openai agent第二弹:deepresearch原理介绍

devtools/2025/2/6 14:07:51/


  • 技术原理
  • 类似开源项目
    • OpenDeepResearcher
    • open-deep-research
    • ollama-deep-researcher
    • smolagents的open_deep_research
  • 参考资料

2月2日openai上线了第二个agent: deep research,具体功能类似24年11月google gemini发布的deep research。


deep research 使用端到端强化学习,训练模型在不同领域推理和复杂浏览任务的能力;这种方法的核心原则是,模型学会自主规划和执行多步骤过程以找到相关数据,包括基于实时信息进行回溯和适应的能力。此过程允许模型处理诸如浏览用户上传的文件、生成和细化图形以及引用网络来源等任务。





  1. 根据用户输入的研究主题,生成多个相关的query:
async def generate_search_queries_async(session, user_query):"""Ask the LLM to produce up to four precise search queries (in Python list format)based on the user’s query."""prompt = ("You are an expert research assistant. Given the user's query, generate up to four distinct, ""precise search queries that would help gather comprehensive information on the topic. ""Return only a Python list of strings, for example: ['query1', 'query2', 'query3'].")messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful and precise research assistant."},{"role": "user", "content": f"User Query: {user_query}\n\n{prompt}"}]response = await call_openrouter_async(session, messages)if response:try:# Expect exactly a Python list (e.g., "['query1', 'query2']")search_queries = eval(response)if isinstance(search_queries, list):return search_querieselse:print("LLM did not return a list. Response:", response)return []except Exception as e:print("Error parsing search queries:", e, "\nResponse:", response)return []return []
  1. 根据多个query,异步式调用搜索引擎API,获取相关网页的url或文本text;

async def perform_search_async(session, query):"""Asynchronously perform a Google search using SERPAPI for the given query.Returns a list of result URLs."""params = {"q": query,"api_key": SERPAPI_API_KEY,"engine": "google"}try:async with session.get(SERPAPI_URL, params=params) as resp:if resp.status == 200:results = await resp.json()if "organic_results" in results:links = [item.get("link") for item in results["organic_results"] if "link" in item]return linkselse:print("No organic results in SERPAPI response.")return []else:text = await resp.text()print(f"SERPAPI error: {resp.status} - {text}")return []except Exception as e:print("Error performing SERPAPI search:", e)return []
  1. 处理网页链接link:
async def process_link(session, link, user_query, search_query):"""Process a single link: fetch its content, judge its usefulness, and if useful, extract the relevant context."""print(f"Fetching content from: {link}")page_text = await fetch_webpage_text_async(session, link)if not page_text:return Noneusefulness = await is_page_useful_async(session, user_query, page_text)print(f"Page usefulness for {link}: {usefulness}")if usefulness == "Yes":context = await extract_relevant_context_async(session, user_query, search_query, page_text)if context:print(f"Extracted context from {link} (first 200 chars): {context[:200]}")return contextreturn None
  1. 使用llm as a judge,根据之前获取的内容,判断是否还需要补充新的query来查询内容;

async def get_new_search_queries_async(session, user_query, previous_search_queries, all_contexts):"""Based on the original query, the previously used search queries, and all the extracted contexts,ask the LLM whether additional search queries are needed. If yes, return a Python list of up to four queries;if the LLM thinks research is complete, it should return ""."""context_combined = "\n".join(all_contexts)prompt = ("You are an analytical research assistant. Based on the original query, the search queries performed so far, ""and the extracted contexts from webpages, determine if further research is needed. ""If further research is needed, provide up to four new search queries as a Python list (for example, ""['new query1', 'new query2']). If you believe no further research is needed, respond with exactly .""\nOutput only a Python list or the token  without any additional text.")messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a systematic research planner."},{"role": "user", "content": f"User Query: {user_query}\nPrevious Search Queries: {previous_search_queries}\n\nExtracted Relevant Contexts:\n{context_combined}\n\n{prompt}"}]response = await call_openrouter_async(session, messages)if response:cleaned = response.strip()if cleaned == "":return ""try:new_queries = eval(cleaned)if isinstance(new_queries, list):return new_querieselse:print("LLM did not return a list for new search queries. Response:", response)return []except Exception as e:print("Error parsing new search queries:", e, "\nResponse:", response)return []return []
  1. 让llm根据之前搜集的资料,编写report:
async def generate_final_report_async(session, user_query, all_contexts):"""Generate the final comprehensive report using all gathered contexts."""context_combined = "\n".join(all_contexts)prompt = ("You are an expert researcher and report writer. Based on the gathered contexts below and the original query, ""write a comprehensive, well-structured, and detailed report that addresses the query thoroughly. ""Include all relevant insights and conclusions without extraneous commentary.")messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a skilled report writer."},{"role": "user", "content": f"User Query: {user_query}\n\nGathered Relevant Contexts:\n{context_combined}\n\n{prompt}"}]report = await call_openrouter_async(session, messages)return report









基于huggingface的smolagents开发的deep research agent;



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