
devtools/2024/11/14 7:53:25/




// 引入对应模块
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');

步骤2:声明新旧域名、搜索目录 常量并赋值

// 旧域名和新域名
const OLD_DOMAIN = '';
const NEW_DOMAIN = '';// 要搜索的目录
const SEARCH_DIR = '.'; // 当前目录,可以修改为其他目录


// 查找 Git 仓库并切换远程 URL
function changeGitRemotesInFolders(dir) {fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(file => {const fullPath = path.join(dir, file);if(!fullPath.includes('.vscode') && !fullPath.includes('node_modules')){const stats = fs.statSync(fullPath);if (stats.isDirectory()) {if (fs.existsSync(path.join(fullPath, '.git'))) {// 这是一个 Git 仓库changeGitRemote(fullPath);}}}});


process.chdir(folderPath); // 修改当前工作目录

process.chdir('..'); // 返回上一级目录

// 切换 Git 远程仓库 URL(只替换域名)
function changeGitRemote(folderPath) {try {process.chdir(folderPath);// 获取当前远程仓库的 URLconst remoteUrl = execSync('git config --get remote.origin.url').toString().trim();// 检查是否需要替换域名if (remoteUrl.includes(OLD_DOMAIN)) {const newRemoteUrl = remoteUrl.replace(OLD_DOMAIN, NEW_DOMAIN);// 设置新的远程仓库 URLexecSync(`git remote set-url origin ${newRemoteUrl}`);console.log(`Successfully changed remote URL for ${folderPath} from ${remoteUrl} to ${newRemoteUrl}`);} else {console.log(`No need to change remote URL for ${folderPath} (current URL: ${remoteUrl})`);}// process.chdir(process.cwd()); // 理论上这里不需要,因为 process.chdir 是对当前进程的修改,但为清晰起见还是加上process.chdir('..');} catch (error) {console.error(`Error processing ${folderPath}:`, error);}


const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');// 旧域名和新域名
const OLD_DOMAIN = '';
const NEW_DOMAIN = '';// 要搜索的目录
const SEARCH_DIR = '.'; // 当前目录,可以修改为其他目录// 查找 Git 仓库并切换远程 URL
function changeGitRemotesInFolders(dir) {fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(file => {const fullPath = path.join(dir, file);if(!fullPath.includes('.vscode') && !fullPath.includes('node_modules')){const stats = fs.statSync(fullPath);if (stats.isDirectory()) {if (fs.existsSync(path.join(fullPath, '.git'))) {// 这是一个 Git 仓库changeGitRemote(fullPath);}}}});
}// 切换 Git 远程仓库 URL(只替换域名)
function changeGitRemote(folderPath) {try {process.chdir(folderPath);// 获取当前远程仓库的 URLconst remoteUrl = execSync('git config --get remote.origin.url').toString().trim();// 检查是否需要替换域名if (remoteUrl.includes(OLD_DOMAIN)) {const newRemoteUrl = remoteUrl.replace(OLD_DOMAIN, NEW_DOMAIN);// 设置新的远程仓库 URLexecSync(`git remote set-url origin ${newRemoteUrl}`);console.log(`Successfully changed remote URL for ${folderPath} from ${remoteUrl} to ${newRemoteUrl}`);} else {console.log(`No need to change remote URL for ${folderPath} (current URL: ${remoteUrl})`);}// process.chdir(process.cwd()); // 理论上这里不需要,因为 process.chdir 是对当前进程的修改,但为清晰起见还是加上process.chdir('..');} catch (error) {console.error(`Error processing ${folderPath}:`, error);}
}// 主函数
function main() {changeGitRemotesInFolders(SEARCH_DIR);


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