Spring Boot中Tomcat、Jetty、Undertow哪个嵌入式服务器最好?

devtools/2024/10/21 7:50:48/


当我们使用  Spring Boot 创建一个 Web 应用程序时,Apache Tomcat 是默认的嵌入式 Web 服务器。然而,我们也可以选择其他选项,如 Jetty 和 Undertow。但哪一个才是最佳选择呢?一起来探讨一下!

为此,我们将构建一个名为 Greetings API 的简单 Spring Boot 应用程序。我们将在应用程序的 pom.xml 中添加 Maven 配置文件,以便通过选择适当的配置文件在不同的嵌入式 Web 服务器之间切换。Tomcat 将是默认选项,但我们还将为 Jetty 和 Undertow 设置配置文件。

设置好配置文件后,我们将为每个 Web 服务器创建 Docker 镜像,并在单独的容器中运行它们。然后,我们将根据启动时间、CPU 和内存使用情况以及请求处理性能对它们进行比较。


Greetings API 是一个简单的应用程序,它公开了一个端点 /greetings?name=?,该端点返回一个问候语。如果没有提供name,它将返回“[greeting-word] World!”。否则,它将返回“[greeting-word] [name]!”。


public class GreetingsService {private static final String[] greetingWord = new String[]{"Hello", "Hi", "Olá", "Oi", "Hallo"};public String randomGreetings(String name) {try {String word = greetingWord[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(greetingWord.length)];Thread.sleep(1000);return "%s %s!".formatted(word, name);} catch (InterruptedException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}
public class GreetingsController {private final GreetingsService greetingsService;public GreetingsController(GreetingsService greetingsService) {this.greetingsService = greetingsService;}@GetMappingpublic String greeting(@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "World") String name) {return greetingsService.randomGreetings(name);}
public class GreetingsService {private static final String[] greetingWord = new String[]{"Hello", "Hi", "Olá", "Oi", "Hallo"};public String randomGreetings(String name) {try {String word = greetingWord[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(greetingWord.length)];Thread.sleep(1000);return "%s %s!".formatted(word, name);} catch (InterruptedException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}
public class GreetingsController {private final GreetingsService greetingsService;public GreetingsController(GreetingsService greetingsService) {this.greetingsService = greetingsService;}@GetMappingpublic String greeting(@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "World") String name) {return greetingsService.randomGreetings(name);}
public class GreetingsService {private static final String[] greetingWord = new String[]{"Hello", "Hi", "Olá", "Oi", "Hallo"};public String randomGreetings(String name) {try {String word = greetingWord[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(greetingWord.length)];Thread.sleep(1000);return "%s %s!".formatted(word, name);} catch (InterruptedException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}
public class GreetingsController {private final GreetingsService greetingsService;public GreetingsController(GreetingsService greetingsService) {this.greetingsService = greetingsService;}@GetMappingpublic String greeting(@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "World") String name) {return greetingsService.randomGreetings(name);}



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" ...>...<dependencies>...</dependencies><profiles><!-- Jetty Profile --><profile><id>jetty</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Jetty instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-jetty</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile><!-- Undertow Profile --><profile><id>undertow</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Undertow instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-undertow</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile></profiles><build>...</build>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" ...>...<dependencies>...</dependencies><profiles><!-- Jetty Profile --><profile><id>jetty</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Jetty instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-jetty</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile><!-- Undertow Profile --><profile><id>undertow</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Undertow instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-undertow</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile></profiles><build>...</build></project>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" ...>...<dependencies>...</dependencies><profiles><!-- Jetty Profile --><profile><id>jetty</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Jetty instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-jetty</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile><!-- Undertow Profile --><profile><id>undertow</id><activation><activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault></activation><dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId><exclusions><!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency --><exclusion><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><!-- Use Undertow instead --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-undertow</artifactId></dependency></dependencies></profile></profiles><build>...</build></project>

application.properties 配置


# Maximum amount of worker threads. 200 is the default.
# Maximum number of threads. 200 is the default.
# Number of worker threads. The default is 8 times the number of I/O threads.
# The number of I/O threads is set by the property "server.undertow.threads.io" whose default is derived from the number of available processors.
# Maximum amount of worker threads. 200 is the default.
server.tomcat.threads.max=200# Maximum number of threads. 200 is the default.
server.jetty.threads.max=200# Number of worker threads. The default is 8 times the number of I/O threads.
# The number of I/O threads is set by the property "server.undertow.threads.io" whose default is derived from the number of available processors.
# Maximum amount of worker threads. 200 is the default.
server.tomcat.threads.max=200# Maximum number of threads. 200 is the default.
server.jetty.threads.max=200# Number of worker threads. The default is 8 times the number of I/O threads.
# The number of I/O threads is set by the property "server.undertow.threads.io" whose default is derived from the number of available processors.



更多关于Spring的技术学习,可关注 https://spring4all.com,专注讨论关于Spring的一切。


上面我们已经为 Jetty 和 Undertow 配置了 Maven 配置文件,所以我们可以为每个嵌入式 Web 服务器构建 Docker 镜像。

# 构建Tomcat的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image  \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-tomcat:latest
# 构建Jetty的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pjetty \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-jetty:latest
# 构建Undertow的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pundertow \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-undertow:latest
# 构建Tomcat的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image  \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-tomcat:latest# 构建Jetty的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pjetty \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-jetty:latest# 构建Undertow的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pundertow \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-undertow:latest
# 构建Tomcat的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image  \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-tomcat:latest# 构建Jetty的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pjetty \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-jetty:latest# 构建Undertow的镜像
./mvnw clean -DskipTests spring-boot:build-image -Pundertow \-Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=greetings-api-undertow:latest


为了从我们的 Docker 容器中收集基准测试的重要数据,我们将使用这个开源项目:https://github.com/ivangfr/api-oha-benchmarker ,

基准测试将包括对每个嵌入式 Web 服务器的 Docker 容器进行负载测试。每次迭代,我们将进行如下操作:

  1. 启动 Docker 容器

  2. 使用 100、300、900 和最终 2700 个并发请求进行 OHA 测试

  3. 关闭 Docker 容器。

下面,我们在使用 OHA 对 Docker 容器进行 100、300、900 和最终 2700 个并发请求的负载测试后,获得的结果数据:

Application | numRequests | Concurrency | Success rate(%) | Total(secs) | Slowest(secs) | Fastest(secs) | Average(secs) | Requests/sec |
---------------------- + ----------- + ----------- + --------------- + ----------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------ |greetings-api-tomcat |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.2949 |        1.2942 |        1.2701 |        1.2822 |      77.2256 |greetings-api-tomcat |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.1069 |        2.0835 |        1.0311 |        1.4158 |     142.3913 |greetings-api-tomcat |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1386 |        5.0797 |        1.0283 |        2.8856 |     175.1446 |greetings-api-tomcat |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.3752 |       14.2423 |        1.0296 |        7.4867 |     187.8241 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |greetings-api-jetty |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      2.0717 |        2.0708 |        1.2639 |        1.5895 |      48.2692 |greetings-api-jetty |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      3.1081 |        3.1056 |        1.0307 |        1.7496 |      96.5223 |greetings-api-jetty |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1943 |        5.1762 |        1.0381 |        3.0216 |     173.2659 |greetings-api-jetty |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     15.3022 |       15.2278 |        1.0160 |        7.9127 |     176.4455 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |
greetings-api-undertow |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.3076 |        1.3066 |        1.2665 |        1.2833 |      76.4765 |
greetings-api-undertow |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.0819 |        2.0776 |        1.0413 |        1.4058 |     144.0982 |
greetings-api-undertow |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1443 |        5.1121 |        1.0780 |        2.8783 |     174.9493 |
greetings-api-undertow |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.1748 |       14.0861 |        1.0758 |        7.3721 |     190.4783 |
Application | numRequests | Concurrency | Success rate(%) | Total(secs) | Slowest(secs) | Fastest(secs) | Average(secs) | Requests/sec |
---------------------- + ----------- + ----------- + --------------- + ----------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------ |greetings-api-tomcat |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.2949 |        1.2942 |        1.2701 |        1.2822 |      77.2256 |greetings-api-tomcat |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.1069 |        2.0835 |        1.0311 |        1.4158 |     142.3913 |greetings-api-tomcat |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1386 |        5.0797 |        1.0283 |        2.8856 |     175.1446 |greetings-api-tomcat |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.3752 |       14.2423 |        1.0296 |        7.4867 |     187.8241 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |greetings-api-jetty |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      2.0717 |        2.0708 |        1.2639 |        1.5895 |      48.2692 |greetings-api-jetty |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      3.1081 |        3.1056 |        1.0307 |        1.7496 |      96.5223 |greetings-api-jetty |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1943 |        5.1762 |        1.0381 |        3.0216 |     173.2659 |greetings-api-jetty |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     15.3022 |       15.2278 |        1.0160 |        7.9127 |     176.4455 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |
greetings-api-undertow |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.3076 |        1.3066 |        1.2665 |        1.2833 |      76.4765 |
greetings-api-undertow |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.0819 |        2.0776 |        1.0413 |        1.4058 |     144.0982 |
greetings-api-undertow |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1443 |        5.1121 |        1.0780 |        2.8783 |     174.9493 |
greetings-api-undertow |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.1748 |       14.0861 |        1.0758 |        7.3721 |     190.4783 |
Application | numRequests | Concurrency | Success rate(%) | Total(secs) | Slowest(secs) | Fastest(secs) | Average(secs) | Requests/sec |
---------------------- + ----------- + ----------- + --------------- + ----------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------- + ------------ |greetings-api-tomcat |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.2949 |        1.2942 |        1.2701 |        1.2822 |      77.2256 |greetings-api-tomcat |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.1069 |        2.0835 |        1.0311 |        1.4158 |     142.3913 |greetings-api-tomcat |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1386 |        5.0797 |        1.0283 |        2.8856 |     175.1446 |greetings-api-tomcat |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.3752 |       14.2423 |        1.0296 |        7.4867 |     187.8241 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |greetings-api-jetty |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      2.0717 |        2.0708 |        1.2639 |        1.5895 |      48.2692 |greetings-api-jetty |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      3.1081 |        3.1056 |        1.0307 |        1.7496 |      96.5223 |greetings-api-jetty |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1943 |        5.1762 |        1.0381 |        3.0216 |     173.2659 |greetings-api-jetty |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     15.3022 |       15.2278 |        1.0160 |        7.9127 |     176.4455 |
...................... + ........... + ........... + ............... + ........... + ............. + ............. + ............. + ............ |
greetings-api-undertow |         100 |         100 |          100.00 |      1.3076 |        1.3066 |        1.2665 |        1.2833 |      76.4765 |
greetings-api-undertow |         300 |         300 |          100.00 |      2.0819 |        2.0776 |        1.0413 |        1.4058 |     144.0982 |
greetings-api-undertow |         900 |         900 |          100.00 |      5.1443 |        5.1121 |        1.0780 |        2.8783 |     174.9493 |
greetings-api-undertow |        2700 |        2700 |          100.00 |     14.1748 |       14.0861 |        1.0758 |        7.3721 |     190.4783 |

下图显示了启动时间以及最大 CPU 和内存消耗:

Application | StartUpTime(sec) | Max CPU(%) | Max Memory(MB) |
---------------------- + ---------------- + ---------- + -------------- |greetings-api-tomcat |           1.8920 |     101.26 |         269.10 |greetings-api-jetty |           1.9790 |     100.40 |         217.70 |
greetings-api-undertow |           2.0450 |     124.15 |         237.50 |
Application | StartUpTime(sec) | Max CPU(%) | Max Memory(MB) |
---------------------- + ---------------- + ---------- + -------------- |greetings-api-tomcat |           1.8920 |     101.26 |         269.10 |greetings-api-jetty |           1.9790 |     100.40 |         217.70 |
greetings-api-undertow |           2.0450 |     124.15 |         237.50 |
Application | StartUpTime(sec) | Max CPU(%) | Max Memory(MB) |
---------------------- + ---------------- + ---------- + -------------- |greetings-api-tomcat |           1.8920 |     101.26 |         269.10 |greetings-api-jetty |           1.9790 |     100.40 |         217.70 |
greetings-api-undertow |           2.0450 |     124.15 |         237.50 |



我们可以看到,在处理 100 个并发请求时,使用 Tomcat 的应用程序最快,时间为 1.2949 秒,紧随其后的是使用 Undertow 的应用程序,时间为 1.3076 秒。使用 Jetty 的应用程序最慢,时间为 2.0717 秒。

在处理 300 个并发请求时,使用 Undertow 的应用程序略快,时间为 2.0819 秒,紧随其后的是使用 Tomcat 的应用程序,时间为 2.1069 秒。使用 Jetty 的应用程序最慢,时间为 3.1081 秒。

对于 900 个并发请求,使用 Tomcat 的应用程序略快,时间为 5.1386 秒,紧随其后的是使用 Undertow 的应用程序,时间为 5.1443 秒,以及使用 Jetty 的应用程序,时间为 5.1943 秒。

最后,在处理 2700 个并发请求时,使用 Undertow 的应用程序最快,时间为 14.1748 秒,紧随其后的是使用 Tomcat 的应用程序,时间为 14.3752 秒。使用 Jetty 的应用程序最慢,时间为 15.3022 秒。



可以看到,使用 Tomcat 的应用程序启动时间最快,为 1.8920 秒,紧随其后的是使用 Jetty 的应用程序,时间为 1.9790 秒。启动最慢的是使用 Undertow 的应用程序,耗时 2.0450 秒。



可以看到,使用 Jetty 的应用程序最大内存消耗最低,为 217.70 MB,紧随其后的是使用 Undertow 的应用程序,为 237.50 MB。最大内存消耗最高的是使用 Tomcat 的应用程序,为 269.10 MB。



以看到,使用 Jetty 的应用程序最大 CPU 使用率最低,为 100.40%,紧随其后的是使用 Tomcat 的应用程序,为 101.26%。最高 CPU 使用率的是使用 Undertow 的应用程序,为 124.15%。


根据上面的测试,可以看到Tomcat、Jetty 和 Undertow 各有优势。使用 Tomcat 的应用程序启动速度最快,并且能够很好地处理不同级别的流量,尽管它使用更多的内存。使用 Undertow 的应用程序在处理大量流量时表现最佳,但它的 CPU 使用率更高,启动时间稍长。使用 Jetty 的应用程序在响应流量方面较慢,但它使用的内存和 CPU 更少,如果你希望节省资源,这是一个不错的选择。

选择最佳的 Web 服务器取决于你的需求。如果你的应用程序将处理大量流量,Undertow 可能是最佳选择。如果你想要一个全能的选择,Tomcat 是一个可靠的选择。而如果节省内存和 CPU 是最重要的,Jetty 是一个不错的选择。







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