
devtools/2024/12/22 15:13:11/

When you build a Flutter app, it’s not just about the code you write in Dart and the Flutter framework. There’s also a crucial piece called the platform embedders that enable your Flutter app to run on different operating systems like Android, iOS, and so on.


Think of the platform embedders as the bridge between your Flutter app and the underlying operating system. They handle the communication, integration, and execution of your Flutter code on the target platform.


Each platform, such as Android and iOS, has its own specific platform embedder. These embedders are written in languages like Java and C++ for Android, Objective-C/Objective-C++ for iOS and macOS, and C++ for Windows and Linux. They provide the necessary entry point for your Flutter app and handle important tasks like rendering surfaces, accessibility, and input.

每个平台(如Android和iOS)都有自己特定的平台嵌入器。这些嵌入程序是用Java和c++编写的,适用于Android,适用于iOS和macOS的Objective-C/ objective - c++,适用于Windows和Linux的c++。它们为您的Flutter应用程序提供必要的入口点,并处理重要的任务,如渲染表面,可访问性和输入。

The platform embedder is responsible for coordinating with the underlying operating system and providing the necessary services and resources that your Flutter app needs to run smoothly. It acts as a mediator, translating Flutter’s crossplatform code into platform-specific instructions that the operating system understands.


For example, when you interact with a button in your Flutter app, the platform embedder handles the touch events, communicates with the operating system to update the UI, and ensures that the button behaves as expected on the specific platform. It ensures that your Flutter app feels native and integrates seamlessly with the underlying system.


Flutter provides a set of built-in platform embedders for common target platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. These embedders are well-maintained and optimized for performance. However, it’s worth noting that Flutter is designed to be extensible and customizable, so you can also create your own platform embedders if needed.


The platform embedders play a vital role in making Flutter a truly multi-platform framework. They enable you to write your app’s UI and logic once in Flutter and deploy it to multiple platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems.





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