- Lucene
- 1. **什么是 Lucene?**
- 2. **Lucene 在 Elasticsearch 中的作用**
- 3. **Lucene 的核心功能**
- (1) **倒排索引**
- (2) **分词**
- (3) **查询解析**
- (4) **相关性评分**
- 4. **为什么 Elasticsearch 使用 Lucene?**
- 5. **Lucene 和 Elasticsearch 的区别**
- 6. **总结**
- 分片
- 列的解释:
- 扩容分片
- 1. **创建新的索引并重新索引**
- 2. **使用索引别名(Index Alias)**
- 3. **调整副本数(Replica Shards)**
- 4. **使用跨集群复制(CCR)**
- 总结:
- 扩容副本
- esrally
- 安装
- 数据库介绍
- 结果解释
- 备份
在 Elasticsearch(ES)中,Lucene 是其核心的底层搜索引擎库。它为 Elasticsearch 提供了全文搜索和索引的核心功能。以下是关于 Lucene 的详细介绍:
1. 什么是 Lucene?
Lucene 是一个开源的全文搜索库,由 Apache 软件基金会维护。最初由 Doug Cutting 创建,用于为 Java 应用程序提供高效的文本搜索和索引功能。
- 它本身并不是一个独立的搜索引擎。
- 它是一个用于构建搜索功能的基础库,支持高度可定制的索引和查询功能。
2. Lucene 在 Elasticsearch 中的作用
Elasticsearch 是一个分布式搜索引擎,基于 Lucene 构建。它将 Lucene 的强大功能封装起来,提供了简单易用的 RESTful API 和分布式架构支持。
- 索引数据:Elasticsearch 使用 Lucene 的倒排索引来组织和存储数据,使全文检索变得高效。
- 执行查询:查询解析和执行是由 Lucene 的查询功能完成的,包括布尔查询、范围查询、分词等。
- 评分机制:Lucene 提供的 TF-IDF 或 BM25 算法计算文档与查询的相关性。
3. Lucene 的核心功能
(1) 倒排索引
Lucene 使用倒排索引存储数据,这是一种专门为快速文本搜索设计的数据结构。
- 示例:
倒排索引会存储类似以下信息:Doc1: "Lucene is a search library" Doc2: "Elasticsearch uses Lucene"
Term -> DocID "Lucene" -> Doc1, Doc2 "search" -> Doc1 "library" -> Doc1 "uses" -> Doc2
(2) 分词
Lucene 通过 分析器(Analyzer) 将输入的文本拆分成更小的单元(称为词元),然后将其索引。
- 示例:输入文本
"Lucene is powerful!"
,可能会被分词为["lucene", "powerful"]
(3) 查询解析
Lucene 支持复杂的查询语法,例如布尔查询(AND/OR/NOT)、范围查询、通配符查询等。
(4) 相关性评分
Lucene 使用 TF-IDF 和 BM25 算法对文档相关性进行评分,并返回与查询最匹配的结果。
4. 为什么 Elasticsearch 使用 Lucene?
- 高性能:Lucene 提供了非常高效的索引和搜索能力。
- 成熟可靠:Lucene 已经过多年的开发和优化,是业界公认的标准。
- 灵活性:Lucene 提供了丰富的功能,比如分词、查询解析、打分机制等。
- 开源:作为 Apache 基金会的开源项目,它与 Elasticsearch 的开源理念一致。
5. Lucene 和 Elasticsearch 的区别
特性 | Lucene | Elasticsearch |
类型 | 库 | 分布式搜索引擎 |
用户接口 | Java API | RESTful API |
功能 | 提供核心搜索和索引功能 | 提供分布式、横向扩展和高可用能力 |
配置和使用 | 需要开发者手动集成和配置 | 开箱即用,内置大量功能 |
分布式支持 | 无 | 原生分布式支持 |
6. 总结
Lucene 是 Elasticsearch 的基础组件,为其提供了核心的搜索和索引能力。但 Elasticsearch 不仅仅是 Lucene,它还添加了分布式架构、集群管理、REST API 等,使得用户可以更轻松地构建和管理搜索解决方案。
curl -u admin:OLP5HNAT1NU2WQGUJ441M5TP2MPXZBRM 10.10.x.x:xx/_cat/shards?v
filebeat-7.16.2-2024.12.23-000001 0 r STARTED 11533 3.1mb es-510083ba-es-data-0
索引名称 (
的命名模式。 -
分片号 (
)。 -
分片类型 (
表示这是一个副本分片,副本分片是主分片的复制品,用于冗余备份和负载均衡。 -
分片状态 (
表示该分片已经激活并且成功分配到集群中的某个节点。 -
文档数量 (
):表示该分片中存储的文档数量,这里是11533个文档。 -
磁盘使用空间 (
):该分片使用的磁盘空间大小,这里是3.1 MB。 -
节点IP地址 (
):表示存储该分片的Elasticsearch节点的IP地址。 -
节点名称 (
在Elasticsearch中,扩容分片(shard expansion)不是直接改变现有分片数量的操作,因为每个索引的分片数量在创建时是固定的。要增加分片,通常需要通过以下几种方式:
1. 创建新的索引并重新索引
PUT /new_index_name {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 6, # 你需要的分片数量"number_of_replicas": 1 # 副本数} }
POST /_reindex {"source": {"index": "old_index_name"},"dest": {"index": "new_index_name"} }
POST /_reindex
{"source": {"index": "nyc_taxis"},"dest": {"index": "woqu01"},"conflicts": "proceed"
}GET /nyc_taxis/_search?size=10GET /woqu02/_search?size=10GET /nyc_taxis/_mappingGET /woqu02/_mappingGET _cat/indices?vGET /woqu01/_count
DELETE /old_index_name
2. 使用索引别名(Index Alias)
- 创建新的索引并设置更多的分片。
- 将新索引的别名指向旧索引。
- 使用
将数据迁移到新索引。 - 更新别名,指向新的索引。
POST /_aliases
{"actions": [{ "add": { "index": "new_index_name", "alias": "index_alias" } },{ "remove": { "index": "old_index_name", "alias": "index_alias" } }]
3. 调整副本数(Replica Shards)
如果你的目的是为了负载均衡或提高可用性,增加副本分片(replica shards)是一个有效的解决方案。副本分片不会增加主分片的数量,但会提升查询性能和故障恢复能力。
- 修改索引的副本数:
PUT /your_index_name/_settings {"settings": {"number_of_replicas": 2 # 设置副本数量} }
4. 使用跨集群复制(CCR)
- Elasticsearch不支持直接增加现有索引的主分片数量。
- 你可以通过重新索引将数据迁移到新的具有更多分片的索引中。
- 如果只是想增加容错能力或负载均衡,可以增加副本分片的数量。
PUT /nyc_taxis/_settings
{"index": {"number_of_replicas": 2}
}GET /_cat/indices/nyc_taxisGET /_cat/shards/nyc_taxisGEt /_cat/nodes
docker load -i rally.tar
docker run -t -i -v /bpx:/bpx elastic/rally bash
esrally race --track=nyc_taxis--test-mode --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts="http://10.10.x.x:xx" --client-options="basic_auth_user:'admin',basic_auth_password:'OLP5HNAT1NU2WQGUJ441M5TP2MPXZBRM'"
/rally/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/download.sh geonames
tar -xf rally-track-data-geonames.tar -C ~/.rally/benchmarks
esrally race --track=geonames --test-mode --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts="" --client-options="basic_auth_user:'admin',basic_auth_password:'OLP5HNAT1NU2WQGUJ441M5TP2MPXZBRM'" --report-format=csv --report-file=~/result.csv
____ ____/ __ \____ _/ / /_ __/ /_/ / __ `/ / / / / // _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
/_/ |_|\__,_/_/_/\__, //____/[INFO] Race id is [e69491a8-20d4-4ca2-9503-bbd37817f2ba]
[INFO] Downloading track data (30.6 kB total size) [100.0%]
[INFO] Decompressing track data from [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/nyc_taxis/documents-1k.json.bz2] to [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/nyc_taxis/documents-1k.json] ... [OK]
[INFO] Preparing file offset table for [/rally/.rally/benchmarks/data/nyc_taxis/documents-1k.json] ... [OK]
[INFO] Racing on track [nyc_taxis], challenge [append-no-conflicts] and car ['external'] with version [7.16.2].[WARNING] merges_total_time is 58649 ms indicating that the cluster is not in a defined clean state. Recorded index time metrics may be misleading.
[WARNING] indexing_total_time is 15700 ms indicating that the cluster is not in a defined clean state. Recorded index time metrics may be misleading.
[WARNING] refresh_total_time is 79088 ms indicating that the cluster is not in a defined clean state. Recorded index time metrics may be misleading.
Running delete-index [100% done]
Running create-index [100% done]
Running check-cluster-health [100% done]
Running index [100% done]
Running refresh-after-index [100% done]
Running force-merge [100% done]
Running refresh-after-force-merge [100% done]
Running wait-until-merges-finish [100% done]
Running default [100% done]
Running range [100% done]
Running distance_amount_agg [100% done]
Running autohisto_agg [100% done]
Running date_histogram_agg [100% done]------------------------------------------------------_______ __ _____/ ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________/ /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
------------------------------------------------------| Metric | Task | Value | Unit |
| Cumulative indexing time of primary shards | | 0.265783 | min |
| Min cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 0.136317 | min |
| Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Cumulative merge time of primary shards | | 0.977483 | min |
| Cumulative merge count of primary shards | | 1030 | |
| Min cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 0.652033 | min |
| Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Cumulative refresh time of primary shards | | 1.3198 | min |
| Cumulative refresh count of primary shards | | 9938 | |
| Min cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0.98985 | min |
| Cumulative flush time of primary shards | | 0.03155 | min |
| Cumulative flush count of primary shards | | 21 | |
| Min cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Median cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| Max cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.0176833 | min |
| Total Young Gen GC time | | 0.009 | s |
| Total Young Gen GC count | | 1 | |
| Total Old Gen GC time | | 0 | s |
| Total Old Gen GC count | | 0 | |
| Dataset size | | 0.083899 | GB |
| Store size | | 0.083899 | GB |
| Translog size | | 0.0555213 | GB |
| Heap used for segments | | 0.161285 | MB |
| Heap used for doc values | | 0.0156403 | MB |
| Heap used for terms | | 0.124207 | MB |
| Heap used for norms | | 0.00256348 | MB |
| Heap used for points | | 0 | MB |
| Heap used for stored fields | | 0.0188751 | MB |
| Segment count | | 40 | |
| Total Ingest Pipeline count | | 6 | |
| Total Ingest Pipeline time | | 0.002 | s |
| Total Ingest Pipeline failed | | 0 | |
| Min Throughput | index | 16438.7 | docs/s |
| Mean Throughput | index | 16438.7 | docs/s |
| Median Throughput | index | 16438.7 | docs/s |
| Max Throughput | index | 16438.7 | docs/s |
| 50th percentile latency | index | 72.4146 | ms |
| 100th percentile latency | index | 94.6473 | ms |
| 50th percentile service time | index | 72.4146 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | index | 94.6473 | ms |
| error rate | index | 0 | % |
| Min Throughput | default | 133.61 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | default | 133.61 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | default | 133.61 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | default | 133.61 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | default | 12.4156 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | default | 4.49154 | ms |
| error rate | default | 0 | % |
| Min Throughput | range | 155.02 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | range | 155.02 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | range | 155.02 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | range | 155.02 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | range | 3.1497 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | range | 3.1497 | ms |
| error rate | range | 0 | % |
| Min Throughput | distance_amount_agg | 40.07 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | distance_amount_agg | 40.07 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | distance_amount_agg | 40.07 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | distance_amount_agg | 40.07 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | distance_amount_agg | 6.27117 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | distance_amount_agg | 6.27117 | ms |
| error rate | distance_amount_agg | 0 | % |
| Min Throughput | autohisto_agg | 37.05 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | autohisto_agg | 37.05 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | autohisto_agg | 37.05 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | autohisto_agg | 37.05 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | autohisto_agg | 5.20097 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | autohisto_agg | 5.20097 | ms |
| error rate | autohisto_agg | 0 | % |
| Min Throughput | date_histogram_agg | 73.79 | ops/s |
| Mean Throughput | date_histogram_agg | 73.79 | ops/s |
| Median Throughput | date_histogram_agg | 73.79 | ops/s |
| Max Throughput | date_histogram_agg | 73.79 | ops/s |
| 100th percentile latency | date_histogram_agg | 4.10032 | ms |
| 100th percentile service time | date_histogram_agg | 4.10032 | ms |
| error rate | date_histogram_agg | 0 | % |--------------------------------
[INFO] SUCCESS (took 18 seconds)
GET /_cat/indices/nyc_taxis?v
GET /nyc_taxis/_search?pretty
GET nyc_taxis/_mapping?pretty