSWORD variable from ENV
** Database 'zabbix' already exists. Please be careful with database COLLATE!
** Table 'zabbix.dbversion' already exists.
Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 7.2.3 (revision ff99a1b).
Press Ctrl+C to exit.1:20250205:153825.491 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 7.2.3 (revision ff99a1b).1:20250205:153825.491 ****** Enabled features ******1:20250205:153825.491 SNMP monitoring:           YES1:20250205:153825.491 IPMI monitoring:           YES1:20250205:153825.491 Web monitoring:            YES1:20250205:153825.491 VMware monitoring:         YES1:20250205:153825.491 SMTP authentication:       YES1:20250205:153825.491 ODBC:                      YES1:20250205:153825.491 SSH support:               YES1:20250205:153825.491 IPv6 support:              YES1:20250205:153825.491 TLS support:               YES1:20250205:153825.491 ******************************1:20250205:153825.491 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf1:20250205:153825.653 current database version (mandatory/optional): 06020000/060200131:20250205:153825.653 required mandatory version: 070200001:20250205:153825.653 mandatory patches were found24:20250205:153830.101 starting HA manager24:20250205:153830.106 HA manager started in active mode1:20250205:153830.119 server #0 started [main process]25:20250205:153830.120 server #1 started [service manager #1]26:20250205:153830.120 server #2 started [configuration syncer #1]27:20250205:153830.268 server #3 started [alert manager #1]28:20250205:153830.268 server #4 started [alerter #1]29:20250205:153830.268 server #5 started [alerter #2]30:20250205:153830.269 server #6 started [alerter #3]32:20250205:153830.269 server #8 started [lld manager #1]31:20250205:153830.269 server #7 started [preprocessing manager #1]33:20250205:153830.270 server #9 started [lld worker #1]34:20250205:153830.270 server #10 started [lld worker #2]35:20250205:153830.270 server #11 started [housekeeper #1]36:20250205:153830.271 server #12 started [timer #1]37:20250205:153830.271 server #13 started [http poller #1]38:20250205:153830.271 server #14 started [browser poller #1]39:20250205:153830.272 server #15 started [discovery manager #1]40:20250205:153830.272 server #16 started [history syncer #1]41:20250205:153830.272 server #17 started [history syncer #2]42:20250205:153830.273 server #18 started [history syncer #3]43:20250205:153830.273 server #19 started [history syncer #4]44:20250205:153830.274 server #20 started [history syncer #5]45:20250205:153830.274 server #21 started [history syncer #6]46:20250205:153830.274 server #22 started [history syncer #7]47:20250205:153830.275 server #23 started [history syncer #8]48:20250205:153830.275 server #24 started [history syncer #9]49:20250205:153830.275 server #25 started [history syncer #10]50:20250205:153830.276 server #26 started [history syncer #11]51:20250205:153830.276 server #27 started [history syncer #12]52:20250205:153830.276 server #28 started [history syncer #13]53:20250205:153830.277 server #29 started [history syncer #14]54:20250205:153830.277 server #30 started [history syncer #15]55:20250205:153830.278 server #31 started [history syncer #16]56:20250205:153830.278 server #32 started [history syncer #17]57:20250205:153830.278 server #33 started [history syncer #18]58:20250205:153830.279 server #34 started [history syncer #19]59:20250205:153830.279 server #35 started [history syncer #20]60:20250205:153830.279 server #36 started [history syncer #21]61:20250205:153830.280 server #37 started [history syncer #22]62:20250205:153830.280 server #38 started [history syncer #23]63:20250205:153830.281 server #39 started [history syncer #24]64:20250205:153830.281 server #40 started [history syncer #25]65:20250205:153830.281 server #41 started [history syncer #26]66:20250205:153830.282 server #42 started [history syncer #27]67:20250205:153830.282 server #43 started [history syncer #28]68:20250205:153830.282 server #44 started [history syncer #29]69:20250205:153830.283 server #45 started [history syncer #30]70:20250205:153830.283 server #46 started [history syncer #31]71:20250205:153830.284 server #47 started [history syncer #32]72:20250205:153830.284 server #48 started [escalator #1]73:20250205:153830.284 server #49 started [proxy poller #1]74:20250205:153830.285 server #50 started [proxy poller #2]75:20250205:153830.285 server #51 started [proxy poller #3]76:20250205:153830.285 server #52 started [proxy poller #4]77:20250205:153830.286 server #53 started [self-monitoring #1]78:20250205:153830.286 server #54 started [task manager #1]79:20250205:153830.287 server #55 started [poller #1]80:20250205:153830.287 server #56 started [poller #2]82:20250205:153830.288 server #58 started [poller #4]83:20250205:153830.288 server #59 started [poller #5]84:20250205:153830.288 server #60 started [poller #6]81:20250205:153830.289 server #57 started [poller #3]85:20250205:153830.289 server #61 started [poller #7]86:20250205:153830.289 server #62 started [poller #8]87:20250205:153830.289 server #63 started [poller #9]88:20250205:153830.290 server #64 started [poller #10]89:20250205:153830.290 server #65 started [poller #11]90:20250205:153830.291 server #66 started [poller #12]91:20250205:153830.291 server #67 started [poller #13]92:20250205:153830.291 server #68 started [poller #14]93:20250205:153830.292 server #69 started [poller #15]94:20250205:153830.292 server #70 started [poller #16]95:20250205:153830.293 server #71 started [poller #17]96:20250205:153830.293 server #72 started [poller #18]97:20250205:153830.293 server #73 started [poller #19]98:20250205:153830.294 server #74 started [poller #20]99:20250205:153830.294 server #75 started [poller #21]100:20250205:153830.295 server #76 started [poller #22]31:20250205:153830.295 [1] thread started [preprocessing worker #1]104:20250205:153830.295 server #77 started [poller #23]31:20250205:153830.295 [2] thread started [preprocessing worker #2]105:20250205:153830.295 server #78 started [poller #24]31:20250205:153830.296 [3] thread started [preprocessing worker #3]108:20250205:153830.296 server #79 started [poller #25]31:20250205:153830.296 [4] thread started [preprocessing worker #4]109:20250205:153830.296 server #80 started [poller #26]31:20250205:153830.296 [5] thread started [preprocessing worker #5]111:20250205:153830.297 server #81 started [poller #27]31:20250205:153830.297 [6] thread started [preprocessing worker #6]113:20250205:153830.297 server #82 started [poller #28]114:20250205:153830.297 server #83 started [poller #29]31:20250205:153830.297 [7] thread started [preprocessing worker #7]117:20250205:153830.298 server #84 started [poller #30]31:20250205:153830.298 [8] thread started [preprocessing worker #8]118:20250205:153830.298 server #85 started [poller #31]31:20250205:153830.298 [9] thread started [preprocessing worker #9]119:20250205:153830.299 server #86 started [poller #32]31:20250205:153830.299 [10] thread started [preprocessing worker #10]122:20250205:153830.299 server #87 started [poller #33]124:20250205:153830.299 server #88 started [poller #34]31:20250205:153830.299 [11] thread started [preprocessing worker #11]125:20250205:153830.300 server #89 started [poller #35]31:20250205:153830.300 [12] thread started [preprocessing worker #12]128:20250205:153830.300 server #90 started [poller #36]31:20250205:153830.300 [13] thread started [preprocessing worker #13]129:20250205:153830.301 server #91 started [poller #37]31:20250205:153830.301 [14] thread started [preprocessing worker #14]131:20250205:153830.301 server #92 started [poller #38]31:20250205:153830.301 [15] thread started [preprocessing worker #15]132:20250205:153830.301 server #93 started [poller #39]31:20250205:153830.302 [16] thread started [preprocessing worker #16]134:20250205:153830.302 server #94 started [poller #40]135:20250205:153830.302 server #95 started [poller #41]137:20250205:153830.303 server #97 started [poller #43]138:20250205:153830.303 server #98 started [poller #44]136:20250205:153830.303 server #96 started [poller #42]139:20250205:153830.304 server #99 started [poller #45]140:20250205:153830.304 server #100 started [poller #46]141:20250205:153830.305 server #101 started [poller #47]142:20250205:153830.305 server #102 started [poller #48]143:20250205:153830.305 server #103 started [poller #49]144:20250205:153830.306 server #104 started [poller #50]145:20250205:153830.306 server #105 started [poller #51]146:20250205:153830.307 server #106 started [poller #52]147:20250205:153830.307 server #107 started [poller #53]148:20250205:153830.307 server #108 started [poller #54]149:20250205:153830.308 server #109 started [poller #55]150:20250205:153830.308 server #110 started [poller #56]151:20250205:153830.309 server #111 started [poller #57]152:20250205:153830.309 server #112 started [poller #58]153:20250205:153830.309 server #113 started [poller #59]154:20250205:153830.310 server #114 started [poller #60]155:20250205:153830.310 server #115 started [poller #61]156:20250205:153830.311 server #116 started [poller #62]157:20250205:153830.311 server #117 started [poller #63]158:20250205:153830.311 server #118 started [poller #64]159:20250205:153830.312 server #119 started [unreachable poller #1]160:20250205:153830.312 server #120 started [unreachable poller #2]161:20250205:153830.313 server #121 started [unreachable poller #3]162:20250205:153830.313 server #122 started [unreachable poller #4]163:20250205:153830.313 server #123 started [unreachable poller #5]164:20250205:153830.314 server #124 started [unreachable poller #6]165:20250205:153830.314 server #125 started [unreachable poller #7]166:20250205:153830.315 server #126 started [unreachable poller #8]167:20250205:153830.315 server #127 started [unreachable poller #9]168:20250205:153830.315 server #128 started [unreachable poller #10]169:20250205:153830.316 server #129 started [unreachable poller #11]170:20250205:153830.316 server #130 started [unreachable poller #12]171:20250205:153830.317 server #131 started [unreachable poller #13]172:20250205:153830.317 server #132 started [unreachable poller #14]173:20250205:153830.317 server #133 started [unreachable poller #15]174:20250205:153830.318 server #134 started [unreachable poller #16]175:20250205:153830.318 server #135 started [trapper #1]176:20250205:153830.319 server #136 started [trapper #2]177:20250205:153830.319 server #137 started [trapper #3]178:20250205:153830.319 server #138 started [trapper #4]179:20250205:153830.320 server #139 started [trapper #5]180:20250205:153830.320 server #140 started [trapper #6]181:20250205:153830.321 server #141 started [trapper #7]182:20250205:153830.321 server #142 started [trapper #8]183:20250205:153830.321 server #143 started [trapper #9]184:20250205:153830.322 server #144 started [trapper #10]185:20250205:153830.322 server #145 started [trapper #11]186:20250205:153830.323 server #146 started [trapper #12]187:20250205:153830.323 server #147 started [trapper #13]188:20250205:153830.324 server #148 started [trapper #14]189:20250205:153830.324 server #149 started [trapper #15]190:20250205:153830.324 server #150 started [trapper #16]191:20250205:153830.325 server #151 started [icmp pinger #1]192:20250205:153830.325 server #152 started [icmp pinger #2]193:20250205:153830.325 server #153 started [icmp pinger #3]194:20250205:153830.326 server #154 started [icmp pinger #4]195:20250205:153830.326 server #155 started [icmp pinger #5]196:20250205:153830.327 server #156 started [icmp pinger #6]197:20250205:153830.327 server #157 started [alert syncer #1]198:20250205:153830.327 server #158 started [history poller #1]199:20250205:153830.328 server #159 started [history poller #2]200:20250205:153830.328 server #160 started [history poller #3]201:20250205:153830.329 server #161 started [history poller #4]202:20250205:153830.329 server #162 started [history poller #5]203:20250205:153830.329 server #163 started [availability manager #1]204:20250205:153830.330 server #164 started [trigger housekeeper #1]205:20250205:153830.330 server #165 started [odbc poller #1]206:20250205:153830.330 server #166 started [http agent poller #1]207:20250205:153830.331 server #167 started [agent poller #1]209:20250205:153830.331 server #168 started [snmp poller #1]206:20250205:153830.331 thread started211:20250205:153830.332 server #169 started [configuration syncer worker #1]207:20250205:153830.332 thread started213:20250205:153830.332 server #170 started [internal poller #1]209:20250205:153830.332 thread started214:20250205:153830.332 server #171 started [proxy group manager #1]39:20250205:153830.377 thread started [discovery worker #1]39:20250205:153830.377 thread started [discovery worker #2]39:20250205:153830.378 thread started [discovery worker #3]39:20250205:153830.378 thread started [discovery worker #4]39:20250205:153830.378 thread started [discovery worker #5]


# cat 
docker run -itd --restart=always --name zbxweb --env-file /data/zabbixcnf/zabbix_web.env -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /data/zabbixcnf/wqy-microhei.ttf:/usr/share/zabbix/assets/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf -p 80:8080 zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-mysql:centos-7.2.3
# sh 
[root@ZabbixFGS10 zabbixcnf]# docker logs -f zbxweb
** Deploying Zabbix web-interface (Apache) with MySQL database
** Using MYSQL_USER variable from ENV
** Using MYSQL_PASSWORD variable from ENV
** Preparing PHP configuration
** Adding Zabbix virtual host (HTTP)
**** Impossible to enable SSL support for Apache2. Certificates are missed.
** Executing supervisord
2025-02-05 15:41:03,718 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord_zabbix.conf" during parsing
2025-02-05 15:41:03,718 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord_zabbix.conf" during parsing
2025-02-05 15:41:03,722 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2025-02-05 15:41:03,722 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2025-02-05 15:41:03,723 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2025-02-05 15:41:03,723 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2025-02-05 15:41:04,725 INFO spawned: 'httpd' with pid 14
2025-02-05 15:41:04,725 INFO spawned: 'httpd' with pid 14
2025-02-05 15:41:04,728 INFO spawned: 'php-fpm' with pid 15
2025-02-05 15:41:04,728 INFO spawned: 'php-fpm' with pid 15
[Wed Feb 05 15:41:04.762930 2025] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 14:tid 14] AH00489: Apache/2.4.62 (CentOS Stream) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Feb 05 15:41:04.763045 2025] [core:notice] [pid 14:tid 14] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND'
[05-Feb-2025 15:41:04] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 15
[05-Feb-2025 15:41:04] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[05-Feb-2025 15:41:04] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
zabbix:8080 - - [05/Feb/2025:15:41:04 +0800] "POST /zabbix.php?sid=e9edae36e7a58f2b&action=widget.clock.view HTTP/1.1" 200 2911 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0"
zabbix:8080 - - [05/Feb/2025:15:41:05 +0800] "POST /api_jsonrpc.php HTTP/1.1" 200 491 "-" "Python-urllib/2.7"
zabbix:8080 - - [05/Feb/2025:15:41:05 +0800] "POST /api_jsonrpc.php HTTP/1.1" 200 491 "-" "Python-urllib/2.7"
2025-02-05 15:41:07,574 INFO success: httpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 2 seconds (startsecs)
2025-02-05 15:41:07,574 INFO success: httpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 2 seconds (startsecs)
2025-02-05 15:41:07,574 INFO success: php-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 2 seconds (startsecs)
2025-02-05 15:41:07,574 INFO success: php-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 2 seconds (startsecs)






文章目录 一、前言二、系统重构的范式1.明确目标和背景2.兼容屏蔽对上层的影响3.设计灰度迁移方案3.1 灰度策略3.2 灰度过程设计3.2.1 case1 业务逻辑变更3.2.2 case2 底层数据变更(数据平滑迁移)3.2.3 case3 在途新旧流程兼容3.2.4 case4 接口变更3.2.5…

X Window System 架构概述

X Window System 架构概述 1. X Server 与 X Client ​ 这里引入一张维基百科的图,在Linux系统中,若用户需要图形化界面,则可以使用X Window System,其使用**Client-Server**架构,并通过网络传输相关信息。 ​ ​ X…


开源地址:ry-vue-flowable-xg: 工程项目管理系统适用于工程项目的投标管理及项目进度及成本控制用户的OA办公系统;功能不限于项目管理、任务进度管理、合同管理、事件提醒、财务管理、投标管理、工作流等;基于若依管理系统 ruoyi-flowable-pl…

101,【1】buuctf web BUU XSS COURSE 1

进入靶场 随便提交看看 访问此路径 知道这是存储型xss注入 开始xss注入 试试<script>alert(1)</script> <script>alert(xss)</script> 都不行&#xff0c;应该是把script过滤了 试试双写 <scriscriptpt>alert(xss)</scricriptpt> 双写…

责任链模式(Chain Responsibility)

一、定义&#xff1a;属于行为型设计模式&#xff0c;包含传递的数据、创建处理的抽象和实现、创建链条、将数据传递给顶端节点&#xff1b; 二、UML图 三、实现 1、需要传递处理的数据类 import java.util.Date;/*** 需要处理的数据信息*/ public class RequestData {priva…


Array Array你可以理解为是所有数组的大哥 普通数组 : 特点是长度固定, 只能存储相同类型的数据 static void Main(string[] args){//声明int[] ints;string[] strings;People[] peoples;//默认值 //int 类型是 0//string 类型是 nullint[] ints1 { 1, 2, 3 };string[] …

Chapter2 Amplifiers, Source followers Cascodes

Chapter2 Amplifiers, Source followers & Cascodes MOS单管根据输入输出, 可分为CS放大器, source follower和cascode 三种结构. Single-transistor amplifiers 这一章学习模拟电路基本单元-单管放大器 单管运放由Common-Source加上DC电流源组成. Avgm*Rds, gm和rds和…


文章目录 鼠标拖尾特效一、引言二、实现原理1、监听鼠标移动事件2、生成拖尾元素3、控制元素生命周期 三、代码实现四、使用示例五、总结 鼠标拖尾特效 一、引言 鼠标拖尾特效是一种非常酷炫的前端交互效果&#xff0c;能够为网页增添独特的视觉体验。它通常通过JavaScript和C…