
devtools/2024/10/9 1:59:22/



java">public class TestThreadLocal {public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {ThreadLocal<String> tl  = new ThreadLocal();/**主线程设置了一个值*/tl.set("SSSSSs");//tl.set(new Integer(2));InheritableThreadLocal<String> itl = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();itl.set("itlValue");new Thread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {/**子线程没有设置,所以肯定拿不到*/System.out.println("tl的值:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+tl.get());/**InheritableThreadLocal是可以传递到子线程的,所以这里可以拿到*/System.out.println("Itl的值:"+ Thread.currentThread().getName() + itl.get());}}).start();new Thread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {tl.set("ttttt");/**这个子线程设置了,是可以拿到*/System.out.println("tl的值:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+tl.get());/**InheritableThreadLocal是可以传递到子线程的,所以这里可以拿到*/System.out.println("Itl的值:"+ Thread.currentThread().getName() + itl.get());/**这里我们改一下看看主线程里的会不会修改*/itl.set("itl's Value changed By thread2");System.out.println("Itl的值:"+ Thread.currentThread().getName() + itl.get());}}).start();Thread.sleep(2000);System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+tl.get());/**这里我们可以看到子线程里修改InheritableThreadLocal的值是不会影响主线程的*/System.out.println("Itl的值:"+ Thread.currentThread().getName() + itl.get());}


Itl的值:Thread-1itl's Value changed By thread2

我们可以看到只有某个线程设置了 ThreadLocal的值才能取到,不设置是没有的,这就实现了线程间的隔离。另外对于InheritableThreadLocal它会继承父线程的 InheritableThreadLocal 变量的值(实际上是值的引用副本),所以修改对于主线程和其他子线程是无效的,但是对自己有效,个人觉得这很变态,不管了,这不是重点。


ThreadLocal 和 Thread 是 Java 中处理多线程编程时的两个重要概念,它们在处理线程本地变量时有着不同的角色和用途。


Thread 是 Java 中用于表示线程的对象。每个 Thread 对象代表一个独立的执行路径,可以在并发环境中同时运行。Java 的多线程编程模型允许你创建多个 Thread 对象,以并行或并发的方式执行多个任务。

Thread 类提供了许多方法来管理和控制线程的行为,比如:

  • start(): 启动线程。
  • run(): 线程的主体方法,包含线程要执行的任务代码。
  • sleep(long millis): 使当前线程休眠指定的毫秒数。
  • interrupt(): 中断线程。
  • join(): 等待另一个线程终止。
  • isAlive(): 检查线程是否还在运行。


ThreadLocal 是 Java 提供的一个工具类,用于创建线程局部变量。这些变量在每个线程中都有独立的初始值和副本,因此每个线程都可以独立地修改自己的变量副本,而不会影响到其他线程的副本。

ThreadLocal 提供了一种将变量与线程绑定的机制,这样每个线程都可以访问到属于自己的、独立的数据副本。这在多线程编程中特别有用,特别是在需要确保线程间数据隔离的场景中。

ThreadLocal 的主要方法包括:

  • get(): 获取当前线程所对应的值。
  • set(T value): 设置当前线程的值。
  • initialValue(): 提供线程局部变量的初始值,该方法是一个受保护的方法,通常需要在子类中重写。
  • remove(): 移除当前线程的值。



class Thread implements Runnable {/* Make sure registerNatives is the first thing <clinit> does. */private static native void registerNatives();static {registerNatives();}private volatile String name;private int            priority;private Thread         threadQ;private long           eetop;/* Whether or not to single_step this thread. */private boolean     single_step;/* Whether or not the thread is a daemon thread. */private boolean     daemon = false;/* JVM state */private boolean     stillborn = false;/* What will be run. */private Runnable target;/* The group of this thread */private ThreadGroup group;/* The context ClassLoader for this thread */private ClassLoader contextClassLoader;/* The inherited AccessControlContext of this thread */private AccessControlContext inheritedAccessControlContext;/* For autonumbering anonymous threads. */private static int threadInitNumber;private static synchronized int nextThreadNum() {return threadInitNumber++;}/* ThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is maintained* by the ThreadLocal class. 注意看这个变量,这就是我们的ThreadLocal变量的存放位置,按照它的注释,这个Map是存放在ThreadLocal里的*/ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap threadLocals = null;/** InheritableThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is* maintained by the InheritableThreadLocal class.*/ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap inheritableThreadLocals = null;

    咱们怎么去理解呢,我们可以理解为这是一个 ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap类型的变量,它是在Thread里存放的,类型是 ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap,这个大家想想就能理解,如果不存放在Thread里怎么能实现线程自己用自己的呢。




  1. 左侧流程图
    • 初始化ThreadLocal对象:首先,通过ThreadLocal的构造函数创建一个空的ThreadLocal对象。这个对象本身并不存储值,而是作为一个容器,用于在线程中存储和检索值。
    • 设置值:接着,通过调用ThreadLocal对象的set方法,可以为当前线程设置一个值。这个值是与当前线程相关联的,对其他线程不可见。
  2. 右侧结构图
    • 线程局部变量结构:右侧展示了ThreadLocal内部如何存储线程局部变量的结构。每个线程都有一个与之关联的ThreadLocalMap,这个映射表存储了键(ThreadLocal对象)和值(线程局部变量)的对应关系。
    • 键(key):这里的键是ThreadLocal对象本身。
    • 值(value):与键相关联的值,即线程局部变量。
    • 弱引用(weakReference)ThreadLocalMap中的键(即ThreadLocal对象)是通过弱引用持有的。这意味着如果ThreadLocal对象没有其他强引用,它将被垃圾回收器回收,即使它仍然作为键存在于映射表中。
  3. 注释
    • 注释部分解释了为什么ThreadLocalMap中的键要使用弱引用而不是强引用。如果使用强引用,即使ThreadLocal对象本身(即键)被设置为null(或不再被引用),它仍然会作为键存在于映射表中,导致内存泄漏。因为强引用会阻止垃圾回收器回收不再使用的对象。而使用弱引用,当ThreadLocal对象没有其他强引用时,它可以被垃圾回收器回收,从而避免内存泄漏。











private int expungeStaleEntry(int staleSlot) {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;// expunge entry at staleSlottab[staleSlot].value = null;tab[staleSlot] = null;size--;// Rehash until we encounter nullEntry e;int i;for (i = nextIndex(staleSlot, len);(e = tab[i]) != null;i = nextIndex(i, len)) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();if (k == null) {// 将k=null的entry置为nulle.value = null;tab[i] = null;size--;} else {// k不为null,则rehash从新分配配置int h = k.threadLocalHashCode & (len - 1);if (h != i) {tab[i] = null;// Unlike Knuth 6.4 Algorithm R, we must scan until// null because multiple entries could have been stale.while (tab[h] != null)// 重新分配后的位置上有元素则往后顺延。h = nextIndex(h, len);tab[h] = e;}}}return i;}

java">private boolean cleanSomeSlots(int i, int n) {boolean removed = false;Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;do {i = nextIndex(i, len);Entry e = tab[i];if (e != null && e.get() == null) {n = len;removed = true;// 移除i = expungeStaleEntry(i);}} while ( (n >>>= 1) != 0);return removed;}



java">static class Entry extends WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>> {/** The value associated with this ThreadLocal. */Object value;Entry(ThreadLocal<?> k, Object v) {super(k);//new出来一个WeakReference对象,把ThreadLocal传给他,发生垃圾回收的时候key会被回收掉(只要指向它的强引用消失了发生GC必然回收,但是Entry是一个强引用,如果引用还在就不会整体回收)value = v;}}
java">/**虽然这么说不准确,但是为了记忆方便你可以认为除了Entry之外,ThreadLocalMap就是个HashMap,正常的面试不会考除这个类除了Entry之外的部分,保存数据的是Map里的Entry数组,Entry就是一个key value的键值对,value是我们常见的类型,而key是ThreadLocal*/
static class ThreadLocalMap {/*** The entries in this hash map extend WeakReference, using* its main ref field as the key (which is always a* ThreadLocal object).  Note that null keys (i.e. entry.get()* == null) mean that the key is no longer referenced, so the* entry can be expunged from table.  Such entries are referred to* as "stale entries" in the code that follows.*/static class Entry extends WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>> {/** The value associated with this ThreadLocal. */Object value;Entry(ThreadLocal<?> k, Object v) {super(k);//new出来一个WeakReference对象,把ThreadLocal传给他,发生垃圾回收的时候key会被回收掉(只要指向它的强引用消失了发生GC必然回收,但是Entry是一个强引用,如果引用还在就不会整体回收)value = v;}}/*** The initial capacity -- MUST be a power of two.*/private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;/*** The table, resized as necessary.* table.length MUST always be a power of two.*/private Entry[] table;/*** The number of entries in the table.*/private int size = 0;/*** The next size value at which to resize.*/private int threshold; // Default to 0/*** Set the resize threshold to maintain at worst a 2/3 load factor.*/private void setThreshold(int len) {threshold = len * 2 / 3;}/*** Increment i modulo len.*/private static int nextIndex(int i, int len) {return ((i + 1 < len) ? i + 1 : 0);}/*** Decrement i modulo len.*/private static int prevIndex(int i, int len) {return ((i - 1 >= 0) ? i - 1 : len - 1);}/*** Construct a new map initially containing (firstKey, firstValue).* ThreadLocalMaps are constructed lazily, so we only create* one when we have at least one entry to put in it.*/ThreadLocalMap(ThreadLocal<?> firstKey, Object firstValue) {table = new Entry[INITIAL_CAPACITY];int i = firstKey.threadLocalHashCode & (INITIAL_CAPACITY - 1);table[i] = new Entry(firstKey, firstValue);size = 1;setThreshold(INITIAL_CAPACITY);}/*** Construct a new map including all Inheritable ThreadLocals* from given parent map. Called only by createInheritedMap.** @param parentMap the map associated with parent thread.*/private ThreadLocalMap(ThreadLocalMap parentMap) {Entry[] parentTable = parentMap.table;int len = parentTable.length;setThreshold(len);table = new Entry[len];for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {Entry e = parentTable[j];if (e != null) {@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")ThreadLocal<Object> key = (ThreadLocal<Object>) e.get();if (key != null) {Object value = key.childValue(e.value);Entry c = new Entry(key, value);int h = key.threadLocalHashCode & (len - 1);while (table[h] != null)h = nextIndex(h, len);table[h] = c;size++;}}}}/*** Get the entry associated with key.  This method* itself handles only the fast path: a direct hit of existing* key. It otherwise relays to getEntryAfterMiss.  This is* designed to maximize performance for direct hits, in part* by making this method readily inlinable.** @param  key the thread local object* @return the entry associated with key, or null if no such*/private Entry getEntry(ThreadLocal<?> key) {int i = key.threadLocalHashCode & (table.length - 1);Entry e = table[i];if (e != null && e.get() == key)return e;elsereturn getEntryAfterMiss(key, i, e);}/*** Version of getEntry method for use when key is not found in* its direct hash slot.** @param  key the thread local object* @param  i the table index for key's hash code* @param  e the entry at table[i]* @return the entry associated with key, or null if no such*/private Entry getEntryAfterMiss(ThreadLocal<?> key, int i, Entry e) {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;while (e != null) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();if (k == key)return e;if (k == null)expungeStaleEntry(i);elsei = nextIndex(i, len);e = tab[i];}return null;}/*** Set the value associated with key.** @param key the thread local object* @param value the value to be set*/private void set(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value) {// We don't use a fast path as with get() because it is at// least as common to use set() to create new entries as// it is to replace existing ones, in which case, a fast// path would fail more often than not.Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;int i = key.threadLocalHashCode & (len-1);for (Entry e = tab[i];e != null;e = tab[i = nextIndex(i, len)]) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();if (k == key) {e.value = value;return;}if (k == null) {replaceStaleEntry(key, value, i);return;}}tab[i] = new Entry(key, value);int sz = ++size;if (!cleanSomeSlots(i, sz) && sz >= threshold)rehash();}/*** Remove the entry for key.*/private void remove(ThreadLocal<?> key) {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;int i = key.threadLocalHashCode & (len-1);for (Entry e = tab[i];e != null;e = tab[i = nextIndex(i, len)]) {if (e.get() == key) {e.clear();expungeStaleEntry(i);return;}}}/*** Replace a stale entry encountered during a set operation* with an entry for the specified key.  The value passed in* the value parameter is stored in the entry, whether or not* an entry already exists for the specified key.** As a side effect, this method expunges all stale entries in the* "run" containing the stale entry.  (A run is a sequence of entries* between two null slots.)** @param  key the key* @param  value the value to be associated with key* @param  staleSlot index of the first stale entry encountered while*         searching for key.*/private void replaceStaleEntry(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value,int staleSlot) {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;Entry e;// Back up to check for prior stale entry in current run.// We clean out whole runs at a time to avoid continual// incremental rehashing due to garbage collector freeing// up refs in bunches (i.e., whenever the collector runs).int slotToExpunge = staleSlot;for (int i = prevIndex(staleSlot, len);(e = tab[i]) != null;i = prevIndex(i, len))if (e.get() == null)slotToExpunge = i;// Find either the key or trailing null slot of run, whichever// occurs firstfor (int i = nextIndex(staleSlot, len);(e = tab[i]) != null;i = nextIndex(i, len)) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();// If we find key, then we need to swap it// with the stale entry to maintain hash table order.// The newly stale slot, or any other stale slot// encountered above it, can then be sent to expungeStaleEntry// to remove or rehash all of the other entries in run.if (k == key) {e.value = value;tab[i] = tab[staleSlot];tab[staleSlot] = e;// Start expunge at preceding stale entry if it existsif (slotToExpunge == staleSlot)slotToExpunge = i;cleanSomeSlots(expungeStaleEntry(slotToExpunge), len);return;}// If we didn't find stale entry on backward scan, the// first stale entry seen while scanning for key is the// first still present in the run.if (k == null && slotToExpunge == staleSlot)slotToExpunge = i;}// If key not found, put new entry in stale slottab[staleSlot].value = null;tab[staleSlot] = new Entry(key, value);// If there are any other stale entries in run, expunge themif (slotToExpunge != staleSlot)cleanSomeSlots(expungeStaleEntry(slotToExpunge), len);}/*** Expunge a stale entry by rehashing any possibly colliding entries* lying between staleSlot and the next null slot.  This also expunges* any other stale entries encountered before the trailing null.  See* Knuth, Section 6.4** @param staleSlot index of slot known to have null key* @return the index of the next null slot after staleSlot* (all between staleSlot and this slot will have been checked* for expunging).*/private int expungeStaleEntry(int staleSlot) {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;// expunge entry at staleSlottab[staleSlot].value = null;tab[staleSlot] = null;size--;// Rehash until we encounter nullEntry e;int i;for (i = nextIndex(staleSlot, len);(e = tab[i]) != null;i = nextIndex(i, len)) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();if (k == null) {e.value = null;tab[i] = null;size--;} else {int h = k.threadLocalHashCode & (len - 1);if (h != i) {tab[i] = null;// Unlike Knuth 6.4 Algorithm R, we must scan until// null because multiple entries could have been stale.while (tab[h] != null)h = nextIndex(h, len);tab[h] = e;}}}return i;}/*** Heuristically scan some cells looking for stale entries.* This is invoked when either a new element is added, or* another stale one has been expunged. It performs a* logarithmic number of scans, as a balance between no* scanning (fast but retains garbage) and a number of scans* proportional to number of elements, that would find all* garbage but would cause some insertions to take O(n) time.** @param i a position known NOT to hold a stale entry. The* scan starts at the element after i.** @param n scan control: {@code log2(n)} cells are scanned,* unless a stale entry is found, in which case* {@code log2(table.length)-1} additional cells are scanned.* When called from insertions, this parameter is the number* of elements, but when from replaceStaleEntry, it is the* table length. (Note: all this could be changed to be either* more or less aggressive by weighting n instead of just* using straight log n. But this version is simple, fast, and* seems to work well.)** @return true if any stale entries have been removed.*/private boolean cleanSomeSlots(int i, int n) {boolean removed = false;Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;do {i = nextIndex(i, len);Entry e = tab[i];if (e != null && e.get() == null) {n = len;removed = true;i = expungeStaleEntry(i);}} while ( (n >>>= 1) != 0);return removed;}/*** Re-pack and/or re-size the table. First scan the entire* table removing stale entries. If this doesn't sufficiently* shrink the size of the table, double the table size.*/private void rehash() {expungeStaleEntries();// Use lower threshold for doubling to avoid hysteresisif (size >= threshold - threshold / 4)resize();}/*** Double the capacity of the table.*/private void resize() {Entry[] oldTab = table;int oldLen = oldTab.length;int newLen = oldLen * 2;Entry[] newTab = new Entry[newLen];int count = 0;for (int j = 0; j < oldLen; ++j) {Entry e = oldTab[j];if (e != null) {ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();if (k == null) {e.value = null; // Help the GC} else {int h = k.threadLocalHashCode & (newLen - 1);while (newTab[h] != null)h = nextIndex(h, newLen);newTab[h] = e;count++;}}}setThreshold(newLen);size = count;table = newTab;}/*** Expunge all stale entries in the table.*/private void expungeStaleEntries() {Entry[] tab = table;int len = tab.length;for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {Entry e = tab[j];if (e != null && e.get() == null)expungeStaleEntry(j);}}}


java">/** Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as* published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.** This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that* accompanied this code).** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.** Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA* or visit if you need additional information or have any* questions.*/package java.lang;
import jdk.internal.misc.TerminatingThreadLocal;import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Supplier;/*** This class provides thread-local variables.  These variables differ from* their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its* {@code get} or {@code set} method) has its own, independently initialized* copy of the variable.  {@code ThreadLocal} instances are typically private* static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g.,* a user ID or Transaction ID).** <p>For example, the class below generates unique identifiers local to each* thread.* A thread's id is assigned the first time it invokes {@code ThreadId.get()}* and remains unchanged on subsequent calls.* <pre>* import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;** public class ThreadId {*     // Atomic integer containing the next thread ID to be assigned*     private static final AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger(0);**     // Thread local variable containing each thread's ID*     private static final ThreadLocal&lt;Integer&gt; threadId =*         new ThreadLocal&lt;Integer&gt;() {*             &#64;Override protected Integer initialValue() {*                 return nextId.getAndIncrement();*         }*     };**     // Returns the current thread's unique ID, assigning it if necessary*     public static int get() {*         return threadId.get();*     }* }* </pre>* <p>Each thread holds an implicit reference to its copy of a thread-local* variable as long as the thread is alive and the {@code ThreadLocal}* instance is accessible; after a thread goes away, all of its copies of* thread-local instances are subject to garbage collection (unless other* references to these copies exist).** @author  Josh Bloch and Doug Lea* @since   1.2*/
public class ThreadLocal<T> {/*** ThreadLocals rely on per-thread linear-probe hash maps attached* to each thread (Thread.threadLocals and* inheritableThreadLocals).  The ThreadLocal objects act as keys,* searched via threadLocalHashCode.  This is a custom hash code* (useful only within ThreadLocalMaps) that eliminates collisions* in the common case where consecutively constructed ThreadLocals* are used by the same threads, while remaining well-behaved in* less common cases.*/private final int threadLocalHashCode = nextHashCode();/*** The next hash code to be given out. Updated atomically. Starts at* zero.*/private static AtomicInteger nextHashCode =new AtomicInteger();/*** The difference between successively generated hash codes - turns* implicit sequential thread-local IDs into near-optimally spread* multiplicative hash values for power-of-two-sized tables.*/private static final int HASH_INCREMENT = 0x61c88647;/*** Returns the next hash code.*/private static int nextHashCode() {return nextHashCode.getAndAdd(HASH_INCREMENT);}/*** Returns the current thread's "initial value" for this* thread-local variable.  This method will be invoked the first* time a thread accesses the variable with the {@link #get}* method, unless the thread previously invoked the {@link #set}* method, in which case the {@code initialValue} method will not* be invoked for the thread.  Normally, this method is invoked at* most once per thread, but it may be invoked again in case of* subsequent invocations of {@link #remove} followed by {@link #get}.** <p>This implementation simply returns {@code null}; if the* programmer desires thread-local variables to have an initial* value other than {@code null}, {@code ThreadLocal} must be* subclassed, and this method overridden.  Typically, an* anonymous inner class will be used.** @return the initial value for this thread-local* 这个就是返回一个null,不知道这么写目的何在*/protected T initialValue() {return null;}/*** Creates a thread local variable. The initial value of the variable is* determined by invoking the {@code get} method on the {@code Supplier}.** @param <S> the type of the thread local's value* @param supplier the supplier to be used to determine the initial value* @return a new thread local variable* @throws NullPointerException if the specified supplier is null* @since 1.8*/public static <S> ThreadLocal<S> withInitial(Supplier<? extends S> supplier) {return new SuppliedThreadLocal<>(supplier);}/*** Creates a thread local variable.* @see #withInitial(java.util.function.Supplier)*/public ThreadLocal() {}/*** Returns the value in the current thread's copy of this* thread-local variable.  If the variable has no value for the* current thread, it is first initialized to the value returned* by an invocation of the {@link #initialValue} method.** @return the current thread's value of this thread-local根据当前线程拿到ThreadLocalMap(就是返回当前线程的ThreadLocals(Thread类型的t里的ThreadLocalMap)),如果不为空,直接设置到那个ThreadLocalMap里(key是当前的ThreadLocal对象,value是当前我们传入的value)*/public T get() {Thread t = Thread.currentThread();ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);if (map != null) {/**根据当前ThreadLocal的引用从map里拿到对应的Entry*/ThreadLocalMap.Entry e = map.getEntry(this);if (e != null) {@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")/**如果拿到Entry就返回entry的value*/T result = (T)e.value;return result;}}return setInitialValue();}/*** Returns {@code true} if there is a value in the current thread's copy of* this thread-local variable, even if that values is {@code null}.** @return {@code true} if current thread has associated value in this*         thread-local variable; {@code false} if not*/boolean isPresent() {Thread t = Thread.currentThread();ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);return map != null && map.getEntry(this) != null;}/*** Variant of set() to establish initialValue. Used instead* of set() in case user has overridden the set() method.** @return the initial value*/private T setInitialValue() {/**拿到初始值,其实就是null*/T value = initialValue();/**拿到当前线程*/Thread t = Thread.currentThread();/**拿到线程的ThreadLocalMap*/ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);/**如果map不为null设置为上面拿到的初始值*/if (map != null) {map.set(this, value);} else {/**如果map没有初始化,初始化map*/createMap(t, value);}if (this instanceof TerminatingThreadLocal) {TerminatingThreadLocal.register((TerminatingThreadLocal<?>) this);}return value;}/*** Sets the current thread's copy of this thread-local variable* to the specified value.  Most subclasses will have no need to* override this method, relying solely on the {@link #initialValue}* method to set the values of thread-locals.** @param value the value to be stored in the current thread's copy of*        this thread-local.*/public void set(T value) {/**先拿到当前的线程*/Thread t = Thread.currentThread();/**拿到当前线程对应的ThreadLocalMap*/ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);/**如果之前已经初始化过map了,直接设置值*/if (map != null) {map.set(this, value);} else {/**如果map没有初始化,初始化map并把当前ThreadLocal作为key,value作为值放入map*/createMap(t, value);}}/*** Removes the current thread's value for this thread-local* variable.  If this thread-local variable is subsequently* {@linkplain #get read} by the current thread, its value will be* reinitialized by invoking its {@link #initialValue} method,* unless its value is {@linkplain #set set} by the current thread* in the interim.  This may result in multiple invocations of the* {@code initialValue} method in the current thread.** @since 1.5*/public void remove() {ThreadLocalMap m = getMap(Thread.currentThread());if (m != null) {m.remove(this);}}/*** Get the map associated with a ThreadLocal. Overridden in* InheritableThreadLocal.** @param  t the current thread* @return the map*/ThreadLocalMap getMap(Thread t) {return t.threadLocals;}/*** Create the map associated with a ThreadLocal. Overridden in* InheritableThreadLocal.** @param t the current thread* @param firstValue value for the initial entry of the map*/void createMap(Thread t, T firstValue) {t.threadLocals = new ThreadLocalMap(this, firstValue);}/*** Factory method to create map of inherited thread locals.* Designed to be called only from Thread constructor.** @param  parentMap the map associated with parent thread* @return a map containing the parent's inheritable bindings*/static ThreadLocalMap createInheritedMap(ThreadLocalMap parentMap) {return new ThreadLocalMap(parentMap);}/*** Method childValue is visibly defined in subclass* InheritableThreadLocal, but is internally defined here for the* sake of providing createInheritedMap factory method without* needing to subclass the map class in InheritableThreadLocal.* This technique is preferable to the alternative of embedding* instanceof tests in methods.*/T childValue(T parentValue) {throw new UnsupportedOperationException();}/*** An extension of ThreadLocal that obtains its initial value from* the specified {@code Supplier}.*/static final class SuppliedThreadLocal<T> extends ThreadLocal<T> {private final Supplier<? extends T> supplier;SuppliedThreadLocal(Supplier<? extends T> supplier) {this.supplier = Objects.requireNonNull(supplier);}@Overrideprotected T initialValue() {return supplier.get();}}



  1. 线程间数据隔离

    • 在多线程环境中,每个线程可能需要维护自己的独立状态,如数据库连接、用户会话信息或事务上下文。ThreadLocal为每个线程提供独立的变量副本,避免了线程间的共享和同步问题,从而实现了线程间的数据隔离。
    • 例如,在Spring的事务管理中,事务管理器通过AOP切入业务代码,在进入业务代码前,会依据相应的事务管理器提取出相应的事务对象,并将其保存在ThreadLocal中。这样,线程内多次获取到的Connection对象是同一个,从而保证了事务的一致性。
  2. 简化参数传递

    • 在同一个线程的执行过程中,可以通过ThreadLocal存储和访问数据,避免了将数据作为参数在多个方法之间传递的繁琐。
    • 例如,在日志记录中,可以使用ThreadLocal存储与当前线程相关的日志上下文,如用户ID或事务ID。这样,在日志消息中包含这些特定于线程的信息时,可以直接从ThreadLocal中获取,而无需通过参数传递。
  3. 存储线程安全对象

    • 对于一些不是线程安全的类,如SimpleDateFormat,可以使用ThreadLocal为每个线程创建一个独立的实例,从而避免线程安全问题。
    • 通过这种方式,每个线程都可以独立地、安全地操作自己的SimpleDateFormat实例,而不会影响到其他线程。
  4. 跨层传递参数

    • 在一些复杂的业务逻辑中,可能需要跨层传递参数。使用ThreadLocal可以避免在方法之间传递参数的繁琐,简化代码结构。
    • 特别是在一些框架或中间件中,如Spring MVC或MyBatis,ThreadLocal经常被用于存储和传递与当前线程相关的上下文信息。
  5. 用户身份信息存储

    • 在很多应用中,都需要做登录鉴权。一旦鉴权通过之后,就可以把用户信息存储在ThreadLocal中。这样在后续的所有流程中,需要获取用户信息的,直接取ThreadLocal中获取即可,非常方便。







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